Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Mr Plinkett's The Star Wars Awakens Review

Not to rain on the parade, but
he spends over half the review talking about the prequels. Then he really doesn't have very much to say about VII insofar as criticism. Some of the gags were just too long and felt like filler.
. I was quite disappointed.

I have no idea if the spoiler is even needed. I just put it there as a courtesy.
[member="Landsknechte"] I know, I too was hoping he would talk more about Episode VII itself. I actually disliked the movie more than he did. He wasn't bothered by the overt social justice/pozz narrative, I was. His criticisms were mainly about how shamelessly derivative the movie was.

I understand why he spent so much time talking about the franchise as a whole, though, because it directly relates to how Disney is pursuing Star Wars in the future. The "Marvelization" of Star Wars, which is what I like to call it, is a real thing. Expect a new Star Wars movie pretty much every year from now until the end of time, I guess. At this point I wouldn't be surprised at all if they eventually come out with a sequel-sequel trilogy (Episodes X, XI, and XII) someday. In fact it's almost guaranteed to happen.

There are definitely a lot of criticisms to be had about the way they make movies now, because it sucks.

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