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Myr The Louise Hates Soulless People


FACTION: The One Sith
RANK: Acolyte
SPECIES: Miraluka
AGE: 23
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 2.2m
WEIGHT: 93.4kg
SKIN: White

STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum):
[+]Sight Beyond Sight: Myr like everyone of his species is completely and totally blind, this blindness has developed over the centuries in his kind into the ability known as Force Sight. Myr is able to see people, places, and objects through the force. He is able to see things that those with normal eyes could not, his view of the world is entirely different and far more advanced, being able to see the galaxy on a “higher plane”. This also means that Myr notices things others do not, and it could be argued that Myr is in fact more observant than the average human.
[+]Liquid: Myr over the years he has been alive has developed an odd way of moving about. Instead of moving like a man, Myr seems to slide along with an almost liquid grace. He appears more like a serpent than a man, his moves being more practiced and smooth than a regular human, as if he was made from gelatine. These liquid graceful moves are unsettling to most beings, and aid him in combat to the extremes.
[+]Bladesemen: Unlike his forefathers Myr has always been fascinated with the arts of combat. The thing that has interested him the most, was the art of bladecraft. The Sword and the Lightsaber have always been rather interesting to Myr, and with his lithe and liquid movements Myr was perfectly capable of killing with the use of a sword, though he is no master Myr is fast becoming an expert in bladecraft.
[-]Blind: Though he has the sight of the force, Myr is in fact blind to certain things. There's certain areas of things that Myr cannot see, chief among them, things that are force dead. He cannot see Yuuzhan Vong or things hidden within the bubbles of Ysalimiri. These things are entirely unreadable to him and when submerged within the bubble himself, Myr becomes little more than a pathetic blind man.
[-]Corrupted Youth: Myr has been steeped in the corruption of the Darkside since his birth. His family had cared and worked for the One Sith ever since they went back into hiding thousands of years ago. Myr is the first of this generation to spread his wings, though he has a brother and a Sister, Myr is the only one who wishes to now leave Prakith. However because of his growing up on Prakith surrounded by Sith and the Dark Lord at all times Myr is so corrupted in the Darkside that its difficult to tell he was once a Miraluka. He is so steeped in the darkside that powers born of the light often destroy his “vision” and a single touch of Force light can bring him to his knees.
[-]Bound to the Dark: Myr's family has served the One Sith since the days of Darth Krayt. They have kept the archives of the One Sith safe and sound on Prakith for many centuries. Over these centuries Myr's family has become more and more reclusive, eventually getting to a point where they never ventured outside. Over the centuries this created an interesting evolutionary function where Myr's family essentially cannot go out into the sun for too long. Though most species are susceptible to UV burns from most stars Myr is especially vulnerable to this. Though most people can spend hours within the sun uncovered with no issue Myr can spend about 15 minutes tops out in direct sunlight with no major issue. After this his skin begins to turn red, grow boils, and in general turns into a massive painful ordeal.

Myr's appearance can be described in two words, really creepy. His skin is pasty white and cracked, his head hairless and smooth, dotted with dozens of veins and prickling little skin. His eyes are none existent, and his face is split by a permanent grin. His body is at all times covered with heavy black armor and robes and his hands are long and spindly, like spiders crawling around at all times.

Many have called Myr a terrifying sight to behold, and staring into the place where his eyes were supposed to be invokes a feeling of fear and unsoundness, as though he were nothing more than an Abyss.

Myr is the last son of a long line of keepers of the Archives of the One Sith. He is the youngest child of his parents and the one that has fully and totally embraced the Darkside of the Force.

His family line began under the services of Darth Krayt. They were some of the last surviving Miraluka that decided the Sith were the proper answer to the galaxy, however none of them were truly martially inclined and thus decided instead of being warriors or fighters they would become archivists for the One Sith. Seeing the talent that they possessed for studying knowledge an learning about both the past and partly the future using their unique Force Sight Darth Krayt decided to allow them to become the archivists.

This tradition continued on within Myr's family, they stayed within the libraries of the One Sith on Prakith, studying the knowledge found there and organizing things for when a Voice or Hand needed something. This practice continued throughout generations, other Miraluka that joined the One Sith eventually being sent to the the Archives as well just to keep the gene pool form being entirely corrupted.

So it was that throughout the centuries Myr's family kept on working within the archives and over the years they began to shift and change.

Their skin became white, their hair fell out, and their movement became more lithe and liquid, practiced motions to move between the tight spaces of the massive library. Over the centuries these things became ingrained within the family, until eventually Myr was born. Myr was the last son of his family, having an older brother and sister who still maintain the Arcvhives on Prakith. The difference between he and they however were stark even from a young age.

Whereas most of the members of his family stray from the Darkside, never touching the force unless completely necessary, Myr embraced it. He took it within himself and allowed it to ravage his body fully, using it to enhance himself .

He began to grow and prosper under the use of the Darkside of the force, and he branched out, he began to learn the use of the force, he began to use the blade and the sword, and soon he showed an interest in being more than an archivist, being more than all his ancestors. Myr pushed himself out into the open, leaving the dead world of Prakith and traveling with a new batch of Acolytes to the world of Coruscant, where he would learn the ways of the force.

Myr has no ship.

None yet.

Leena Mai

Myr the Soulless.

Myr the I'm So Deep and Dark.

Myr the Wheel of Time.

Myr the Never Left the Fourteen Year Old Emo Period.

Myr the Yu-Gi-Oh Card.

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