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Approved Tech Myka Bioframe

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Manufacturer: Myka
Type: Electronic
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Mass-Produced
Weight: Average
Size: Average


Tinea Lupus est Homini


  • Intent: To provide a baseline "computer" for Myka constructions and technology that operates using methods more fitting for their usual motifs.
  • Image Source: Link
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Primary Source: Duros Bio Computer
  • Manufacturer: Myka
  • Affiliation: Any Myka
  • Market Status: Closed Market
  • Model: N/A
  • Modularity: Size can be modified which affects the total raw computational power. Each computer can be linked to a different task, allowing control of other devices or machines.
  • Production: Mass-Produced
  • Material: Myka resin, Myka cells and organics, gel membrane, bio-chemical fibers, chemical compounds.
  • Biomechanical, comprised both of living and synthetic materials that link together to form functional machines and control stations.
  • Operated by external radio waves which direct cellular organisms to assume pre-trained formations that trigger various bio-chemical fibers and cause machine activation.
  • Able to "heal" itself and to regularly resupply with new cells and structures which allows for low-maintenance repair.
  • Fed by radioactive waves and sources.
  • Does not store significant amounts of data or information. There are no "hard drives" for the Bioframe so much as a fairly significant amount of RAM. It can compute rapidly, but these results are not stored after the instance is concluded.
  • Computations from the Bioframe may be dispersed back to the user in the form of radio waves which can be interpreted by Myka radio-organs, or ostensibly by devices that have been set up to translate these signals. This is more energy intensive than merely triggering a bio-chemical fiber operation and so it is common for multiple Bioframes to be connected to a "transmitter Bioframe" which receives more regular upkeep and sends signals outward for the user.
  • Thought Control - Myka Bioframes are operated primarily by the radio-organs of the Myka. This means that the operation of a Bioframe is as simple as transmitting thoughts and requests to the machine. This allows for ease of operation that can seldom be found in similar devices and means that these Bioframes can be activated and controlled almost anywhere within a vessel so long as the radio waves can reach them without excessive distortion.
  • Self-Healing - As biomechanical organisms, the Myka Bioframe can repair itself if it is damaged including its frame, membrane, and the bio-chemical fibers which allow its function. This is a very energy-intensive and slow process that requires regular feeding, but it is nevertheless autonomous and does not require expert technicians. The Bioframe cannot repair itself if all cells have been culled.
  • Cybersecurity - Without a significant amount of data or information present, and with the extremely strange method of control and function, the Bioframe is very close to unhackable - at least in the traditional sense.
  • Ion-Resistant - As a living biosynthetic construct, the Bioframe is not easily affected by ion weaponry, electromagnetic storms, or pulses.
  • Interference - While rogue signals do not inherently prevent the use of the Bioframe, a significant amount of interference can corrupt command signals and prevent the internal cells from assuming their formations. For this reason, practical use is usually limited to a location fairly close to the Bioframe unless there are no rogue signals to interfere.
  • Cybersecurity - Assuming the method of control for the Bioframe can be replicated, there are no security systems in place whatsoever. Throw the correct radio signal at the Bioframe and it will open up and perform its trained task regardless of whether you have the right "credentials" or not.
  • Information Light - The Myka Bioframes can perform their tasks admirably, but they do not have the same kind of information or data storage capacity that the average computer possesses. This makes them fairly poor for archive-keeping or to preserve important data.
  • Bad Air - As a living biosynthetic construct, the Bioframe is affected by extreme temperatures, toxins, and oxygen deprivation and can be killed by these things.
There is no clear history as to why the Myka chose to create Bioframes as opposed to creating more traditional systems of computing. Theories range from the weakness that such devices would possess against their Novatar enemies to ideas regarding their overall lack of need to create a device to store memories given the nature of the Thrum. Regardless of the reason behind the Bioframes creation, they have been utilized and optimized throughout millennia to control many aspects of Myka technology.

Bioframes are derived primarily from Myka cellular materials, though their actual frames are often Resin, and their innards are comprised of dense gels which allow the cell structures within to float freely and rapidly between various forms, and to avoid contamination from external microbes. While most portions of the machinery are microscopic, there are two obvious exceptions in the form of synthetic bio-chemical fibers which carry signals out of the machine, and a fully formed radio-organ that is formed in-vitro and then inserted into the machine. While the fibers serve as an external connector, the radio organ receives commands and distributes them to the microscopic life within where it may be coaxed into assuming various formations and triggering subsequent fibers.

In execution, the Bioframe allows for a lone Myka to control various linked machines with only their transmitted thoughts. There are no manual controls to touch and there is no need for the individual to learn any technical processes to command the Bioframe. Nevertheless, each Bioframe is "trained" for a certain task or action and they are unable to assume formations or functions that they have not been previously designed to undertake. As a workaround, the Myka occasionally create Master Bioframes which transmit commands to other more specialized variants, and Transmitter Bioframes which receive information and broadcast it into radio-based information.

Squelching wet from the resin that forms their frame, and uneasily discerned because of their severe contrast to galactic standard computers, the Myka Bioframe offers a unique and strange extragalactic variant of computational technology.


Out Of Character Info

Intent: To provide a baseline "computer" for Myka constructions and technology that operates using methods more fitting for their usual motifs.
Permissions: N/A

Technical Information

Affiliation: Any Myka
Modular: Yes
Material: Myka Resin, Myka cells and organics, gel membrane, bio-chemical fibers, chemical compounds.
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Gristle Gristle

Very interesting and cool!
  • The image source's link leads to the image itself not to the place where you found it. Please edit it.
  • The Affiliation in the template and in the pre-made fields are different, I would like to ask you to correct this.
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