Keepin Corellia Weird
Location: Cantina on a nondescript Outer Rim planet of no consequence or value, vaguely within OP space
He knew it was cliche to have such meetings as this in the Outer Rim... Hell, to be honest it was such a tired cliche he almost felt bad when he had sent off the comm to the collective minds of the Protectorate. There wasn't an exact reason why he had reached out to those in that group... The Mandalorians seemed to be drifting apart, falling prey to egos and pride and indecision. As much as he was of his people, from birth to death, he had begun to lose faith, perhaps, in their current direction. Idle play and politics whilst an enemy destroyed your home was not his style, but it seemed to be for some, and so he had left his apprentices on Beskar'yaim with a secure and encrypted comm channel code to his ship, and had begun to drift.
As he drifted, he trained in earnest with the blade he had wrested from the Netherworld. Hours a day, every day of the week he drilled against pell, against training droid and training simulators in his ship as it churned ever forward about the galaxy's forgotten places. Slowly, the worries of his torture on Selvaris began to fade and die, although they never seemed to quite go away completely. But the number of nights he awoke screaming, wildly waving a blaster in the air at foes not there, were decreasing.
The blade was, frankly, amazing... The ability and prowess it granted him made the mandalorian likely the equal of most any Force User, through some arcane power he'd rather not think of. Quicker, stronger, keener... Blood sang in his veins, and a desire for war burned in his heart as it hadn't for years. The problem of his new situation with armor still plague him, thanks to the Shapers of Selvaris, but he had begun to learn to move beyond such... A Mando'ad was more than just his armor, after all... Several prototypes had failed, or had less than optimal results, and so he continued on.
But none of this bore on what he was about today in terms of purpose. There was a point to meeting in this rather nice, if hole-in-the-wall-ish place on some backwater world. There was no point in slaving at an anvil for ungrateful and greedy folk who did not understand what they asked for. So he had reached out to a place where his experience in war might be handy.
He had sent a message, through friends of friends and the like, inquiring abou the status of the Protectorate, and offering his services to it... Both in creation and war... So now he sat, sipping some local vintage and waiting, the corsuca gem graven blade of his Jathareasa un-belted and leaning against the battered chair at the table he sat. outside the main building on a terrace of sorts. Exposure as such made him uncomfortable in many ways, but... It was best to present with open arms, so to speak.
[member="Sarge Potteiger"]