Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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MUAHAHA! Foolish Mortals!

Lord Tarantula

An Arachnid, not a Cephalopod
[member="Lexa Imura"]

I've created the only sane, non-alchemized Zambrano.

[member="Lexa Imura"]

Krag... His son ate him or something, now...


*flips hair, and santa hat*

how was your horrific self-imposed exile? :p
Oh, you know. Horrific.... Probably gained a mortifying amount of weight, and don't even get me STARTED on the relatives. Word to the wise: Never tell my grandmother she's done something wrong. It's a battle you CAN'T WIN... :p
[member="Cross Ikon"]

[member="Darth Praelior"]
Oh really? Do tell. :)
[member="Lexa Imura"], Ah my darling! I am so sorry to say that life has decided to take a dump on me right now. My computer hardly works (Everything that I had from photos to entire files on my characters are gone [all 1.7 terrabytes worth]) So I am taking a little bit of a leave. I am trying to come back and will do my best.

Cheers! ;)

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