Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character M'Riassa




NAME: M'Riassa

FACTION: Independent

RANK: Leader of the "Lion's Pride" PMC, Former Jedi Master

SPECIES: Farghul

AGE: 32

PLACE OF BIRTH: Coronet City, Corellia

SEX: Female


WEIGHT: 142lb

EYES: Blue

HAIR: Black



STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Master of Lightsaber Combat: M'Riassa possesses an encyclopedic knowledge of all seven traditional Jedi forms of Lightsaber combat, as well as a mastery of both Jar'kai and Vaapad. It is for this reason that, even now, she is still considered one of the most foremost Jedi blademasters.
Expert Tactictian: M'Riassa is also an expert in military tactics and strategy, and put those skills to good use in her career as a mercenary leader, earning many victories and a great amount of wealth due to her efforts.
Proud: M'Riassa considers herself nigh undefeatable in battle, for very good reason. As such, any defeat could be a crippling blow to her pride and ego, which may prove useful to those looking to eliminate her as a threat, at least for a brief while.
Definitely not a Consular: While a master of the lightsaber, M'Riassa isn't an above average practitioner of the force, having dedicated herself to her mastery of melee combat. As such, against foes more powerful in the force and far less willing to face her in honorable combat, she may prove to be at a disadvantage.

A Farghul woman in her early thirties, M'Riassa looks much more youthful, and could be considered very attractive physically. Her body is quite athletic, yet still very feminine. Her dark, grey fur is exceptionally well groomed, as is her long black hair. When in battle, she tends to wear a suit of modified Phase 2 armor, modified to account for her physiology. Outside of battle, she tends to wear elegant, expensive attire.

A former Jedi Master, M'Riassa was once one of the most foremost blademasters of her generation amongst the ranks of the Order, well on the way to earning the rank of Battlemaster due to her skill. However, M'Riassa grew dissatisfied with the monastic nature of the order, and the lack of freedom to earn her own personal glories and wealth. She resigned from the Jedi Order amicably, departing to ply her talents across the stars as a mercenary and bounty hunter. Her skill quickly made her a very much desired contractor, undertaking lucrative bounties and contracts and earning a great amount of wealth.

After five years on her own, she has since invested her wealth in various business ventures, which have in turn expanded her wealth a great deal. She has used this money to purchase an army of Fett template Clone Troopers from Kamigen Incorporated, as well as a fleet of Venator-class Star Destroyers and other vessels, forming them into a formidable private military, aptly named "Lion's Pride".

Eta-2 Actis-class Interceptor



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