Myra Hadrix
Force Sensitivity
Myra holds an affinity for energy transfer abilities that have yet to be fully realised.
War Veteran
Myra has served through two Galactic-scale wars and many minor conflicts throughout an extensive military career.
Mechanically Skilled
Myra makes her living these days refitting and reselling salvaged vessels and equipment.
Technology Engineer
Myra has designed and produced several pieces of unique equipment, most notably the Assault Carbine variant of the Verpine Sniper Rifle. Typically her designs revolved around the improvement of the vessels she refits and sells.
Foreign Language
Besides Basic, Myra speaks Mando'a, the language of the Mandalorian people.
Myra has a dangerous temper. It leads to full on rage if the source of her anger sticks around too long. It's uncontrolled and can be damaging to relationships with people unprepared for such an emotionally volatile person.
Combat Injuries
Myra suffers from a stiff right knee, resultant from an injury that never fully healed. The knee locks up on occasion, though this does not happen often. Normally it just hurts like osik. She also sustained a minor back injury during her second war, which makes lifting heavy objects and people a risking venture. She cannot simply jump into action, but must carefully and precisely approach lifting situations.
Jack and Ali Hadrix
Myra loves her husband Jack and daughter Ali very much, and would do anything to protect and provide for them.
Role Play History
Open Threads:
Closed Threads:
1) Myra's daughter Ali launches a successful ambush on a group of would-be judiciaries, led by [member=Draco Vereen], though must sacrifice her well-established business holdings on her home planet of Mandalore in the process.
Much Ado About Nothing
Development Threads:
1) Improvised Designs Development to expand company versatility of production
Approved Factory Submissions:
1) Company >> Improvised Designs Military Design and Manufacturing
Missile >> DLL-28 Anti-Tank Guided Missile