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Musicey composey advicey stuff

So, here's the scoop. I've been writing a sci fi ish book series for almost 2 years now, (still cleaning up book I) and I've been trying forever to make an orchestral theme song type thing for it. It's sort of a situation where I know what I want it to sound like, but I have literally no clue how it goes.Does anyone have any know how or advice on this sort of thing? I know how to read music and have finale notepad to work with if that helps show what level I'm on.
As always, feedback is greatly appreciated, and I thank you lovely people in advance.

ADM. Reshmar

Directorate Officer Fleet Admiral SJC 3rd Fleet
There is a program caller Music Maker Jam in the window store. It is free and you can chose 3 free music packs. It has an assortment of loops you can change with 8 Interment track you can chose. it is alot of fun besides being a super easy song creation program. It also had a few packs specifically suited for what you have in mind.

If you have windows 8 or better just look in the widows apps section under music for Music Maker Jam.

Here is something i did with the program awhile back just messing around in about an hours time.

this was the first one i did it took me about an hour also to get it all together.

Its a great program and super easy.

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
[member="Mark Sage"] if you send me details of what you'd like, when I'm back at college I could compose the song for you?
I personally like to work with orchestral music.
Mark Sage said:
It's sort of a situation where I know what I want it to sound like, but I have literally no clue how it goes.
Could you clarify what you mean by this? Music is so wide open to interpretation and execution that is can be difficult to pinpoint a problem and find a solution at times. I just want to make sure any advice given is actually constructive to whatever problem you might be having.

Finale notepad isn't particularly capable of "orchestra." You get piano midi at best, so it may be difficult to achieve exactly what it is that you're looking for. If you want a program capable of orchestral playback, sometimes there are free apps or synthesizers available through stores. There are also sometimes plugins for orchestra midi packages. Otherwise you're better off upgrading in some capacity. If you aren't as worried about playback, then this isn't a problem obviously.

As for putting the music to paper or program, every one has a different method. If you have a decent idea of what it is supposed to sound like, you might be better off trying to find an instrument of some kind and hammering it out piece by piece until you know the notes more specifically, melody, harmony and all. Again, if you don't have one, there a lot of of plugins available that you should be able to find. I think garageband has some decent functionality for instance.
Sanya Val Lerium said:
[member="Mark Sage"] if you send me details of what you'd like, when I'm back at college I could compose the song for you?
I personally like to work with orchestral music.
That's awesome! :p I wish I could be able to compose anything like that. Seems like there's a long way to go. XD


Well-Known Member
Sanya Val Lerium said:
[member="Mark Sage"] if you send me details of what you'd like, when I'm back at college I could compose the song for you?
I personally like to work with orchestral music.
That's crazy cool!
Stahp being so skilled dammit.

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
[member="The Squirrely"] it's easy once you know your major scale and minor and if you actually write it then the circle of fiths can help tonnes.

I find it so easy it because it's quite natural to me and I study it. I play piano and guitar every day trying to make new songs; some are successful other not so much. Its all trial and error.
[member="Sanya Val Lerium"]

I play the piano, contrabass/double bass and cello, although I only use the piano when composing. :p And even though I know about music theory, my musical hearing is and has always been really lacking, making writing down melodies which I have kind of come up with my head incredibly difficult.

But yeah, your music seems amazing. :)

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