TAG: Vince Avery
Papers rustled as the wind moved them while Lavria pulled her lightsaber from Max Dunwell's lifeless body in alley. The fool had been asking for it. Apparently it was frowned upon if you steal Sith Imperial intelligence and sold it to the cartels in Coruscant's Underworld. You never knew who would sell it to the bigshots of the GA up top.
It may have become more and more difficult for her to continue following the Empire's teachings, she still had no problem in taking out a sleemo like this. The information he sold, not only affected the military, but the civilians within Sith Space as well. And with her new found caring disposition, she did not need any convincing to resolve this matter quick and painless.
She sheathed her saber with a sinister grin. It felt better taking out the bad guys rather than hunting Jedi or performing political hits on people that don't really deserve it. To keep dancing to the power plays of the great Empires was starting to wear her down. But doing errands like this, made up for it a little. Made her feel like she had made a difference in someone's life.
Damn Light side nonsense that had gotten hold of her.
Nudging Dunwell's body over with her boot, she then made to turn around to leave the alley. Only, she had the sudden feeling that she was being watched. Her eyes turned bright yellow as she pulled on the Dark Side while igniting one of her sabers once more.
"Come out of the shadows before I pull you out, Moof-milker." she called into the darkness.