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Approved Tech MT HoloNavigation kit

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Intent: To create a system for using and navigating the holonet via virtual reality link. Ideal for slicers, security system managers, droid technicians.
Development Thread:
Manufacturer: MandalTech
Model: MT VR HoloNavigation kit
Affiliation: Open Market
Modularity: No, multiple sizes pre made
Production: Minor
Material: Agrinium, Copper, Desh, Terenthium, Elasteel, Plasteel
The MT holonavigation kit is designed to access the holonet, security systems, droid systems, and starship systems. The kit can be used with either one or two gloves depending on the needs of the technician. A skilled slicer could use the kit to monitor and maintain security systems vis remote uplink. The kit needs to be used within 100 meters of the intended system to work effectively. An exceptionally skilled technician could potentially piggyback on other systems to access a target system but the hazards become compounded.

What are the hazards? Do to the intimate nature of the virtual reality if a security system were to use antihacking countermeasures the technician or slicer could receive severe mental damage. Some consequences are sensory overload resulting in temporary disorientation, electronic feedback causing physical pain, brain damage or death.

The uses are limited to the users skill and ability to navigate the programmed virtual layout of the holonet or designated system.
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