Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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My Wicked Bones

The Admiralty
A couple of weeks passed after Kole's impromptu knock on Jin's door.

They swapped notes, investigated on the downlow, but kept their contact to the bare minimum. If anyone caught wind of what they were doing there would be hell to pay, after all. But then one morning [member="Kole Harper"] got a message from the encrypted commlink they shared for their brief communication. There was a set of coordinates, their 'secret handshake' of numbers that confirmed this was on the level and a time.

Jin was expecting Kole there at the end of the day.

There was a reason for it all and he'd get an explanation, but only once they were there of course.

The coordinates led to an alleyway adjacent to one of the warehouse districts next to the industrial ward. It was damp, crappy, smelled like something had died there recently, but Kole knew that Jin wouldn't have called him here if it wasn't important.

Once Kole stepped into the alleyway a shadow detached itself from a hidden nook.

Jin, of course.

There was a nod exchanged between them, before Shao gestured for him to follow him to the end of the alley where they'd have a better angle on one particular warehouse.


It had proven to be a busy week, constant traffic in both mind and foot. More and more pieces of the puzzle seemed to put themselves in place, even if at times it felt as if Kole was attempting to jam a corner piece into the dead centre. In the end, however, one piece must've found it's way into the perfect position; revealing a picture, if not a fragment of one. It is why Harper was summoned after all, wasn't it?

The sound of boots echoed throughout the dark and grungy alleyway, it certainly wasn't pleasant. His cold breath rebounded from his collar that made it's way up to cover half of his face, and back into his face- providing some degree of warmth. Jin stepped out and caught the man off-guard, forcing Harper to stop dead in his tracks briefly before giving the nod. Kole offered no words, and simply followed. How secure a place like this truly was he did not know, and so he wished to be absolutely certain they had reached the intended area before spilling the beans, as it were.

[member="Jin Shao"]
The Admiralty
[member="Kole Harper"]

Once they reached the end of the alley Jin didn't start talking all of a sudden.

Instead he leaned against the wall, watching intently at the entrance farther down the road of one particular warehouse, at this angle they were covered mostly by the smoke and shadows, as safe as it got without using cloaking devices. Luckily neither of them were much in the way of natural talkers, so for the most part the silence was amicable and relaxed.

Then it happened.

Someone stepped out of the entrance, looked to his left and right, then started walking away.

"Recognize him?" Jin murmured softly as they watched Dillinger leave the scene, disappearing around the corner of the far-way streets. "Trailed him here last night, seems he comes here regularly."

Every time he came this 'round Dillinger signed himself off in the patrol sheet.

It always occurred these two days.

Clockwork each week.


Kole grunted with amusement, letting out a singular, "Hmph." That showed both his equal satisfaction and disappointment. The trail was warm but at a cost of 'good' men, or so they once were. Didn't seem to particularly matter all that much these days, the planet was all too corrupt- even to the point in which everything closed down on in onto the only remaining officers that obeyed the law to the fullest extent. Unfortunately for Kole he was in the company of a man living a lie.

Harper spoke in a softer tone, replying to Shao, "Heading inside?" He prompted, a head tilt forward with eyebrows raised. Whatever was in there must've held some secrets that were vital to the case they were working, either solving it in it's entirely or leaving a large enough bread crumb trail to follow.

[member="Jin Shao"]
The Admiralty
[member="Kole Harper"]

In his experience there weren't any good men left.

Might be there never were any to begin with truth to be told.

Even the greatest detective could be the most corrupt mole, if chance was given for it to take root. If the system allowed someone like Jin exist within its cogs -- greasing the parts he needed, eroding the ones he didn't, destroying that which threatened him most -- could the system truly be... just? No, not as far as Shao was concerned and that went a long way towards pushing down any residual worries he might ever have had about the things he did and the things he'd still do.

"Yeah. I was going to enter the other time I caught him, but realized back-up could be good here." Well, truth to be told Jin had entered and made sure that there were subtle little things spread through the warehouse. It would all be small if put separately.

Put together?

They'd pain a picture not too bright and shining.

"I am gonna circle around- if we approach it from both sides at once we might be able to spread the risk a bit." Plus, if there were people inside right now? (Could be) Then having someone pointing a gun at their back, while they threatening you from the front would be a good deal as far as Shao was concerned.


