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Approved NPC Myrmidons

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  • [SIZE=9pt]Intent: This is a unit intended to follow Draven loyally when he calls upon them, they are a group of highly dedicated, motivated soldiers which keep in peak performance and follow Draven on higher profile missions.[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=9pt]Image Credit: [/SIZE]Raveneau Pierre (Link)
  • [SIZE=9pt]Role: This is a protective unit for Draven, and accompany him on extremely dangerous missions.[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=9pt]Links: None[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Unit Name: "[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]The Myrmidons" (Have taken to calling themselves, Draven's Dudes[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=9pt]Affiliation: Silver Jedi As well as a deep loyalty to Draven[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=9pt]Classification: [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]This is an infantry unit[/SIZE]
  • Equipment: Rifle Armor Side Arm

  • [SIZE=9pt]Availability: Unique[/SIZE]
  • Deployment: Limited
  • Strengths & Weaknesses: [SIZE=9pt]The combat strength of the Myrmidons is in the shock and awe factor of the massive suits charging the enemy lines head on. They are meant to crush morale, and absolutely obliterate anything in their path for a short time. They thrive off the [/SIZE]mystique of their reputation, and this adds quite a bit to their combat prowess. They are extremely useful in long drawn out fights that need to come to an end. The unit is known for its cohesiveness and timed flanking maneuvers and charges, always working in time so no part is left just a little late or comes a little early. Their ambushes are legendary as well, and they in general are known for their fear factor among enemy forces.
  • The weaknesses of the Myrmidons come in the form of emp and electronic disabling devices. The suits of armor which they use rely heavily on the electronic energy, and with the enormous bulk and weight of the armor, there was no room to include back up breakers. Emp blasts will ruin the suits and shut them down completely, rendering them completely and totally useless. The unit as a whole is arrogant, and that attitude has gotten them into trouble, and made them easy to predict in some cases. They are slow moving out of combat, lugging around pounds and pounds of gear, making them easy to pick off.
  • Description: The Myrmidons are a group of soldiers who are apart of the Silver Jedi, and have become known for their strength, daring, or intellect. They must have a background in engineering, or be willing to pick it up at least, and a strong work ethic. They are put through rigorous physical training, and spend two years developing combat skills. It takes a long time for a Mydmidon to be trained from start to finish, but the pay off is well worth it. The training usually takes places in packs of five at a time, and group bonding is heavily encouraged, contributing to the tight, family likeness of the group. This reflects in their perfect timing in combat, and extreme co-ordination.


Well-Known Member
[member="Draven Dursden"]

Draven Dursden said:
Image Credit: Raveneau Pierre
  • Link the website of the artist, please.

Draven Dursden said:
Equipment: Rifle Armor Side Arm
  • Two issues here. One, none of those submissions are approved yet – I can't stamp this sub until the Factory approves the equipment.
  • Secondly, all the linked tech is Limited, which conflicts with this:

    Draven Dursden said:
    Deployment: Limited usually. In large scale conflicts, minor.
  • In regards to the above, please remove the highlighted portion. We don't allow multiple ratings per single submission. If you have need of a larger unit, you may submit it separately.
As for the Weaknesses, they largely read like "defeating these soldiers is the most effective way of defeating them". Anyone will get beaten if they're caught surrounded without ammo – that's not a weakness, it's a fact.
  • The section is supposed to reflect specific vulnerabilities of your unit. Please adjust it in that manner.


Well-Known Member
[member="Draven Dursden"]

Alright, that works. Please @mention me when the equipment has all been approved, and we can move on with the judgment.
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