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My Skin is Cold to the Human Touch (Invite)

Dosuun - The Imperial Capital of Avalonia

Warm rain descended upon the capital, blanketing the city in relaxed demeanor. Couples moved off of the sidewalks and into cafes to enjoy a hot cup of stimcaf and watch the rain descend upon the city streets. Parents played with their children in mud puddles or read them stories as the pitter-patter of rainfall lulled them to sleep. The weekend rain draining the daily stresses of the commonfolk.

But Viktor was far from common. He stood at the edge of a landing pad, his butler, Sebastian Faust, standing behind him. The butler held an umbrella, shielding both men from the rain. Viktor smoked a Coruscanti clove, the sweet smoke filling his lungs. He had a different charge today.

[member="Lady Kay"] was en route to the city to see how construction for the Commenor Embassy was coming along. Viktor was tasked with escorting her through the city and giving her a tour of the facilities, as well as accommodating any request the President had. Today, the nobleman played ambassador.

He was qualified for the job, of course. He had spent years dealing with nobles in the Hall of Lords. He knew all about diplomacy and etiquette. Yellow eyes rested on an approaching ship as he tossed the clove off to the side. Sebastian and Viktor approached the craft, Viktor straightening out his black suit.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
The Free Lady descended down onto the landing pad on Dosuun. This time it wasn't piloted by Terrac. After their last visit to Bespin and his interrogation by a Knight of Ren that tore through his mind, he wasn't exactly eager to go. In fact he even tried to convince Kay not to go, but she had to. It was part of her job as President. So in his place she had Einon pilot the diplomatic vessel that had more shielding than weapons. This time she had followed proper First Order procedures, although it wasn't too difficult given that this was all sanctioned by the Supreme Leader.


The weather was not quite what she had expected, so she had nothing to cover her head. But a little rain never hurt anyone. As she walked down the lowered ramp, she was accompanied by her bodyguard, [member="Veiere Arenais"] whom she trusted above all others. Kay approached the two men at the bottom and smiled in greeting, bowing her head. She only recognized one of the two. [member="Viktor DuSang"] , how nice to see you again. I trust you are well? Please allow me to introduce my bodyguard, Veiere. "
[member="Viktor DuSang"] | [member="Lady Kay"]

Much of the venture to the system of Dosuun, he had remained quiet and reflecting upon the days prior. Between the two of them, he had been informed of the First Order's potential interests in Commoner though hadn't learned of Terrac's state of well-being until they were in the air and departing the trade world. The pilot had been a rather well liked friend to both he and Kay, learning of his fate had left something of a sour taste in his mouth, leading him to second guess the venture yet pursuing it not only for Kay's safety but also his curiosity. The First Order, most had heard of it though amidst the opinions everyone seemed to hold over every other governing power, Veiere preferred to see first hand for himself how the established organization governed their people, before jumping first to conclusions.

Their flight had gone uninterrupted and as they landed, he drew his hood up over his head and moved to stand by Kay's side while the replacement pilot initiated the boarding ramps descent. He stood with his hands laced, his sleeves baggy and masking his skin from the rain, dressed in the attire of the old Jedi path, robes that looked well worn out by now, grayed rather than their former tan. "It would be nice to see at least one of our ventures go without incident..." He muttered under his breath, turning to look to the Lady Kay with a half smirk; his humor was a good sign considering all things recent. That he was out and about and making private jokes, meant that his mood was lighter than it had been of late. He'd soon follow her lead down onto the landing bay floor, the wind whipping his robe around his legs while he lowered his head in a formal bow of greeting to their hosts.

His attire, Veiere imagined would raise a few eyebrows and though he was certainly intrigued to see how that might be perceived, it wasn't out of the ordinary in the slightest. Officially, he was no longer of the Jedi Order and had been living within exile upon Commoner, an advisor and a protector over the good lady, it was safe to say that over the recent year or two, he had spent more time in her company than he had in pursuing his former life; ironic that in trying to steer clear of politics, it would seem that such things were most of what was left for him now, in the Jedi Order's decay.
The pair moved forward, Sebastian bringing the umbrella over the president and her bodyguard. Yellow eyes rested on the man donning Jedi robes, but it was more curiosity than ill will. He smiled as [member="Lady Kay"] addressed him, the young nobleman moving to one knee and bowing before her. "Madame President." He took her hand, a soft kiss landing on her knuckles before his touch was removed and he stood tall.

