Hira Mitsae
Ain't No Rest For The Wicked
[SIZE=10.6667px]Glee Anselm - Throne Room[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.6667px][member="Darth Pyrrhus"][/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.6667px]Glee Anselm was [/SIZE][SIZE=10.6667px]annoying[/SIZE][SIZE=10.6667px]. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.6667px]The Dark Lord had commanded her to end a life, which was fine and all, but for some reason she needed the Ruler of Glee Anselm on her side on this job - she didn’t especially play well with others, but try telling that to the big, robed guy with the burning eyes. A long life gave her the best of survival instincts so Kala simply nodded, gave her bow, then waltzed out of the Imperial Throne Room and departed for the water planet. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.6667px]Hadn’t been too hard to reach the world; her stealth ship gave her all the advantages needed. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.6667px]But actually getting to the Academy undetected was a different story altogether. It was located in a fething [/SIZE][SIZE=10.6667px]cave[/SIZE][SIZE=10.6667px]. Why anyone wanted to live on an ocean world without being able to actually survive in a water environment was beyond her.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.6667px]She succeeded at the end of the day, but it took way too much time. At least traversing the academy itself was pretty simple in stark contrast: it seemed that the guards and the Lord of the Academy figured their secluded location provided enough of a defense towards possible intrusion, but they never met her, [/SIZE][SIZE=10.6667px]clearly[/SIZE][SIZE=10.6667px].[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.6667px]Hours later Kala Maedrin, assassino extraordinaire, thief, mercenary and currently employed by the Sith, was resting lazily in the the throne room. Legs cast over one of the arm’s seat of the throne, and half-dozing.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.6667px]Not an easy thing though. This thing was way too uncomfortable.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.6667px]According to Pyrrhus’ schedule - extracted from the dozing mind of one of the guards - he’d arrive in a few minutes. What a bore.[/SIZE]