Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Myunnah



Height3 meters at the shoulder
Weight300 kg
Force SensitiveYes


Big spiny doggo.
She stands close to three meters at the shoulder and claws that would put most knives to shame. When her mouth opens, it's difficult for people to not think about how much of them would fit inside should she bit them, or how many teeth she has and how long they are. Her body and limbs are tattooed with arcane Sith symbols color matched to her skin, making them difficult to pick out. A warm, earthy smell tinged with cinnamon sweetens the air when she's fresh, but can turn slightly musty if she stays in one place too long.


Collar, armor, food and water dish, squeaky toy.


Contemptuous of all but the 'pack alpha' who isn't here anymore, she mostly pretends to ignore anyone not in the pack while regarding them with suspicion. To 'pack members' she's much warmer and often pushes her head into their laps for ear scratches or places herself between them and strangers. In public she's either well-behaved, or a little mischievous and startling people as she likes the attention and knowing she can.


Implanted wallet.
Talk good.
Inherent Force abilities.


No Thumbs!
Why are pockets?!?
Why u run? Am person!
Limited in the Force.
Abstract concepts.


Myunnah was gifted as a pup to Domino by one of the Sith Emperors after she assisted in the defense of Metalorn. Sentient enough to know and speak the Sith language, Domino's taught her quite a bit of Basic as well. In which she takes perverse delight in correcting improper grammar and answering questions with just a 'yes,' 'no,' or as unhelpfully as possible, often resulting in an impromptu game of 20 questions. Because her mouth is shaped differently than most sentient species, she has a hard time with basic and speaks in guttural, clipped tones. The Sith language is much easier and her preferred form of verbal communication.

After Domino's withdrawal from the Galaxy, Myunnah was left on her own. She's since taken to wandering, eventually finding herself on her specie's home world of Korriban.

Her abilities in the force are currently limited to mental communication with force-sensitives she's close to (mostly consisting of her senses like sight, sound, and smells with a few words mixed in.) She also has a vague danger sense and a strong telekinetic push and pull, usually used to knock someone over. In desperation, she can send out a stronger wave over a wider area, but this leaves her drained.

Complex ideas like economy and engineering often escape her entirely.

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