"It is good to see you as well. Your dress is tres magnifique. I am very well, thank you. I hope the fates have continued blessing you since our departure from Commoner." It was then that her bodyguard, [member="Veiere Arenais"], was introduced. Viktor nodded his head to the Jedi. "Welcome, sir. May I please introduce my butler; Sebastian Faust." The crimson eyed man bowed, "Welcome to Avalonia. I trust your flight was pleasant."

Viktor turned, stepping towards the structure of the spaceport. Once they were inside, Sebastian closed the umbrella and followed the group. "My apologies for the weather. The rain should clear up in about an hour. My transport is this way." Sebastian walked to the LUX-3 Landspeeder, opening the rear doors for the President and her bodyguard. Sebastian took the drivers seat as Viktor took the front passenger seat. A team of police escort speeders surrounded by LUX-3 as it began to drive into the city.

"We're ahead of schedule, all of your specifications have been integrated into the building, of course. The Embassy will be ready by the opening ceremony." He paused, pulling out his datapad and punching in a few codes. He had yet to receive any word from the Grand Moff. "Grand Moff Fortan sends her apologies for not being here to meet you. Her meetings have run far past schedule today, though she hopes she can join us later."


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay just had to smirk in spite of herself at [member="Veiere Arenais"] ' joke about them having a venture that didn't turn into some kind of incident. Trouble seemed to follow her like a magnet, though not entirely through any fault of her own. It was just the way things always seemed to play out. More than likely it was due to her being so stubborn.

As [member="Viktor DuSang"] took a knee and then kissed her hand, she glanced over to her bodyguard as such a greeting was not very common for her. But no harm done. She bowed her head to Sebastian. "Yes, thank you. Our travel here was very smooth." Most of the wars going on were well north-east of them, so travelling to this corner of the Galaxy was relatively safe.

She smiled as Viktor apologized for the rain. It wasn't as though he controlled the weather. "I don't mind the rain, actually, so no apology is necessary."

Kay stepped inside of the speeder, glad for Veiere's company. With him being a Force user, she had no need to hide her own Force signature, unless the two became separated. She smiled again at the news of the Embassy and of course, Grand Moff Fortan. "I am glad that things are progressing well. I look forward to the Ceremony. I hope that Grand Moff Fortan doesn't mind this visit. I can understand that she's busy. I merely thought that I'd get to know Avalonia a little more before the Ceremony and meetings keep me indoors."
A high dialect of established vocabulary, the formal greeting that didn't go above Veiere's notice as [member="Viktor DuSang"] knelt to kiss [member="Lady Kay"]'s hand and a personal butler named 'Sebastian Faust'; clearly this man was a nobleman of sorts, perhaps high born or at-least financially established to appraise himself to such a lifestyle. Sharing a very brief glance, he met Kay Larr's gaze with a slightly uplifted brow though dipped his head in reassurance and a show of confident support for her. Perhaps the most notable of features upon Sebastian was the taint in his eyes, something that Veiere had to question the origins of though his curiosity did not show as he remained rather placid on the exterior, dipping his head forward in a return bow of mutual respect and greeting, "It's a pleasure to meet you both" he straightened, offering a friendly smile before Kay began to move and behind her, Veiere followed in further silence, listening to their words whilst keeping note of their surrounding environment.

Grand Moff Fortan was a name that caught Veiere's attention as he climbed into the back of the speeder, taking his seat beside the Lady Kay and glancing back over his shoulder to study the nearest speeders seemingly belonging to the local law enforcement of Avalonia; the sight was something of an anomaly to Veiere even with Kay being in such a seat of prominence back on Commoner, to himself however the local law of the worlds that he visited weren't often so supportive of his presence due to the misinterpretations of the organization he once served within. "Quite an escort for just the two of us..." He spoke up in a moment of quiet between both Kay Larr and Viktor DuSang, their host. "I trust this is just a formality and not something we should be concerned about" He spoke carefully with an inquisitive yet not too demanding a tone, intent on not insulting the pair though Kay's security was his first priority above all else.