​Perhaps there were no good men left, and that everyone had found themselves touched by the hand of corruption and turned to the side that profited most: crime. They used to say that crime doesn't pay, but not anymore- for it most definitely does, and has for a long time. The richest men in the galaxy are the criminals, the warlords, the bounty hunters and mercenaries. To deny such a thing is to be oblivious or ignorant, and Harper was neither. He was just a small fish in a big pond trying to turn a broken light on in a dark room. It was futile, but maybe his inability to give up is what spoke most. Maybe that's what made Kole a good man.

​A nod of the head was offered in response to Jin, followed by a few brief words, "Contact me when you're in position." The military background he had, or so he thought, being apparent in the delivery of those words. Firm and assertive. Watching Shao move away, preparing a weapon of his own. Attempting to catch a glance at the entrance, wondering if anything was visible from that outside that could make anything the slightest bit easier.

[member="Jin Shao"]
The Admiralty
[member="Kole Harper"]

Maybe that did make Kole the lone good man in a sea of filth.

Or it made him a fool.

But for Jin? You couldn't be good without being a fool in a place like this. He wasn't military, grew up poor and in slag, all he knew were the filthy alleys he was currently passing through. Oh, a life of succeeding and working his arse off had put up a layer of chrome over the ragged edges, but it still colored everything he saw an' did. Jin Shao didn't consider himself a bad guy -- or rather, didn't consider himself any worse than the rest of this planet put together -- instead Jin was just another little cog in the machine.

The fact that his particular cog's point was to make the machine just work a little less efficient?

Well, that was the price of doing business as far as he was concerned. "Ready." He murmured over his commlink as he settled himself into another shadowy nook and studied the back-entrance. It was quiet this time a night, but Jin had been part of the other side for as long as he could remember.

He saw the guard even as they tried to keep out of sight juuuust out of view.

It had been nothing more than the shimmer of their coat, but that was enough for someone who knew what to look for. Little did Kole know that they were currently about to raid a rival of his Triads. Enough pressure and they would fold, while the evidence planted here some time before would start pointing fingers at exactly the right spot. His blaster reared up from his holster, the soft whirr humming against his hand as Jin disabled the safety and breathed in.

Holding his breath just a bit.

Old Triads trick- got your adrenaline pumping before the battle started.


The blue-blooded embodiment of galactic justice stood by the door, his eyes unwavering in their glare as he watched the movement through the slits in the door. It wasn't much, but it was enough to cause his heart to beat with anticipation. There was a certain excitement that came with violence, but perhaps that was a bad thing- yet a feeling Kole couldn't quite shake.

The incriminating evidence Harper sought may very well be on the other side of this door, but the truth of the matter was far different. Instead Kole was to find a trail of bread crumbs he'd be far too eager to take a second glance at, and thus find himself down a sinister rabbit hole.

"Three, two, one." Harper's voice quietly spoke over the commlink, his blaster resting within his right hand's grip. A leg raised and thrust forwards, a door splintering from a kick that was far stronger then it had any right to be.

Heads swiveled, steps made inside, "St-." Blaster bolts found their way in Harper's direction. Perhaps Jin was right, a good man was a fool. All Kole could do was return fire, and dive for cover.

[member="Jin Shao"]
The Admiralty
[member="Kole Harper"]

Might be this situation only underlined the difference between the two.

When Kole immediately breached the door and drew attention to himself... Jin waited until the blaster shots started to rain on the other side of the building. Maybe if they had both assaulted the place as was the plan, Kole might not have found himself in the sticky situation. But Shao wasn't a martyr or a hero, unless the spotlights were on him at that particular point.

Anything else didn't have any gain.

As the guard turned around, starting to tap his commlink to report, Jin stepped out of the shadows- his knuckleduster crushed a windpipe and then a second fist slammed the guard to the ground.

Jin kicked him in the face and knocked him out.

He'd probably choke to death here, but that was beyond his worry. :: Status? :: Jin tapped their own private comm as he slipped into the warehouse from behind, sticking to the shadows as he watched the movement. More of the guards were taking up positions at the front, they were probably expecting a larger force. Jin doubted they'd ever imagine just two suicidal idiots storming their place.


If Kole was anything, he was foolhardy. In this instance, he found himself too eager to see a case closed that preparation soared out the window with any intention of stealth. Maybe it came as a result of often flying solo, not that it mattered now. His partner, as it were, wouldn't be entirely concerned if the man lost his life anyways. Now would he?

