Mr. Usher
Don't Mind if I Do

Intent: to create a character with humanoid mind-linked drones that can be easily killed in combat or sacrificed but still retain a singular personality and retain agency despite high mortality rate of drones.
Age: 64 (original host)
Species: Human (Original Host) Nether Devil Host, Alchemically reconstructed Mnggal-Mnggal hybrid
Gender: Male (original Host)
Height: Variable (current) 5'9" (original Host
Weight: Variable (current), 185 lbs (original host)
Force Sensitive: Yes
Song: Mr. Usher (on His Way to Town)
Variable and formless, Mr. Usher tends to dress sharply, fully covering himself in pinstripe suits, gloves, and hats, hoods, or helmets to hide the biomass he consists of. The hive-mind resides where the original body of the host lies - in an otherwise forgotten illegal laboratory built within a heavy Freighter, A ghost ship biomass operated by a network of mycelium-like flesh spreading from the original test chamber.

Pinstripe suit
Holdout blaster
Shapeshifting Biomass
Patient and Methodical, Mr. Usher prefers to hire other criminals to do his dirty work. His goal is singular - secure a steady supply of biomass. False bounties, kidnappings, and good old fashioned murder to feed the biomass, grow the hive-mind, and absorb the memories of the new contributions. Of course, credits make the galaxy go 'round, and a well run network helps mitigate risk and maximize profits - and biomass.

Remote hive-mind: Mr. Usher primarily operates from remote drones, offshoots of biomass with direct mind-linked connection to other biomass drones thanks to Nether-Devil's connection and the Mnggal-Mnggal reconstruction.
Nether-Devil pact: the Nether Devil that Mr. Usher now serves as a host for has a full connection to the force, able to manifest powerful abilities if necessary. Maintaining a fleet of meat-drones and a hive-mind is taxing, however, and the risk of discovery by force users outweighs the benefits when compared to the process collecting more biomass to create more drones.
Abstract shapeshifting: the biomass and drones themselves are not bound to a single shape, instead limited by the amount of living biomass densely packed into it's form. A more powerful drone requires a bigger biomass contribution but can have denser muscles and bones, tendrils of muscle, or claws formed from bone with rapid physiological reconstruction. Particularly dense drones can appear to regenerate as they expend their limited biomass supply to knit wounds and regrow limbs rapidly.
Ravenous: the biomass requires more to function at a steady state. The death of a drone is a loss of valuable biomass that reduces both the total strength and intelligence of Mr. Usher.
Weak Drones: The most efficient use of biomass is to create weak husks, drones that are weaker and more fragile than the average untrained human. A quantity over quality mentality means that, most likely, the average drone is best served as cannon fodder.
Nether Devil Host: if the host is found and severed from the force, the entire biomass collective will become disconnected or brain-dead depending on how directly they were controlled by the hive-mind.
That fella ain't right: with so many drones in operation, perfect reconstruction of the humanoid form is difficult and even a casual passerby would notice something is "off" about one of the drones, even if they are fully enclosed in a voidsuit.

Born of a sith alchemist's hubris, Mr. Usher was created from an attempt to replicate the Mnggal-Mnggal species spliced with the original host. This same Sith alchemist foolishly found success and attempted to bind a Nether Devil to the host, to enslave it. The Nether Devil instead formed a pact with the host, ending his suffering in exchange for total control of his corporeal form. Thus Mr. Usher came into existence.
The first "involuntary contribution" to Mr. Usher's biomass was his very own creator. The sith alchemist's memories and resources served as a fine vessel to find more beings to feed from, new identities, organs, muscles, and bones to work with.
Years have passed and Mr. Usher now feeds from the shadows. In a vast galaxy plenty of people, livestock, shipments of mass-produced fodder go missing. From these disappearances, Mr. Usher grows.
Image Credit: Stable Diffusion
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