
LOCATION: Mustafar
Kinta Serjek Leader of the Blackguard
Blackguard Minion
Blackguard Wilder
Blackguard Elite Wilder
Blackguard Marauder
Blackguard Ravager
Blackguard Trinity Assassin (Relic Protectors)
Sher Kar
Darkghast (giants)
Roggwart (Xenomorph like creature)
Lava Eel
Blistmok (Troodon/Velociraptor like species)
Mustafarian Reptavian (Fire Drake Flyer)
Lava Flea
Lava Nymph

The Lady of Charms has been given a very difficult mission. The objective is to eliminate The Leader of a Cult on Mustafar, known as The Blackguard. These fanatics as they are dubbed have been keeping the repository of the knowledge on Mustafar safe, even from the Order. It is said they even contain a rare Holocron from Lord Vader himself, that was once in His Fortress which was to be one of the places that she would be encouraged to search. Coming with her on this rather volatile mission was Kûzû Zihor a Pureblood Sith who had an interest in holocrons and relics, this would be their opportunity to pry them from the gloves of these mysterious cult. For Provocatus the aim always was to try and use her powers to create an amiable path, however, she sensed that with this Guard she would have to resort to a different kind of method than her usual. So she from the information they had, tried to discern how to best infiltrate their minds, if it was possible, she had no idea was secrets this Cult held, and if they had strong blocks to their minds.
The Shuttle came out of hyperspace, poised above the great circle of black and oranges and red, a cauldron of the molten fire that bubbled to the surface. The Shuttle made its way into atmosphere, and came to a ridge not far from The Fortress poised over a great Lava Flow that fell as waterfall. That was the hallowed ground of where once a Great Lord of the Sith had reigned, who was handsome till he was forever relegated to a black suite of armor. The Ramp descending, Provocatus made her way down, the hot air immediately making sweat trickle down the opening near her cleavage and her raven black hair getting damp.
"My my! It is hot here"
She wiping her brow as she stood on the lava rock, looking at the Great Structure in the distance with its tower with twin fork roof. She figured that arriving so close to Fortress probably would alert these Black Guard, draw them out. The point was they were hunting this Kintas Serjerk, which she hoped was not a jerk, though being so isolated as this group was, and meditative, they likely did not know how to great such a Lady as her. Most important of all was that she had an ally, Zuzu, who should would rely on to cover her back, as she would his. Standing there with her arms crossed, she waited a moment for Pure One to make their appearance on this world of great fire. While the heat took some getting use to, she had to admit the lava flows that surface and fell in great falls was serene, and oddly soothing, Perhaps this was why one of the great lords of the Dark had come to make his home here.
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