Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Muse Recovery LOA [6/19/15] - [6/22 - 23/15]

Yoru Shakou

Well-Known Member
I've been running myself ragged the last few weeks and my muse for Star Wars is starting to dip and drop. With everything I've been trying to get up and running and seeing them dragging, I need to slow down and take a break.
I'll be taking a LOA from posting the next few days so I can sit back and collect my thoughts. Most of the days will be spent working on notes, story ideas and how I want my character's to get from Point A to Point B.
This will be affect a small amount of people I've been rping with, and I hope that you'll understand, and I thank you for your patience.
[member="Geneviève Lasedri"]
[member="Darth Venefica"]
[member="Mayumi Kochi"]
[member="Felicity Mason"]
For those of you whom I was talking with about possible threads I've also added you to the mention list for this LOA.
[member="Silvano Iluvitar"]

Yoru Shakou

Well-Known Member
I'm already working on a couple ideas, mainly with how to get Almira better known and the Raulynate out there. I also have older ideas that I want to revisit, and take a look at again as I've been bringing back Tasgetius.
It is nice though getting some time to just do other things, though my note page is currently blank >->
[member="Geneviève Lasedri"]

Yoru Shakou

Well-Known Member
Just a quick update to those interested.
This Monday I'll be driving out to Vegas and won't be available.
Today though was Free RPG Day and I got to get in a few games with friends that I enjoyed. I was even able to get in a test run of the new Edge of the Empire Star Wars RPG and I loved it. Amazingly, it really helped me rekindle my flickering flame and my mind has been a whir with activity.
While I'm still working on story lines and plots for Almira, I'll be a bit active tonight, and will have sporadic posts tomorrow to ease in a bit. I had figured that it would have taken me a few extra days to feel refreshed, though a single day with great friends, great board games and great RPGs has seemed to help greatly.

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