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Approved Ranged Weapon MS-0412 40mm Grenade Under-Barrel launcher

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Manufacturer: Guardian Authority Ltd with minimal tech/consult from Lucerne Labs
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Mass-Produced
Weight: Average
Size: Small
The only easy day was yesterday.

  • Classification: Grenade Launcher
  • Size: Small
  • Weight: Average
  • Ammunition Type: Grenades
  • Ammunition Capacity: Very Small (1 grenade at a time)
  • Effective Range: Average
  • Rate of Fire: Average
  • Damage Output: Very High
  • Recoil: Average

  • COMPACT - The MS-0412 is a compact weapon, making it easy to fit underneath many larger personal weapons or integrate with other devices
  • MODULAR AMMUNITION - The MS-0412 is designed to use more than just 40mm impact grenades, most standard hand grenades have been tested with great success with the use of a simple cartridge propellant attachment. To adapt a grenade, on simple has to remove the adhesive side of the disk and attach it to the back of the grenade. The disc itself contains an igniting compound, propellant charge, and a durasteel back blast plate. While almost any grenade can be used with this system, the MS-0412 is most commonly used with the company's own Fireblast and Coldblast grenades, but more unusual electronet, glop, and Ion grenades can also be easily fired out
  • HEAVY HITTER - The MS=0412 launches full-sized hand grenades, which tends to make it a fairly powerful weapon. It's not uncommon for a single grenade from the launcher to take out a few individuals or severely damage a light vehicle.
  • ONE AT A TIME - The Crasher can only hold one in its barrel at a time, meaning that frequent use means more frequent reloads.
Underbarrel grenade launchers have been a fairly common staple of armies for many years because they allow individual soldiers a limited ability to pack a punch against heavier targets like fortifications and light vehicles without the need to carry a full-size heavy weapon. So why building a new one? Simple, make it more versatile and in house. This model does not fire only impact grenades but some hand held ones as well.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create an effective under barrel launcher for Special Forces.
Image Source(s):
Permissions: Gir Quee

Technical Information

Affiliation: Galactic Alliance
Model: MS-0412
Modular: Yes
Effective Range: Average
Rate of Fire: Single Shot
Material: Agrinium– Condensed-Matter Composite frame, Durasteel Internals, typical Grenade Launcher components
Ammunition Type: Grenades
Ammunition Capacity: Tiny
Damage Output: Very High
Recoil: Average
Ranged Class: Other
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