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Approved Tech Myra's Wedding Ring

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Manufacturer: Ivanroe’s on Empress Teta [NPC], Myra Arceneau
Type: Basic
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Unique
Weight: Weightless
Size: Very Small

Staghead Designs

  • Alchemized
  • Alchemized: imbued with calming and anti-anxiety properties to assist the wearer in stressful situations.
  • Symbol: A thoughtful and planned-out symbol of undying love for Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell
  • Unique: It's a small, easily lost ring. Replacing it would be difficult to near impossible, as the makeup of the gemstones is unique.
In light of the beautiful engagement ring Makai gave her, Myra wanted to be sure to get a customized ring that would suit it. She went to the same jeweler -- who was able to still have his shop open, considering all things -- and had a customized wedding band made. It is alchemized platinum, with inlaid diamonds and Ice noon gemstones from Hapes that reminded Myra of the same ice blue color of his eyes.

Inside, in a tiny inscription, are the words "Malama Ko Aloha," a Galacian saying that pleads to both sides that no matter what obstacles come to the pair, they should keep their love of one another.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To sub Myra's Wedding Ring
Image Source(s):
Permissions: Me!

Technical Information

Affiliation: Myra Arceneau
Model: N/A
Modular: Yes
Material: Platinum, Diamonds, Ice Moon Gems
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