The commlink within Kole's left hand sounded, placing it beneath his mouth to respond amidst the chaos of the warehouse. :: Alive. Engaging four to five. :: That is what he saw, after all. Perhaps there was more that arrived on scene in the meantime. :: Yours- :: His voice paused as two bolts discharged from his own blaster. :: Yourself? :: He finished.

[member="Jin Shao"]
The Admiralty
[member="Kole Harper"]

He didn't immediately reply.

Mostly because he was grappling with a very stubborn- snap and the body dropped. :: Just fine, wasn't expecting this to get this loud though. :: From anyone else it might have sounded accusatory, but from Jin? Well. He almost sounded amused about it all. It didn't take long for him to survey the scene ahead- multiple figures outlined by darkness against the backdrop of the moon and the repeat fire of their blaster rifles.

:: I will take out the two on the left, give you the opening, yes? ::

Getting into position he waited for-

Something knocked into him from behind and send him sprawling against the wall.

He hit his face against it, dashing against the steel, it caught him by surprise and that dashed the air out of his lungs. "Feth me." Kole would have to wait.


:: Right. ::

A hasty, yet effective response given over the commlink. However, the assistance never came. Kole remained on the other side of the stacked crates, waiting for the fire to lessen in it's intensity, and possibly transfer onto Jin. Something wasn't quite right, and Harper stopped waiting.

Briefly, he glanced at the corpse of the man by his side, wondering if his partner had suffered a similar fate, but evicted it from his mind only moments later. Kole shuffled behind the crates, facing the enemies whilst then leaning out the right hand side of the crates themselves. His blaster wielding hand snap locked onto the criminals with robotic precision, firing off three bolts that left three men dead.

:: Jin? :: Kole questioned over the commlink as he tucked himself back into cover, moving along to the left side in a hunched, crouched walk. His blaster still at the ready, an expression of concern placed over his mug. This can't be good.

[member="Jin Shao"]
The Admiralty
[member="Kole Harper"]

Oh, Jin heard him, but couldn't do much.

Not when this guy was trying his level best to choke his life out. He managed to touch his commlink during the struggle, but all that Kole would be able to hear were gurgling sounds, grunts, someone muffling screaming and that was about it. His elbow finally connected with the solar plexus of the bastard, causing him to double over and that's where Jin rammed him against the wall, once, twice, three times.

Until they dropped to the floor with the back of their head caved in.

Jin kicked him in the face just for good measure.

"Fething hell." Jin managed to get out with a hoarse voice, before tapping his commlink again. :: How you holding up there? :: Picking up the discarded blaster he approached the firing goons from behind, three of them down.

Still a handful left.

:: Two on your right, you handle the others. ::


The bolts continued to tear through the air, and the crates metallic surfaces were no longer holding up as well as they used to. Cover was becoming a precious commodity, and Kole couldn't afford to lose it. "Eugh." Harper groaned in frustration. There wasn't entirely a lot for the man to do in the given scenario other then risk his precious flesh and return fire. Unless...

No, something else caught his mind for a moment. A sigh of relief, Jin was alive- the results of the struggle were unknown to him as of now. :: Got it. :: Kole replied, not sounding as enthused as he was a mere moment ago.

The Officer shifted about on the opposite side of the crates, entirely hidden by them. The corpse of a dead man found it's way into Harper's grip, standing upright behind a double stacked set, and then thrusting the body out into the open. The attention was fixated upon the corpse, believing it to be Harper they fired into it as Kole was able to return fire upon them with his deadly accuracy.

:: That's them. :: He sounded relieved, peering out into the open once more before concluding that it was all clear.

Kole walked outwards, seemingly disheveled as he attempted to 'fix' his clothing, but never putting his blaster away. You never knew what might come next. "Everything good?" He asked with a half nod, looking to Jin.

[member="Jin Shao"]
The Admiralty
[member="Kole Harper"]

"One of 'em tried to squeeze out my lunch by my throat, but besides that?" Jin shrugged while surveying the scene around them. This was supposed to be just a quiet stealth mission rather than the shoot-out it had become. This was becoming a mess... the paperwork would drown him alive. Especially the part that would soon follow next, that would get Kole out of the picture.

The prospect of having to handle his paperwork too?

Didn't sound great.

