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Approved Species Musi iw Asimi - Vessel of Storms

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  • Name: Muis iw Asimi - Vessel of Storms
  • Designation: Sentient
  • Origins: Amaltanna
  • Average Lifespan: 200 Galactic Standard Years
  • Estimated Population: Unique
  • Description: Covered from head to toe in a pseudo-metallic armor, the Musi iw Asimi's true form is only hinted at by the shape of the armor and the glowing red eyes that are visible through the small slit of the armor covering its head.
  • Breathes: Type I and II
  • Average Height of Adults: 4.7 meters
  • Average Length of Adults: N/A
  • Skin color: Unknown, but the blue and gold armor covering it can be considered its skin due to the symbiosis between the creature and its protection
  • Hair color: No hair
  • Distinctions: The most distinctive physical trait of the Musi is the pseudo-metallic armor that covers its entire body, created from the merging of Sith Alchemy treated metals and the fungus symbiote of the Phydolon that was included in the creature's melding.
  • Races: No other races
  • Force Sensitivity: All (There is only one individual)
  • Like all Project Aura Sithspawn, the Musi is immensely powerful in the dark side of the Force and has focused his powers that compliment his original self and his armored body:
    Force Barrier
  • Levitation
  • Force Whirlwind
  • Watershaping
  • Waves of Darkness
  • Force Drain
  • Sever Force (through the use of its ewer)

[*]The symbiotic metallic fungal armor that covers its body incorporated Sith Alchemy treated metals in its creation, making it near immune to lightsaber attacks and blasters and slugthrowers
[*]During the alchemical ritual that created it, the Musi was also granted increased strength that is twice that of a Wookiee
[*]The ewer it carries is a weapon of Sith Alchemy, designed to weaken enemies that confront it by temporarily draining away their connection to the Force. If the enemy is vanquished, the Musi will capture their vanquished foe's soul within the ewer and draw upon their energies to fuel its powers even further. The ewer is also immensely heavy and can be used much like a ball and chain weapon to bludgeon an enemy.
  • If subjected to a ysalamiri bubble or void stone, the Musi will lose all of its Force abilities. Furthermore, the ewer is carries will be drained of power and released the spirits of those trapped within
  • The Musi, because of its armor, is immensely slow and heavy and requires the Force to move well at all. If an opponent can find a way to cut off its ability to levitate, it will be stuck in one spot and be unable to move well at all.
  • While the Musi's armor is extremely protective, it has an odd flaw where fungal repellents and other plant killers will cause it to wither away and break off, exposing the creature contained within and making it easier to kill.
  • Like all Project Aura Sithspawn, the Shatunja is susceptible to direct applications of the light side but can handle more attacks than other Sithspawn. However, its ewer will be drained of power and lose all the trapped spirits until it can be reinvigorated with the dark side.
  • Diet: Force Energies
  • Communication: Can speak and understand Basic and High Sith
  • Technology level: While Galactic Standard technology is available, like its fellow Project Aura Sithspawn, the Musi eschews its use
  • Religion/Beliefs: Like the other Project Aura Sithspawn, upon his creation, the Musi believed himself an agent of the Lords and Ladies of the Sith and their dark will. The Musi believes that the spirits and Force energies he drains through the use of his ewer are sent to the Netherworld to be sustenance for the ancient Sith, and in their pleasure at the offering, gifts him further power. In his role, he believes that eventually he will be able to unleash a storm of dark side energies and the spirits of the Sith that will devour entire worlds, leaving them easy conquests for the living Sith that command him.
  • General behavior: The Musi is a sadistic but patient servant of the dark side. Unlike some of its fellow Project Aura Sithspawn, it will not actively destroy everything around it. Instead, it will settle itself on desert planets or otherwise barren worlds and create an oasis of water around itself, attempting to draw poor victims to it while pretending to be a statue erected at the oasis. Once they are there, it will proceed to devour their connection to the Force and their life energies while they are distracted, attacking with the water the being or beings thought was their saving grace and the dark side of the Force. When its attack is done, it will pick itself up and leave the bodies behind and settle elsewhere and repeat the process.

As the next subject for Project Aura, Taeli Raaf, the Lady of Secrets, decided on a change in tact was in order. She had created fierce and powerful creatures, driven for war and destruction, but had only developed one that was contemplative on how they would destroy their enemies. She decided the next creation from Project Aura would be more of a trapper, patient but just as deadly as any of its siblings.

The subject that would be altered into the new Sithspawn was a Yarkora known as Yelios that had faithfully served the Lady of Secrets during the days she had infiltrated the Republic and Galactic Alliance. He had been a ponderous acolyte to her, always careful and preferring ambushes when fighting, to make his enemies underestimate him. Unfortunately for Yelios, he was one of the Order of Shadows Adepts present during the New Jedi Order's attack on Byss. While the Lady of Secrets successfully killed Omai Rhen, Yelios suffered grievous injuries at the hands of the Jedi and was placed in stasis and transported back to the Sith Empire.

Upon his arrival, he was kept in stasis as he refused cybernetics, and the Lady of Secrets pondered how he could still be of use to her until she began Project Aura. He would be ideal subject for the next creature, and he agreed to the alteration and melding with a captured Phydolon. As the blood empowered with the dark side began to form the cocoon around the two subjects, the Lady of Secrets added in trace amounts of metal treated with Sith Alchemy. Within the chrysalis, Taeli formed the two together and forced the fungus within the Phydolon to incorporate the metals and grow. When the new creature was freed from the cocoon, the fungus had become a metallic armor that covered the entire body of the new creature, the Musi iw Asimi. Gifted with knowledge by the Lady of Secrets, and a tool to absorb the Force and souls of its victims, the Musi iw Asimi was ready.
[member="Taeli Raaf"]

Another spooky creature. My favorite parts, usually, wrap around your weaknesses and this is no different. I like that you made this sithspawn strong and sneaky - With the caveat of potentially not being able to move. The only thing I will caution is to use this lad responsibly. He has quite a few Force Powers at his disposal, but it helps immensely, that he is the only one of his kind.


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