Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Mugg Argentine


Mugg Argentine | Magistrate of the Corporate Alliance

Name: Mugg Argentine
Aliases: The Koorivar Bureaucrat
Faction: The Corporate Alliance | Independent

Species: Koorivar
Age: 42
Gender: Male
Height: 5'12"
Weight: 120 lbs.
Skin: Green
Eye Color: Grey
Force Sensitive: N/A

Small Biography:

In the bustling corridors of the Koorivar Trade Guilds, where commerce flowed like currents in the vast seas of space, Mugg Argentine was born into opulence and ambition. From a young age, he displayed a keen intellect and a shrewd understanding of trade dynamics, traits that would shape his future as a formidable figure in galactic business and politics.

Raised amidst the glittering spires of Kooriva, Mugg was the scion of the Argentine family, known for their extensive shipping enterprises spanning multiple sectors. Under the tutelage of his father, Tharro Argentine, Mugg learned the intricate art of negotiation, deal-making, and the strategic management of logistics. His early career was marked by a series of successful ventures that expanded the family's influence across the Mid and Outer Rim territories.

However, Mugg Argentine's ambitions transcended mere profit. He envisioned a galaxy where economic prowess wielded political influence, and he set his sights on higher echelons of power. Leveraging his wealth and connections within the recently founded Corporate Alliance, Mugg maneuvered through the treacherous waters of corporate politics with finesse. His astute decision-making and ability to foresee market trends earned him a reputation as a visionary leader among his peers.

The turning point in Mugg's career came during a tumultuous period when the new Corporate Alliance faced internal strife and external threats from rival factions. Sensing an opportunity amidst chaos, Mugg Argentine orchestrated a series of strategic alliances and mergers that consolidated his control over key sectors of the Alliance's holdings.


Corporate Stooge -
Argentine is well versed in the laws of business and business management.

Magistrate - As the Magistrate of the rising and reestablished Corporate Alliance, Mugg has access to their key holdings.


Small Fry -
As a rising star within the corporate world, Mugg is not the most powerful or the most wealthy, making him rather meek.

Fighting Is Not a Strong Skill 2 - Mugg is a bureaucrat, born and raised. He has no experience in handling a blaster.
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