Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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My Inevitable Return, but With Questions

All right.

This is going to be a third attempt to return here and post far more actively and actually take part in the community.

The last couple of attempts at my return have been a failure, not only due to work getting in the way (doing graveyard shifts suck) and a lot of management issues causing me to not be around nearly as much, but because both times I "returned" I couldn't get a grasp on just what was going on in terms of the galaxy and the like.

So, here I have a few questions for others to answer, if you so choose:

1. What exactly is happening in the Universe? I never read anything in the EU, so I don't exactly know what's happening.

2. What major events are happening on the board that would be notable and any outsider would be able to notice right off the bat? Every time I've returned, I've felt out of the loop, as I've had no idea where to even begin. How viable is smuggling? How viable is a Non-Force User?

3. How advanced is the technology? I know there's the creation sections for making new weapons, planets, ships, etc. What I want to know, though, is how advanced has the technology become since the death of Vader and all? I have a feeling my XS freighter would quite literally be an ancient relic that is about 10% as powerful as what's available nowadays (without upgrades).

4. What else is there to actually know? What groups are dominant and controlling? Any notable storylines to take notice of?

5. Anything else worth noting?

Here's a pre-emptive thanks for all the answers.
1. We have a convenient timeline for that. At the moment, we've got a bunch of squabbling factions, and we're nearing our next big event. Other than that it's the basic Republic + Jedi vs Sith + Undesirables that it's always been.

2. We just got finished with a BIG event that everyone should know about by dint of existing. Half the galaxy's population was sucked to Hell, and a super-powerful Force witch almost destroyed everything, forever. Like, we're better now, but that was a BIG thing that just happened...and is mentioned on the timeline. Which you should read. :p

As for viability, occupations are never "unviable" because that's just what you do. NFUs are never "unviable" if you either don't do duels, or aren't afraid to come stocked to your neck in custom gear to deal with the ever-inflating number of Force users.

3. Scan the Factory a bit. We do have legitimate limits put in place to make sure things can't advance in raw power terribly quickly at all, but in the absence of power, it advances in cleverness. Things are more sophisticated now than they are in SW canon, with more "real" (I use that term with great hesitation) science being rolled into new tech.

4. Republic has been controversial, so no big change. Sith remain a juggernaut, so no big change. A lot of smaller major factions and defunct older majors have been falling by the wayside recently, so the map has cleared up substantially. That said, nothing much has changed, politically. Big players continue to be either red or blue and full of space wizards with laser swords.

5. You smell.
Noxu Za'tire said:
All right.

This is going to be a third attempt to return here and post far more actively and actually take part in the community.

The last couple of attempts at my return have been a failure, not only due to work getting in the way (doing graveyard shifts suck) and a lot of management issues causing me to not be around nearly as much, but because both times I "returned" I couldn't get a grasp on just what was going on in terms of the galaxy and the like.

So, here I have a few questions for others to answer, if you so choose:

1. What exactly is happening in the Universe? I never read anything in the EU, so I don't exactly know what's happening.

2. What major events are happening on the board that would be notable and any outsider would be able to notice right off the bat? Every time I've returned, I've felt out of the loop, as I've had no idea where to even begin. How viable is smuggling? How viable is a Non-Force User?

3. How advanced is the technology? I know there's the creation sections for making new weapons, planets, ships, etc. What I want to know, though, is how advanced has the technology become since the death of Vader and all? I have a feeling my XS freighter would quite literally be an ancient relic that is about 10% as powerful as what's available nowadays (without upgrades).

4. What else is there to actually know? What groups are dominant and controlling? Any notable storylines to take notice of?

5. Anything else worth noting?

Here's a pre-emptive thanks for all the answers.
  1. Such as? Do you mean faction-side events, such as the One Sith being in control of Coruscant still, or in general from post-Ep7 onwards?
  2. I'd say both are still viable, you just need to have a group to do it with because in general doing stuff solo at all becomes much more difficult than it needs to be. The most noticeable events would be the various battles fought recently over Wayland, Ord Mirit, (Currently on) Ziost, and various other locations that have been the site of invasions. The One Sith has expanded into Chiss space (again) and towards the west/left hand side of the map as well as have swallowed the entire deep core and much of the core regions. The Fringe have merged with the Moross Crusade, and both in turn consolidated and merged with the Primeval (on the entirely opposite end of the map). Pretty much the entire left hand side of the map is now open-country, and pretty much a smuggler's paradise tbh.
  3. There's a few state-of-the-art stuff, like an Isotope-5 reactor and some other stuff, but nothing hugely major. As far as the factory is concerned, all technology from 144 ABY and before is at the same level as tech from current (844 ABY). Your ship is just as advanced as most as the stuff pushed through the starship factory.
  4. Well the map is a pretty good answer for this (I'll spoiler an image of it below), but currently the active super-powers are the One Sith, Levantine Silver Sanctum (Merger of Levantine Sanctum, whom are a bunch of hippy Jedi people, and the Silver Jedi Order), Mandalorians, Republic, Primeval, Techno Union(CIS/ACA/ASA), and Red Ravens (Smuggler/NFU haven if you're a criminal type). The One Sith is, of course, the current incarnation of the Sith and controls a large territory that almost splits the galactic map in half, swallowing almost the entire deep core and quite a bit of the core regions and moving upwards to Chiss space (where it literally slices the top hemisphere of the map in half). The Republic (which is the current incarnation of the Galactic Republic) controls a sizable portion of the Expansion and Colonies regions, they are currently at war with the One Sith and their allies with their capital being Onderon (they lost Coruscant and Anaxes to the One Sith). The Primeval are an entirely new faction made up by writers of the board whom wanted a sort of mixed-bag of people, kind of like a large empire that is really a collection of smaller kingdoms and fiefdoms, whom are generally seen as religious-centered with their own pantheon of deities and such, and can either be viewed as good or evil (depends on the member, because they're so wide-spread and have a variety of member worlds that are all independently ran). The Levantine Silver Sanctum are a combination of the Levantine Sanctum, who were basically a laissez faire Jedi Order, and the Silver Jedi Order, whom were a more radical form of the Jedi Order of the Republic and are at war with the Primeval currently, and I would extend such to the Sith due simply because the SJO was created specifically to fight them. Mandalorians are still randomly active and unactive, depending on the day, and are moving back to raiding via skirmishes. The Techno Union are the same CIS/ACA/ASA that have existed on the board for about a year now, just now they are entirely technologically focused, and ally with the One Sith and I assume the Primeval. And lastly there's the Red Ravens whom are pretty neutral and exist pretty much to do black market deals, smuggling, and so on.
  5. Well we just had the "Netherworld" event, wherein about 51% of the galactic population was whisked into the realm of Chaos (SW version of Hell, per EU canon) whilst a board-exclusive deity/witch named Akala tried to destroy the galaxy/universe/etc. Oh, and Corellia was smashed together with a Yuuzhan Vong planet and is now half Vong and half Corellia, but remains split cleanly in half with a habitable zone on both sides.

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