Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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my characteredi

name: Norsa Fett
faction: Jedi covenant
sex: female
eyes: blood red
hair: black
skin: tan
species: human
force user: yes
rank: Jedi Padawan

weaknesses and strengths
+ good with saber
+ good with small blaster
+ strong in the force
+ strong willed
- emotional ties
- fear of the dark side
- hate of the sith

bio: Once a slave of the sith, she felt force lightning more than once before she became a Jedi. Once the sith discovered that she was force sensitive, the sith tried to trick her into becoming one of them. She resisted and escaped using a stolen lightsaber. She found the Jedi temple and is training to become a Jedi Knight.

PS: she doesn't know about Jango and Boba. She only bears the name Fett.

William Flamespring

Oi, you wanna click on your profile avatar, select characters, sub-characters, then type in the name of the character. Then you make the creation page on that account.


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