Just another avatar for Cyttorak
Grudge's Lab
Thid Qaal's living ship, grown from a genetically enhanced combination of Yuuzhan Vong yorik-stronha biological starship and Zonama Sekot's own Sekotan personal starships, touched down on the landing platform near [member="Grudge The Grutt"]'s lab on Ession.
Leaving his ship, which was known to be able to strip a sentient being clean to its bones in less than thirty seconds should an intruder with the wrong genetic code attempt to steal it, Qaal stopped to gather the leash of the red Twi'lek female he'd purchased on his way. Though slavery was frowned upon in all so-called civilized areas of the galaxy, Qaal had learned quickly and first-hand that every bright spot cast a long shadow and everything hidden could be found, for the right price.
The female appeared to be in her mid-twenties. Qaal had found her dancing in a too-loud club during his brief travels with the Free Colonies; it had been a simple matter of creds exchanged and simple minds bent to his will via the Force to have her contract signed over to him. Qaal had heard of Grudge's penchant for Twi'lek's, and even though he'd been personally invited to the Hutt's lab, he thought he would impress his host with a gift.
Grudge's Lab
Thid Qaal's living ship, grown from a genetically enhanced combination of Yuuzhan Vong yorik-stronha biological starship and Zonama Sekot's own Sekotan personal starships, touched down on the landing platform near [member="Grudge The Grutt"]'s lab on Ession.
Leaving his ship, which was known to be able to strip a sentient being clean to its bones in less than thirty seconds should an intruder with the wrong genetic code attempt to steal it, Qaal stopped to gather the leash of the red Twi'lek female he'd purchased on his way. Though slavery was frowned upon in all so-called civilized areas of the galaxy, Qaal had learned quickly and first-hand that every bright spot cast a long shadow and everything hidden could be found, for the right price.
The female appeared to be in her mid-twenties. Qaal had found her dancing in a too-loud club during his brief travels with the Free Colonies; it had been a simple matter of creds exchanged and simple minds bent to his will via the Force to have her contract signed over to him. Qaal had heard of Grudge's penchant for Twi'lek's, and even though he'd been personally invited to the Hutt's lab, he thought he would impress his host with a gift.