To drown Irajah in pain was no small feat. She rode it like a wave, head above the water because if there was something the dark haired woman knew more intimately than any lover, it was
pain. No matter how much the Darkstaff siphoned in, spilling over her, she kept afloat- it pulled her, tugging her beneath a solitary wave, but each time, no matter how deep the waters offered, she broke the surface again. Determination and anger pushing her up again and again.
In truth, it was the comment about begging that tipped the scales. From anger to
fury. From patience to
hunger. To trying to find ways that preserved her erstwhile lover....
To something entirely different.
There were familiar pathways. They led to certain individuals. Doors that swung in both directions that connected her. But one in particular encompassed a tunnel through the Force with few defined limits. It yawned, familiar in its darkness, warm in its shadows. And it led to a particular beast. A dragon.
Her dragon.
Always before, they had tread respectfully in that passage way. But this time, Irajah swept through with a roar of wind and fire. In his mind, her eyes flamed golden, reflective in the conflagration. She did not come to him for help, to ask him for his aid. She came to him to take, because her need was a hollow belly, growling, gnawing. With a sharp tug, she took what she needed from him, a soft caress left behind. A
thank you. A
I will explain later.
And then she was gone again, dark wings and talons receding from Jairus Starvald's mind.
That stretch, reaching across the length of that connection, was distraction enough that when the Slave flung her, she went flying through the air with little enough resistance. She curled in, protecting her core- what poor thanks that would be to Jai, to take a piece of him and yet allow another part of him to die- before she hit the wall. With the Force, bolstered by borrowed power, she caught herself before she crashed to the ground. With a groan, she stood.
Eyes bled from
hazel to
gold, swirling
metallic and
As the Slave cradled his temple, Irajah reached out.
If the shard, the part of her that she had left in the Nether, had still been part of her, she would have hesitated. Would have taken the time to realize the battle going on already there. That the tides and numbers were not purely as they appeared. She would have seen it.....
And she would have cared.
But as she raised her hand, it became clear in a heartbeat that Irajah Ven no longer gave consideration to those who came to
murder her.
No matter what they had been to her before.
Eyes aflame, she lashed out with the Force. No careful scalpel, delicately working a single pathway to suffocate him of oxygen or slicing out that one strand of potential futures in order to gain advantage. No, now she wielded it as a hammer, smashing the force of telekinesis that had crumbled buildings beneath her hand. She did not, however, slam him against the wall, as he had done to her. Instead, it enveloped the side of him- the hand that held the Darkstaff, arm, shoulder, down through hip and leg.
And she
crushed. It was not a slow action, meant to cause agony as bones slowly shattered under the added weight of piled stones. It was the force of the
fall. The sudden stop at the end of a fall that had lasted an eternity. All of the Force needed to shatter half of the bones, the crush joints applied in one single moment.
Did she seek to cripple him? To crush the staff itself? It hardly mattered. The action encompassed that and more.
There was no pity in those golden eyes.