"Just peachy." Crouching down he snatched up a silent carbine and rose up again. "Alright, let's go, we got about ten before their friends come knocking in the next shift and then we are all karked."

Not exactly true, but hey. They were this far and might as well go a little bit farther. In truth, Jin had been planning on dragging this on for sometime. Slowly spin it around him until the trap closed down. But this... this would do. "Did a sweep of the first floor," He murmured over his shoulder as they entered the building again. "Think they got the intel on the second floor, but we should be careful."

Stairs up, they needed to find the office.


​A simply nod with a determined expression was offered in the end. Eagerness took over Kole, unsure of how deep this trail ran, who was involved and if uncovering it took a serious toll on the corruption of this world's Security Force. He'd felt it before, it was nothing new, but it never ceased to invite an intense excitement.

He moved with certain haste to his step, glancing to Jin once he snatched ahold of the Silent Carbine- Harper's eyes scanned for one, and hadn't run out of luck just yet. "Got it." Kole replied in a hushed tone. The Carbine was raised upwards, shifting from behind them with his attention, and even the blindspots Jin couldn't cover when ascending those stairs.

Kole was in for a treat, no doubt. Intended treasure was a thing of myth, and perhaps a blaster through the chest, head, or neck was what he was to receive. Perhaps something worse. Did it matter? Harper wasn't coming out on top, that much was true.

[member="Jin Shao"]
The Admiralty
[member="Kole Harper"]

Jin had to play it by ear and he disliked that.

His best rolls were always fully planned-out to the T, he already had a plan of action to deal with Kole, but this was an opportunity that he couldn't pass up. Especially because it allowed him to seem innocent even in the eyes of a betrayed Kole.... if he did it well. Fist rose up as he went through his knees, crouching down against the wall, two fingers raised up -- signifying two enemy targets -- then the finger tips pointing towards the room.

His eyes were illuminated blue, which hinted towards cybernetics.

A chopping gesture to make it known.

They were going in.

Carbine at ready Jin stood before the door, waiting for Kole to get ready. Then- his foot rammed into the door, ripping it open and catching a thug straight in the face when they were about to open it themselves.

No warnings, no commands, just a silent carbine shooting as Jin rushed in to give Kole space to roll into the tide as well.


Kole only had to make it through the day. His fate? Entirely uncertain. To him, though? He was in good hands. Jin earned his reputation as the beast cop on the beat, surely there was nothing wrong there, and with detrimental info so close? Perfect, it couldn't be better. Oh how wrong he was. Kole just aided a Triad in removing another Gang. That's all this was. A Gang War.


He remained attentive as Jin leaned up against the door, noting the two enemy signals. Shao dealt with the man who decided to open the door, meanwhile Kole barged in right after him. The second man fumbled for his weapon, his attention on Jin as he executed his comrade. All the while Harper pressed a barrel against his chest before slamming down on the trigger himself.

Funny that.

[member="Jin Shao"]
The Admiralty
[member="Kole Harper"]

Two dead.

"Good show." Jin murmured as he kicked their weapons to the corner of the room. Better to have them out of the way, last thing they wanted was someone sneaking up on them from behind and getting a drop on them with those blaster rifles. "Check the drawers, I will check the terminal." This turned out to be exactly the place they needed for their purposes.

Well, that wasn't a coincidence, of course.

Jin had been here the night before, but that was something Kole couldn't know.

The drawers themselves would be 'empty'. Some ledgers that would show some of the business this gang was up to, but nothing major that would indicate the reason for their barging in here.

Nothing about the drugs.

But that's where the terminal came in that Jin was currently slicing.


Getting close.

Kole's left hand snatched forwards at the collar of the man he just killed, preventing him from slamming into the ground and making anymore noise then necessary. Whether that, within itself, was necessary was up in the air. It just felt right in the moment. The body landed on the ground, a softer thud. Turns out it didn't matter.

An amused huff escaped Kole at the compliment, however. Not so much the indiscriminate murder, that was something he was indifferent towards. It was apart of the job, and his past- or so the one he believed he had. Surely the next chapter in Kole's life was going to prove how harsh this galaxy could be. Sorry, Kole, it's just how things are.

​His hands began rummaging through the drawers as the carbine found itself placed on top of them, sitting idly. Paper, paper, paper. All of which was useful in it's own right, but not so much to Kole as someone from Vice. "Come on." He mumbled. Absolute determination.

[member="Jin Shao"]

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