It certainly wouldn't have been the first time had things turned sour, between Kay's fondness for hunting down slavers personally, to her now very public image that had already seen an attempt taken on her life (not to mention her lack for taking her personal care seriously), he couldn't help but be mindful of the foreign state. After all, in his experiences, those with the most to lose were usually the first to strike out and with an abundance of credits and economical standing, came a wealth of personal ambitions and a lack of integrity in how such things were sought after.
He put a hand up, hoping no insult was implied. "Absolutely not, Madame President. Your presence is always welcomed here in the First Order. Grand Moff Fortan would've been here to greet you personally, but her duties have kept her busy. Her absence is a reflection of her dedication to the Supreme Leader and the First Order. That's why she sent me instead. I've become quite acquainted with the city, so I can take you wherever you'd like to go after we visit your embassy."

Yellow eyes landed on [member="Veiere Arenais"] as the Rogue Jedi voiced his concerns. "I assure you, sir, it's protocol. If you have hesitations about the police escort, we can leave them behind at the Embassy. You have my word that the safety of Madame President is as important to me, and by extension; the First Order, as it is to you." Yellow eyes moved back to [member="Lady Kay"] as he gave her a sincere smile. His attention moved to the road as the squadron of speeders pulled up in front of the building.

It was an elegant structure of stone and steel, it's architecture blending with the classical look of Avalonia. Four armed guards stood outside of the gate, saluting as the LUX-3 drove past them into the grounds of the embassy. The warm rain covering their faces and soaking their uniforms. Yet they stood firm, symbols of the First Order's resolve. No matter what the fates threw at them, the First Order stood tall.

There were no stormtroopers, only men and women in uniform. The LUX-3 parked in front of the doors as an older gentleman in a military uniform stepped out of the building, umbrella in hand. Sebastian stepped out as well, opening his umbrella as well. The butler opened the doors for the passengers as the older man waited in silence. "Madame President, this is Captain Elba. He's in charge of the security detail." The older man gave the guests a firm salute. "Welcome to the Commenor Embassy, ma'am."


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay still wasn't sure exactly what the full interest the First Order had in Commenor. But that's what she was here for. No doubt it had something to do with they hyperspace lanes and trade routes that intersected it's region. That was what made it prosper economically and why she wanted to maintain it's neutrality. No one super power should have complete access to those lanes.

She observed the city as they drove through, glad that both [member="Veiere Arenais"] and [member="Viktor DuSang"] were watching over her. She smiled to them in return, while she memorized their route. "The escort does draw in a lot of attention. I am only a President, not royalty. I do appreciate the effort though." She was the modest sort, not quite the type to flaunt her status above others.

By now they had arrived at the Embassy. Kay stepped out of the speeder, bowing her head to Captain Elba. "Thank you very much, Captain." She took in as much of the outside of the building as the rain and umbrellas would allow before heading to go indoors. She nodded her head to the guards that stood outside when she passed them, letting them know that their efforts were appreciated as well.


It was stunning in it's own right, displaying a mix between Commenori and Avalonia styles, just as she had asked for. Kay was always an admirer of fine architecture. She kept her hands clasped behind her as she walked, taking in all of the intricate details. "Incredible...Your designers and construction workers are very skilled. I hope that they'll all be there for the Ceremony." They'll each deserve a gift for this. That much was certain. "Will the Supreme Leader be in attendance as well?" She wasn't certain if any outsiders ever got to see or speak with the mysterious leader.
[member="Viktor DuSang"] had answered his question and sated his curiosity well enough to leave Veiere, for the moment, feeling assured and in return he gave an appreciative nod and falling into silence as was his typical presence during such ventures. [member="Lady Kay"] was the one to take the lead, the governing figurehead of Commoner and the best to speak up of what she sought for her people; the almost stoic Jedi mentality was that if there was little to say that warranted no positive influence outside of being polite or being forced into action by an outside influence, then there really wasn't much need to speak out of place, nor for himself.

Thus far, he was comfortable. The First Order was doing a good job of showing Kay just how organized and authoritarian they were which Veiere appreciated as it lessened the chance of a third parties intervention. That said, he wasn't entirely aware of the First Order's stance toward Commoner either and so never let his guard down, nor show for that matter, in the case that they were hear to listen to demands rather than speak within reason.

