Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Mr. Smith

Mr. Smith

Human Replica Droid

NAME: Designation: MS-1520 Codename: Mr. Smith
SPECIES: Human Replica Droid
AGE: 12 Years
GENDER: Male programming
HEIGHT: 6'2"
WEIGHT: 300 lb (mostly metal alloy)
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Brown
SKIN: Fair


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :

+ Droid Constitution: Immune to standard poisons, sicknesses and force influence
+ Droid Strength: Mister Smith is stronger than an average biological species
+ Droid Reflexes: His droid brain reacts much faster than normal, and allows for greater accuracy with a firearm
+ Hacker Programming: Along with his other programming, Mister Smith came equipped with advanced security countermeasures

- Droid Body: Susceptible to ion blasts and other anti-technology weapons
- Limited Sentience: While Mister Smith can record new information and recall it later, he cannot learn new skills without additional programming.


Mister Smith is part of a line of HRD's all designed and built to be completely identical, right down to their personality quirks and matching suits. The idea was to use them as field agents, their identical features allowing them to continue missions even if one was destroyed. It was also thought the idea of an unkillable agent would frighten the opposition. However once the company that designed the droids discovered there was no market, given the droids limited capabilities compared to a standard agent, they decided to halt production after creating an unspecified number of them.

Hoping to recoup their losses the company made the decision to scrap the droids and recycle the material. Learning of this the self preservation programming of the droids kicked in, and they killed everyone in the factory before escaping. MS-1520 was one of the many that fled into the Galaxy, but is one of the few who has regularly surfaced in populated areas. Of course, it is impossible to say which of the sightings were him and how many were one of his brothers.

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