Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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My time in a galaxy very, very close nearby

I'll be away with my significant other to France in the time during the 28th of July up until the 4th of August. During that time, I will not have time to write at all, and I likely won't even have time to check the forum, as we intend to make the most of our stay abroad.

After I return, I will have to study for my exams in the autumn, which means I will not be as active as I'd wish to be. This means my activity will be limited to around 1 reply per character per day, sometimes possibly less than that. I do however mean to keep writing, so nothing need be stopped or cancelled, provided the contributing parties have no issue with being a little more patient with regard to the frequency of my replies. I expect to be done with the exams by some time mid-September, for better or for worse, so I shall probably resume being more active then.

This applies to both of my characters:
[member="Amelia Moonlight"]
[member="Jace Stardasher"]

I hope to finish the duel with Amelia and get the adventure with Jace started for good before that time, but we'll see how that goes. :)

Interested parties:
[member="Vrag"] [member="Nickolas Imura"] [member="Mia Maslova"]
Thank you [member="Mia Maslova"] :)

I am now back, so anyone interested in resuming is welcome, though as I said, my replies will mostly be around 1 per day or so.

[member="Vrag"] [member="Nickolas Imura"] [member="Ibby"] [member="Semziru Nar"]

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