Just a Smuggler
Talani had just moved in with Alek after his father had paid off her debt to Sempra allowing her and her daughter to be freed. The Chiss had just finished dragging the last box of her things up to the the young man's apartment. She felt like a terrible mother when she realized what a small amount of belongings she had for Zaitha. Her little girl had practically nothing to call her own, aside from some ragged clothes and few toys. Talani was determined to fix this soon, but for now she sat down on the couch, holding Zaitha against her. Normally she'd have the young girl in her lap, but Talani was now three months pregnant and it was starting to show. This fact made it a bit difficult for Zaitha to curl up in her lap. She leaned back against the couch and sighed, wondering where Alek was. [member="Aleksander Miles"]