Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character M'ra Thii



M'ra Thii

Full NameM'ra Thii
PronunciationM - rah | | Th-ee
RankJedi Master
  • Galactic Alliance
  • New Jedi Order
BirthplaceOssus, Forest Moon
Force SensitiveYes
Height6' 3" in Humanoid form, 10' in tree form
Hair ColorBrown/Green Tree Limbs and Leaves
Eye ColorYellow
Skin ColorBrown
Distinctive featuresWalking Tree
PlaybyRandom Art
  • Current: TddmRqj.png


M'ra was born on the forest moon of the planet Ossus, and as such was quickly recruited to the Jedi in the years before the Galactic Empire. She trained under numerous masters, including Yoda. She survived the Imperial Purge of the Jedi by traveling to the world of Myrkr and transforming back into a tree state on the world, where she would go dormant.


M'ra was born on the forest moon of the planet Ossus during the High Republic era. During an expedition of Jedi returning to the world after the temple there was destroyed, a couple of them discovered her and brought her back to the temple on Coruscant. At the time, she was quite young in terms of Neti years, only a mere 10 years old. Though this was older than normal, she was still taken in because she'd been living alone to that point, surviving largely as a tree and drawing nutrients from the world around her. She was almost completely uneducated, and was still easily moldable by the order.

She trained for many years in the temple, having the traditional youngling upbringing in which she was taught by numerous people, including Yoda, before being taken as an apprentice of a single Jedi Master, Ylena Darr, a Togruta master at the time. She learned a lot about the healing arts of the Force from her master, becoming quite adept in it. In addition, she learned to use the lightsaber, preferring combat with the weapon over combat with abilities of the Force, though she possesses aptitude for telekinesis.

As the fall of the Republic drew near, she served on the outer fringes of the Republic by hunting down leads on separatist leaders, attempting to find their bases and strongholds in order to relay them back to the Republic command so that they could attack them. She didn't directly engage the separatist forces, nor did she work alongside clone troopers. For this reason, she was not subject to the kill order of Order 66, at least not immediately. Like the others, she felt her fellow Jedi as they were slaughtered nearly simultaneously by the troopers who they were supposed to be working with, people that were supposed to watch out for each other.

She heard the call to return to Coruscant, and was en route when that signal was altered by Obi-wan Kenobi to warn people away. Trusting Obi-wan as much as she did Yoda, she heeded his warning and altered her course to the world of Myrkr. Realizing that this attack on the Jedi was only the beginning, and understanding that if there was a hope possible for the future she would need to survive, she ditched her ship into a large body of water, and settled for assuming her tree-like form at the waters edge. Though the world was home to ysalimiri, they were not present throughout, and in her tree form, those that hunted the Force had a difficult time attacking her.

In this way she survived the rise and fall of the Alliance, and all of the troubles that came after.

Strengths & Weaknesses

  • Ancient: Having the virtue of being quite old, though not even middle-aged, she is quite knowledgable in the ways of the Force and skilled in its use.
  • Patience: Living for as long as she has doesn't come without patience.
  • Resilience: She is quite capable of surviving most things that life can throw at her, and is good at bouncing back.

  • Stubborn: One of the downsides of living a long time, especially without moving, is that she's become extremely stubborn.
  • Haunted: Even now she remains haunted by the deaths of so many Jedi during Order 66, and the fact she survived bothers her.
  • Overprotective: She leans towards being overprotective, often being unwilling to allow others to take risks that they can learn from for fear they will be harmed.






Coming soon.



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