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Approved Ranged Weapon MPMS-AEM1 | 'The Blarth' Missile Launcher

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Manufacturer: The Globex Corporation
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Mass-Produced
Weight: Average
Size: Large
  • Manufacturer: The Globex Corporation
  • Affiliation: The Galactic Alliance
  • Market Status: Closed-Market*
    • The MPMS-AEM1 is only sold to the Alliance, but can be salvaged and stolen in smaller quantities. In other words, PCs don't* need to ask permission to pick one up from somewhere, but armies should check in with GA staff.
  • Model: MPMS-AEM1 (Man-Portable Missile System - Alliance Exclusive Model 1).
    • Semi-officially referred to as the Blarth-pattern Missile Launcher.
  • Modularity: Significant; all modules can be modified for different species, environments, etc. The aiming module is optional, but heavily recommended if you prefer hitting your target. The recoil reduction module is optional, but heavily recommended if you are attached to your spine and prefer to keep it that way. The Kraken can be mounted to vehicles, static positions, etc. to absorb recoil.
  • Production: Mass-Produced
  • Material: Hexalloy
  • Classification: Multi-purpose man-portable missile launcher.
  • Size: Large
  • Weight: Average
  • Ammunition Type: Self-propelled missiles.
  • Ammunition Capacity: Extremely Small | One missile.
    • An Auto-Reloader Module with additional missiles can be attached, though this would result in a more cumbersome weapon (i.e., Weight increases to Heavy).
  • Effective Range: Battlefield | Missile dependent.
  • Rate of Fire: Average / Primarily limited by reloading speed.
  • Damage Output: Very High | Missile dependent.
  • Recoil: Average | Can be reduced by lowering Rate of Fire.
  • The Blarth is a simple, easily-assembled design made up of three primary modules. The missile launcher proper, the aiming module (which provides magnification for the user, target tracking, and communication with compatible missiles), and the recoil reduction module (which reduces recoil to manageable levels and can further reduce it by slowing down the Rate of Fire - producing a sound vaguely reminiscent of a Blarth's burps in the process). Even local security forces with limited training should be able to assemble and use it with relative ease.
  • The Blarth is fitted with extensive environmental protections; it can handle extreme heat, extreme cold, high humidity, sandstorms, space, and even being fully emerged in seawater. It is not, however, immune from user error - far from all missiles function underwater, for example.
  • The Blarth is compatible with a variety of warheads. The following list is non-exhaustive: Anti-Armour, Anti-Air, Fragmentation, Anti-Fortification ('Drillhead'), EMP, CryoBan, and Incendiary. Less common warheads include: Acid, Pyroclastic, and Sonic.
  • Simply Functional: The Blarth works pretty much everywhere and is compatible with pretty much any kind of warhead.
  • READ MANUAL BEFORE USE: Missile launchers are not toys. Users are at risk of serious injury should they use a Blarth without the recoil reduction module, use a missile only rated for air and space underwater, use an incendiary missile in a dry forest, etc. Dying to a some Sith's least competent minion because the launcher won't fire as you didn't "TURN UNTIL LOCK" during assembly is equally embarrassing.
The Blarth is a rugged, user-friendly design intended for use by the professional forces of the Galactic Alliance, while remaining simple enough to be handed off to militias, rebels, and the like in times of crisis. In contrast to certain Globex designs, it is usable even without the fancy electronics in the recoil reduction and especially aiming modules, reducing the risk of units being disarmed by EMPs.

Its greatest call to fame, however, is undoubtedly its resilience - a Blarth will work just fine in virtually any environment imaginable. No need to train soldiers in anti-air systems, space-compatible weapons, and torpedo launchers - with the right munitions, the Blarth has you covered!

Compared to Globex's Starmace, the Blarth is cheaper to buy and maintain, but more expensive to provide with munitions.


Out Of Character Info

Intent: A reliable man-portable missile launcher for the Galactic Alliance.
Permissions: N/A

Technical Information

Affiliation: The Galactic Alliance
Modular: Yes
Effective Range: Battlefield
Rate of Fire: Single Shot
Material: Hexalloy
Ammunition Type: Missiles
Ammunition Capacity: Tiny
Damage Output: Very High
Recoil: Average
Ranged Class: Other
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