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Approved Species Murakami Orchid

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Jack Sandrow

Writer, Character, Invasive Species

  • Name: Murakami orchid
  • Origins: Murakam system (Deep Core, not on SWRPC map as of 5/31/2024)
  • Other Locations: No
  • Classification: Flowering orchid, evergreen vine
  • Average Growth Cycle:
    • From seed to sprout: 6 weeks
    • From sprout to maturity: 2 years
    • Lifespan once mature: 7-12 years
    • Lifespand when bonded: As long as its bonded partner
  • Viability: Requires humid, subtropical, lush forests. High Force presence requires it not be grown in Force-dead areas.
  • Description: Inky purple leaves, bilaterally symmetrical. Purple-black vines that use other trees & plant growth for stability. Self-pollinating stamen-pistil structure.
  • Average Height:
    • Flower: 5 cm from stem to top of stamen & pistil; the flower may 'bunch' up to appear thicker.
    • Vine: 4-8 cm in thickness
  • Average Length:
    • Flower: ~15 cm across the petals, in a round shape
    • Vine: 15 - 30 m long
  • Color:
    • Flower: Dark purple petals, bright glowing purple stamen & pistil, translucent blue pollen
    • Vine: Dark purple, black, with broad dark purple leaves
  • Nutritional Value: None
  • Toxicity: None
  • Other Effects: Immense midichlorian concentration gives this plant semi-sapience and unprecedented connection to the Force; chemicals within the plant may have adverse and potentially never-before-seen effects. The plant itself is capable of bonding to beings of similar magnitude of Force connection; this may result in what appears to be 'possession'. The connected nature of the plant to the Force provides the plant with its own method of 'history-keeping', storing its historical knowledge and awareness, as limited as that may be. Once the plant bonds to a Force-sensitive, it cannot unbind, and must maintain physical proximity to the Force user for the rest of its lifespan.
  • Distinctions: Unmistakable Force presence differentiates it from other flora and fauna. It might not require a binding to another Force sensitive, but once this binding is complete it then requires that other being's proximity to survive.
  • Its level of Force connection allows the plant to survive and maintain partial self-awareness. The plant can connect with its surrounding environment better than any other species on the planet.
  • Bonding with other species allows it to extend its lifespan, and potentially its awareness and breadth of knowledge.
  • Bonding with another creature will irreversibly connect with that creature, for better and for worse. If the creature perishes, the flower dies too.
  • The plant's massive Force presence makes it a target for other Force sensitives.
  • Its only method of reproduction is through self-pollination, limiting its genetic diversity.
Eons ago, the Murakami orchid was one plant of many in the galaxy, with its own level of Force sensitivity. Over time, it evolved to have an increased level of midichlorians within its leaves, and began to form its own version of sentience. As it grew, it learned how to be a part of its environment, form a niche within the world, and became awakened within the Force. This was particularly sought after by a certain Sith, who warped and perverted the orchid for his own bioweapon in search of immortality. In the centuries since, the orchid was studied by Jedi, but later left alone both despite and because of its incredible capabilities.

It was decided by the Jedi of the Old Republic to leave it alone, to let the plant's Force sensitivity grow in peace. By the time the Old Republic fell, the plant's existence and significance had been lost to the annals of history, and was almost entirely forgotten about. Hundreds of years after the Battle of Yavin, after a particularly harrowing adventure in the halls of a galactic starcruiser, one lone experiment-turned-adventurer stumbled across the orchid, and sought to learn from it anew.

In theory, Force Voids won't inherently kill this plant. Just as every other Force-imbued being and Force-sensitive flora & fauna do not inherently perish when entering a Force void, the Murakami orchid won't immediately wilt and perish once it enters a Force Void. However, much like starving a person of social contact and isolating them in solitary confinement, to place a Murakami orchid in a Force void is a form of torture. For a plant that is almost fully sapient, this can easily be a death sentence in and of itself.

When bonded to another being, that plant and being are forevermore intrinsically linked. The being will feel what the plant feels, and vice versa. If this plant is now in a Force void, the person will feel this disconnect from the Force just as assuredly as if they were in a Force void themselves. If the person is in a Force void, the bonded orchid will likewise feel the emptiness of the absence of the Force.

This bond between orchid and being is not line-of-sight, or 'signal-strength' focused. Just as the Force itself knows no true limits, the bond itself is not limited by distance or strength. This bond is to be nurtured and protected, just as any other bond between two living beings must be, as well. The destruction of one half of the bond, through death, permanent severance with the Force, or some other equal catastrophic loss will inevitably cause the other half to have an unwitting timer on their life.
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Jack Sandrow Jack Sandrow

Love this... I would like you to expand on how the bond work also do force nullification fields and Ysalamir, etc. effect that in any way? I imagine it would?

If you could work that out and add that to submission I think it will give this what it needs to get ti going!
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