Stepping out of the Speeder, he offered a thankful bow to Sebastian before nodding in quicker response to the Captain who came to meet with them, leading them on inside. The nature of the buildings interior was in stark contrast to anything that Veiere had grown accustomed to over the years though Lady Kay seemed to be impressed by it all and quietly, he stood by her side offering a glance to her with the faintest of smiles before looking to the others and listening specifically to the answer that came from her questioning the presence of the Supreme Leader of the First Order. Still not entirely certain of the First Order's ambitions, not just for Commenor but in general, he considered inquiring about them as a governing presence and an economical power as a whole, yet refrained and would possibly take the time to voice his curiosity when they had a moment to breath freely.
The butler bowed in return to [member="Veiere Arenais"] as the butler lead the group out of the car. While Captain Elba welcomed the group, Viktor got on his datapad, dismissing the police escort. His task was to make sure [member="Lady Kay"] enjoyed her visit here in Avalonia. He had been accustomed to speaking with politicians and nobles since he was a young lad. The acolyte was groomed for this position, it seemed.

Yellow eyes closed in satisfaction as the President expressed her satisfaction with the structure. The Grand Moff would be pleased to receive the news. He put a hand on his shoulder, bowing at the waist. "I'm glad you like it, My Lady. The workers will be certain to receive an invitation upon your request." He stood back up, eyes moving around the impressive lobby.

The question of the Supreme Leader's attendance peaked the interest of the party from Commenor. Viktor gave an apologetic smile. "Regrettably, the Supreme Leader keeps such a busy schedule. I'll be sure the Grand Moff passes along the invitation, and your desire for his attendance."

Hands clasped behind his back, he began making his way up the stairs. "This way, please. Both the Conference Hall and the Ambassador's Office have terrific views of the Citadel."


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay nodded with a small smile, glad that the workers would be able to go to the Ceremony if they wished. Regardless of whether or not they would all go, she was going to be certain that each got a proper thanks for all of their hard work.

To hear that the Supreme Leader would more than likely not show up, came as no surprise. She looked to [member="Veiere Arenais"] and wondered if he thought the same thing. Then she turned her attention to [member="Viktor DuSang"] and nodded. "The Elders on Commenor are the same way. They do not go out in public. I only asked because Grand Moff Fortan expressed that the invitation for the Embassy came directly from him. But...I'm sure he'll catch it on the holo-news when he has the time." She stated that all matter-of-factly, and not intending to offend. Some leaders were just like that.

Kay began up the steps to head into the Ambassador's office. This would be where her Foreign Minister, [member="Riven Black"] would preside on his trips here. More than likely he would choose his own Ambassador, but she would be sure to let him know the layout. She walked over to a set of bay doors that led to a balcony and opened one of them so that she could catch the smell of the air, as well as look at the view. Cities were not her preferred place to live, but sometimes there was no choice. Some cities, like this one, however, were beautiful in their own right.

"You are right. It is a rather stunning view."
[member="Lady Kay"]'s approval of the embassy would be heavily noted in his report. This meant good things for the First Order. The Grand Moff had overseen these peace talks personally. In many aspects, it was her brain child. "I'm afraid I don't have much insight into the actions of the Supreme Leader. Even working alongside the Grand Moff has produced very little interactions with him." He gave a small, apologetic bow.

Standing up, he approached the President of Commenor. "However, the First Order is hosting a Military Ball here in Avalonia. It would be both an honor and a privilege if you would be my guest to the event. Any and all members of your entourage and cabinet are welcome as well, of course."


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay nodded to [member="Viktor DuSang"] and the lack of interactions that he may have had with the Supreme Leader. Even her own Ministers have yet to meet the Elders, though she knew that that would happen in time.

But to his request to have her be his guest at a ball, that came very unexpectedly. For a moment, she just stood there, staring out at the view from the balcony, knowing that she was a horrible dancer and not very well practiced. But maybe she wouldn't be asked to dance? Maybe she could spend more of her time talking. Yes. That could work. If she wasn't President, she may have declined, but...she had a job to do, and Viktor seemed a nice enough sort, despite the colour of his eyes.

