Location: Cantonica
Cantonica, it wasn't a world that she was familiar with, but whatever this proposition that had been aired towards her, Malevolum found that she couldn't resist. The offer to strike back at jedi, to take vengeance upon them, it was more than she could bare. "My Lord, we will be reaching the site within the next ten minutes." Malevolum turned her attention away from the window of the shuttle, her gaze falling upon the form of the pilot that she could make out from doorway. She flexed her fingers, the elongated nails of her suit tapping against the thin outer skin of her suit, letting the metallic clanging ring through the passenger bay.
She could feel the tension in the pilots mind wounding up like a spring, the unease morphing into concern, and warping into a low rumblings of fear. It was so simple, yet interesting to her, how easy it was to bend people like that. Fear was inside all beings, even the most stoic, one merely needed to proper touch to pull it out of them. Lessons from her life had taught her that years ago, perhaps if she knew such secrets then, things might have been different. She banished that train of thought before it could go any further, knowing that in it laid a pain that garnered her no strength. She rose to her feet, saber clattering against her metal outer skin, as she marched up to the door way, peering through it and gazing at the world that was swiftly approaching them. The pilot glanced over his shoulder, the fear in his mind elevating to a point that might impair his abilities. Malevolum merely rose up her left hand, not bothering to pay him any mind, and made a rotation with her index finger pointed up. The message was clear, pay attention to your station, and everything would be fine; there was no good for pointless cowardice here and now. The man seemed to understand what she was saying, as he did just that. While the fear was still there, his line of thought remained intact. She remained in the doorway as they began to settle down at the meeting site, it seemed to be a compound of some sort, the nature of which Malevolum could only assume it was a military outpost of some sort. The pilot glanced back to her, knowing what needed to be said, even if it was quite obvious; he never got the chance. The Darth had already turned her back to him, moving to the rear of the vessel, as with a mere wave of her hand she brought the walkway down and emerged from the ship, ready to meet with the welcome committee that awaited her. Hopefully this wouldn't be a waste of her energies.