Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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My fathers teaching


Areia land her ship on the platform and started unloading the "supplies"
As she gracefully came down the platform sliding off the black gloves she was had on leaving them on one of the boxes as she picked up the holopad scrolling down to make sure everything was there. Yes she was a smuggler but she was know to do odd and end job whatever it took to live another day, just as her father had taught her.
She brushed some red hair back behind her ear she had put it into a tight braid that came down to about her waist. She was dressed in black jumpsuit hidden under a black hooded robe and black boots.

After checking to make sure it was all unloaded she yelled at her little white and gold R2 Unit as it was coming down the ramp that unless another job came up they wont staying long so he might as well stay on the ship. The little droid beeped at her several time she rolled her different colored eyes at him
"Don't talk back to me Snip i swear I'll take you back to the junkyard i found you and this time i wont come back for you."
The droid beeped a few more times at her and stick out a extension arm from its right side panel and it almost seemed like the droid was flipping her off. She shook her head watching the droid going back up the ramp and into the ship. "crazy old droid..." she mumbled sighing tucking the pad into her robe she headed off leaving the little droid to watch the ship and the supple.
Tho she had been a smuggler most of her life she had been a Jedi student before that. Her father had trained her in both in fact. She had almost finished her training when her father was killed leaving her alone. she had decide after that to put her Jedi training on the back burner and cont her fathers work as a smuggler. her father was a great and wise man and she missed but missing him wasn't going to put food in her belly so she spent her time as her father had delivering packages and supple as well as doing odd and end jobs for money. She didn't always like the work or the people who hired her but such was her life. She had thought now that she was a little older about finishing he training and become a knight like her father had been before she was born, he had to give up that life to raise her after her mothers death.
Finishing her training was on her bucket list and if she could find someone willing to train her Stubborn ass then she would maybe think about it but so far nothing so until that magical day came she would cont smuggling and doing odd and end jobs to support herself.
[member=Areiana Slayer]
Raylan looked out over the plateaus of Sullust. He had just finished overseeing his companies' operations and was heading to his ship to go to Coruscant. He saw a girl dressed in black unloading something out of her ship. Ray was curious so he hid behind his ship, and looked through the window to try to figure out what this girl was doing. She appeared to have a droid, one that was not in very good condition. Ray finally decided to go up and talk to the girl. Whatcha got there? Who knows what kind of weapons this person had hidden beneath that robe, so he stood a couple of metres from her.
[member="Raylan Aviar"]

She jumped her hand going to her waist where her blaster would have been. She had left it on the ship. Tho she was trained in the force one of the talents her father taught her was how to hide her Jedi powers but while doing that it ment that she couldn't use them so a person could easily sneak up on her like this guy did. She let her hand drop after a moment. .
"your lucky I'm not armed that's how you get shot."
She took a deep breath picking up the holo pad she had dropped when she jumped making sure it wasn't broken she looked at him. "its not nice to lurk you know...and you you must know its supplies. She brushed some red hair out of her eyes looking at the male.
[member=Areiana Slayer]
What kind of supplies?
Ray now had a smug face and decided that this girl was pretty harmless. Just another smuggler. As she pushed her red hair out of her face, Ray realised she was kind of attractive. But he still had to be careful as she could be dangerous.
[member="Raylan Aviar"]

She raised a eyebrow looking at him she had never been question like this before.
"If you MUST know its medical supplies, food, a few weapons." she looked him over with her different color eyes. "Is there going to be a problem?"

She had her lightsaber tucked away away behind her on her back hidden on by the robe. She didnt want to use it want people to know she was force sensitive but if she had to she would.
[member="Raylan Aviar"]
she looked at him a moment that was a very odd question and she wasn't use to anyone talking to her for this long. Most the time they told her what she was doing paid her and leave. It took her a moment to think about a answers to that. " It has it moments i do other things as well odd and end jobs."
[member=Areiana Slayer]
I can get you a solid job if you'd like. There's a group (faction and company) called the Paladin Consortium I can fly you there. You can join the faction while still being affiliated with others. I know the leader, Janus and he's a very nice person. It's a high pay job. As part of the Consortium himself, Ray knew that it would be the right place for this girl.
[member=Areiana Slayer]
I think that everyone in this universe should have a fair chance at life, and that you do not have. Raylan knew that this girl would have to be constantly working to keep herself alive, and people would be taking advantage of her. That was no way to live.
[member="Raylan Aviar"]

Her father had always taught her not to trust anyone. It was the only way to stay alive in these days but she had already thought about joining the group before. She brushed some red hair behind her ear. "Alright I'll go listen to the pitch." she smiles lightly at him.

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