Kay turned to face him and bowed her head. "The honour would be mine. I shall extend the invitation to the other Commenori Ministers. When is this ball to be held?" Her eyes would move to [member="Veiere Arenais"] . Would he attend? She wasn't so sure. Surely no one would try to harm anyone at a ball? But in this day and age, one can never assume.
[member="Viktor DuSang"] | [member="Lady Kay"]

Walking along side Kay Larr, he remained the ever so quiet presence. The news of the Supreme Leaders schedule didn't surprise Veiere in the slightest; he had hoped to get a better view of this figurehead to the First Order yet too did not imagine that it was his work schedule so much as his security that kept him out of the public eye as much as possible. Nothing had been found in regards to any search of the man across the holo-net, here it seemed that it would be no different much to his silent disappointment.

On the other hand, this military ball came as something of another matter causing Veiere to drop his gaze in subtle consideration, his head turning to look out overhead of the balcony awaiting Kay's response. On Formality, it wouldn't leave a good impression should she turn the man down and yet part of him came off as unusually selfish in feeling that somehow, he'd be better off not knowing of it. When she did agree however, as expected, Veiere turned dutifully to look to her and offer a reassuring nod as his position was often known for, "I will liaise with their security to ensure that all is safe and you are well looked after, M'lady..." His gaze soon turned to look to Victor, offering a sideways nod in apologetic gesture, "Though I'm sure they are capable, it would do wonders to ease the ladies mind" he spoke diplomatically, a slight shift of his weight to one side as he favored his right, his voice quietening so that they might refine the details on their own terms whilst glancing back out at the view.

(OOC - I apologize for my late response, I've been unfortunately unable to respond any sooner. I appreciate your patience.)
He bowed humbly. "Madame President, flattery will get you everywhere." he said with a cool smile. Still, there was hesitance in her answer. "Fifteen days time, Your Grace. If I may, I hope I haven't offended you with the invitation. I couldn't help but sense your apprehension. If I have done something to upset you, I humbly ask for forgiveness." he said with a low bow.

His attention was brought back to the Rogue Jedi as he smiled. "Sir, as a fellow bodyguard to a prominent Galactic leader, I would take it as an insult if you insisted otherwise." He pulled out his datapad, making a few remarks. Putting the device back in his jacket pocket, he clapped his hands together, rubbing them slowly.

"Who's hungry? We've set up a nice lunch at a nearby restaurant. My personal favorite here in the city, actually."

[member="Veiere Arenais"] [member="Lady Kay"]

((S'allgood, mate. I hope I didn't come across as rude for getting another post in.))


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay held up her hand as [member="Viktor DuSang"] apologized and bowed. "My apprehension stems only from my...novice ability at dance. But fifteen days will give me some time to practice. I am not offended by your kind invitation."

She looked to [member="Veiere Arenais"] while he spoke. Both visitors from Commenor wore their game faces today, but really, this was all part and parcel of the political game. In time, the three of them would be able to be more like their true selves. Maybe.

At the offer of a meal, Kay smiled at the change in subject. "Lunch is a splendid idea. Please lead the way." She stepped away from the balcony and waited to be shown where to go. The First Order were known to be very strict and rule with an iron fist. So far on this visit and with the Grand Moff's visit to Commenor, she hadn't seen much evidence of that. But perhaps visiting dignitaries only get to see the best, instead of the day to day.
[member="Lady Kay"] | [member="Viktor DuSang"]

Per his typical quiet and observant demeanor, Veiere simply dipped his head with a gentle smile suggesting that the lunch offered did indeed sound nice. Glancing to Kay Larr, he gave her a sideways nod to allow for her to lead ahead of him whilst he fell in behind the three and once more they were walking. In truth, he wasn't overly hungry though Kay seemed interested and perhaps the front of staunch care for their visitors might relax some whilst sharing a meal together; though the way that they had received the pair from Commenor wasn't at all a bad thing, Veiere just wondered what lay behind it all.

