Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Musical Muse.

Shawn Drax

YES Gravity is a good group

and no I havnt listened to the new stuff yet. I listen to Pendulum an Excision.

Rosa Gunn

I have a HUGE variety of muse music, though its mostly classical soundtracks and other Epic music like Audiomachine or Brand X. Dub step slips in there for fighting posts and i'm really into Lyndsey Stirling atm too...

Darren Onyx

I would have to say a tie between The Doors (or more specifically Jim Morrison) and Cage The Elephant.

Serana Onyx

The Shadow's Sister
Sublime, Cage The Elephant, The Doors, The Beatles, Led Zeppelin, AC/DC, Rolling Stones, The Clash, The Temptations, Cheap Trick, Avenged Sevenfold, John Lennon, Frank Sinatra, U2, Bad Company, The Hives, Black Sabbath, Guns n' Roses, Slash, Nirvana, The Animals, Elvis Presley, Styx, TEAMHEADKICK, Foo Fighters, Two Steps From Hell, and my favorite band of all time

I think I am the biggest music fan here.

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