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Intent - To provide the Emergence with Frigate-size Plasma Engines
Image Source - Pinterest
Primary Source - None
Canon - EnginesInnit
Prod. Scale - Minor
Affiliation - EEC
Modularity - No
Model - Mauda-Templar Frigate Propulsion
Materials - Tungsten/Beryllium Alloy, Niobium-Tin Electromagnets, Durasteel, Alusteel
Classification - High-Output Gamma-Plasma Thruster
Starship Class - Light-Heavy Frigate / Light Cruiser
Fuel - Gamma-ray Plasma
Propulsion Class - Dual / Sublight and Hyper
Exhaust Detectability - High
Thrust - Extreme
Special Features
Thrust - Through the use of Gamma-Ray Plasma and an exhaust velocity of 78% the Speed of Light, the MT-FP achieves unrivalled thrust.
Hybrid - The MT-FP is Dual-Drive. It can propel a ship both through Realspace and Hyperspace
Efficiency - Like any other MT Drive Type Engine, these won't last as long as their Ion counterparts
Exhaust Detection - This isn't no WhisperThrust. The massive thrust output makes the engine highly detectable
Loud - You'll hear these coming a mile away
The third in MT Type Plasma Engines, the MT-FP is designed at a scale for use in Frigates and smaller Cruisers. Identical to its forerunners in thrust, noise, efficiency and detectability. The real difference is the size, output and power.
Like a TIE Fighter, but much scarier. The Engines produce a roaring Screech that tears open the skies. Imagine Nihilus' whispers, amplified by 100 and mixed with the nightmarish groan of V1 Rockets