"Your 'Leader' seems to run a rather well organized faction of governance, it's obvious that formalities are high on your agenda and the respect and catering to our presence that you've shown is truly appreciated" he spoke after a moment and somewhat out of turn though with his own agenda towards sating a rather curious nerve within him; "I must ask, and I do not mean to pry beyond my means though I must admit that I'm curious to know where you stand with the former Jedi Order, and those known to the use of the force...-I ask only out of my own regard, of course...". It wasn't difficult to notice the rather militaristic aspects to many of their armed guard and even some of those that shared the building, it was a tight ship indeed and reminded Veiere of other such organization such as the former Imperial regime.

No, not at all! I went off on a long weekend and haven't been able to post as I'd have liked. I apologize for the hold up!
The noble was relieved to hear his invitation to [member="Lady Kay"] wasn't construed as offensive. "You needn't worry about anything such as that. I know a terrific dance instructor. She's expensive, but her lessons have no equal in the Galaxy. Sebastian..." The butler approached, producing a card. He plucked the business card out of the gloved hands of the butler, handing it to the President of Commenor.

Viktor made his way out of the office, heading back out of the Embassy. Sebastian opened the doors of the landspeeder, letting the party enter before he once more took the driver's seat. His attention moved to [member="Veiere Arenais"], yellow eyes resting on the rogue Jedi. "An unfortunate truth is that a majority of Jedi we have encountered are puppets of the Galactic Alliance and Galactic Republic. Both governing bodies that have sworn animosity towards the First Order.

"As for Jedi that aren't affiliated with our enemies, we have an exceedingly neutral stance. I'm well aware that the stereotype of the First Order is a reincarnation of Palpatine's regime, but nothing could be further from the truth. We hold no ill will to the Jedi as a whole. Only to the zealots who wish to raise arms against us because of conflicting ideologies."

The landspeeder pulled up in front of a restaurant. The staff was outside, ready to greet them. Stepping out of the vehicle, Sebastian opened his umbrella, letting the occupants out. "I hope you don't mind, but I reserved the restaurant for us." It was a rather secluded bistro, in a small corner of Downtown Avalonia. "They have the best pasta I've ever had."


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay took the card in hand. Lessons? Well...maybe some day. Though she didn't expect to do much dancing.

She followed [member="Viktor DuSang"] out of the Embassy and into the landspeeder. The question that [member="Veiere Arenais"] gave was a great one and she was eager to know the answer. It didn't take her long to hear it, and the answer only spurred more questions. And reasonably so.

Within moments they were at the bistro. Kay stepped out of the landspeeder and greeted the staff with smiles and bows of her head to them. Once they were led to their seats, she glanced down at the menu as the chair was pulled out for her for her to sit down. When Veiere and Viktor were seated, she folded her hands on top of the table. "Forgive my ignorance, but what are the ideologies of the First Order? It's better to know the truth than to go by rumours." She wanted to know how they differed from the Imperials of the past.
Palpatine; there was a name that Veiere wish he could claim that he wasn't familiar with. The Fact was that the name and also it's alias spear headed the Jedi Order of old and led the first Galactic Empire of its kind. Much like the Sith Empire, the history around the Imperial Regime was an important one to most that would study within the Jedi Order, even as a student, it was expected to know the details around such relevant and catastrophic history to the Order. This was not to say however that Veiere understood these rumors around the First Order symbolizing what was apparently seen to be something of similar nature; "I see. Interesting..." He replied softly, saying little more as [member="Lady Kay"] soon inquired about the First Orders ideologies.

Veiere had fought for the Galactic Republic on multiple occasions, spent the entirety of his life within the Order supporting the Republic as was thought to be the best route to support democracy as well as uphold the Orders individuality and significance within the Galaxy. When the Jedi Order however began to collapse from within and with the attack on Svivren sending him into a decade of exile, he had come away from it all only to meet Kay and soon be reminded just how badly the state of the Jedi Order was in. After the battles of Mimban and Deneba, following the last of the Conclaves, Veiere had received so much of the same 'animosity' as what [member="Viktor DuSang"] had mentioned, despite his life service to the Order and the Republic, only to have to pull away and reside on Commoner, in Kay Lar's Service full time. After all was said and done, to be sitting with a representative of the First Order alongside his good friend and the Madame President of Commoner, Veiere could not argue the aggressive nature of politics; especially those quarreling with the Republic.

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