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Species Review Nórrmen | Homo Sapiens Augeus


Source (x)
Nórrmen in an "arrowhead formation" close on a sleeping alien encampment.
Create a mysterious race of augmented humans who were engineered to wage warfare with the dominant society; reflecting this, they're ferocious as Vikings and disciplined like ancient samurai, which is necessary given the brutality of their homeworld. The race is less numerous than the famous star wars warrior societies like the Echani, Thyrsians or Mandalorians but significantly more "hardcore" with a "survival of the fittest" mentality. Their culture and homeworld have fostered this. Their central themes are brutality, ferocity and discipline.
Image Credit: Credit
Canon: Human (Off-Shoot).
Permissions: N/A.
Links: Human, Mutant, Genetic Engineering.



Source (x,x)
Nórrmen troopers on Frysk's cold, hostile surface

Name: Homo Sapiens Augeus.
Taxonomic Name(s): Homo Sapiens Augeus, Archeohomina.
Other Name(s): Nórr, Nórrmen, Nórrman.
Designation: Sentient

Classification: Near-Human
Origins: Genetically-Modified Homo Sapiens.
Average Lifespan: ~550 Standard Years (Maximum)

Physiological Lifespan Stages:
  • Adulthood: 24 Standard Years onward.
  • Young Adulthood: 21-24 Standard Years.
  • Late Adolescence: 18-21 Standard Years.
  • Middle Adolescence: 14-17 Standard Years.
  • Early Adolescence: 11-13 Standard Years.
  • Late Childhood: 7-10 Standard Years.
  • Middle Childhood: 5-7 Standard Years.
  • Early Childhood: 3-5 Standard Years.
  • Toddler: 1-3 Standard Years.
  • Infancy: Neonate-1 Standard Years.
Estimated Population: Planetary
Population Estimate: ~15,000,000-16,000,000

  • ~15,000,000 Homo Sapiens Augeus
    • ~10,000,000 Nórrmen
      • 1,500,000 Nórrmen soldiers (Professional + Reserve).
First Appearance: Prehistory.


Source (x)
Lieutenant Anirul Eboncrown wielding a vibroblade

Breathes: Type I Atmosphere (1.3x Typical Density)
  • Noble Gas Composition:
    • 35% Oxygen.
    • 63% Nitrogen.
    • 1% Water Vapour.
    • 0.9% Argon.
    • 0.03% Carbon Dioxide.
Native Gravity: 2.3G (~2.3x Earth-Like).
Average Height of Adults:

  • Male: 211cm/6'11".
  • Female: 200cm/6'7".
Average Mass of Adults:
  • Male: 137.5Kg/303 .lbs-203.5Kg/448 .lbs
  • Female: 125Kg/275 .lbs-182.5Kg/402 .lbs
Average Length of Adults: Varies to individual.
Skin colour: Pale, Fair.
Eye colour: Blue, Green, Hazel, White.

Hair colour: Auburn, Black, Brown, Blonde, Ginger, White.
Distinguishing Feature(s):

  • "Hawk-like":
    • Almond-shaped eyes.
    • Angular Jaw.
    • High cheekbones.
    • Prominent brow ridge.
    • Sharp noses.
    • Slopped foreheads.
  • Ability to digest and incorporate inert, heavy metals such as titanium into their skeleton.
  • Accelerated healing.
  • Dramatically reduced aging.
  • Remarkable reaction time.
  • Resistance to biological and chemical threats.
  • Ultradense connective tissue.
  • Ultradense musculature.
  • Homo Sapiens Augeus: Genetically modified Homo Sapiens Sapiens have developed into their distinct species.
    • Nór: The inhabitants of the "death world" Frysk have developed an extraordinarily ferocious and disciplined culture under the pressures of their homeworld. They frequently encounter temperatures at the low end of -45 degrees Celcius and highs of 60 degrees celsius. Nór warriors are distinguished by their broad use of rune tattoos etched into their skin above the right eyebrow and their use of a "corrupted Corellian blood stripe" painted in trios. Every Nór warrior paints three vertical lines on their chest plate, with an additional three painted on the right shoulder of Nór non-commissioned officers and three blood stripes on the breastplate and both shoulders of commissioned officers.
Force Sensitivity: Standard.
  • MSTN Deviation: The MSTN Gene is Responsible for producing the protein Myostatin, which inhibits the growth and size of muscles and connective tissue in normal humans, and is significantly reduced in the Nórr. The myostatin deficiency dramatically increases connective tissue, muscle size and density. The typical adult Homo Sapiens Augeus can lift three to five times their mass and run or sprint three to five times faster than their baseline human counterparts. Naturally, A strike from an adolescent or adult Homo Sapiens Augeus carries significant multiple times the kinetic energy or force that a comparable strike from Homo Sapiens Sapiens contains and is sufficient to fracture the skeleton of Homo Sapiens Sapiens.
  • PAX-Gene Structure: PAX-Gene in baseline Homo Sapiens is responsible for the growth and structure of the human eyes. In normal humans, the gene delivers instructions to the growing eyes where capillaries grow over the top of their photoreceptors, resulting in their eyes glowing red in photographs. In Homo Sapiens Augeus, PAX genes responsible for this are different and result in the growth of eyes where the capillaries connect to the back of the photoreceptors instead of being laid over the top of them. This allows for more visible light to reach the photoreceptors. As a result, Homo Sapiens Augeus exhibit higher resolution eyesight able to read at eighty feet what a baseline human adult can read at twenty feet. Because of the redirected blood flow the Norr exhibit Tapetum Lucidum, where light is reflected into the photoreceptors like a nocturnal predator giving them a greenish-hue in low-light environments and allowing the Homo Sapiens Augeus to see in low-light settings.
  • Osteo-Augmentation: Their skeleton is grown from a titanium-oxide reinforced crystallised calcium; their Genome is altered so that Osteogeneration through osteoblasts and osteoclasts makes use of digested inert titanium into the calcium-based construction. Osteoblast cells lay down the Titanium Oxide into the crystalline calcium's foundations. This leaves the Homo Sapiens' Augeus' bones practically unbreakable. Because the titanium reinforcement is being laid down naturally, the osteostructure retains a porous texture permitting circulatory system growth and function. However, a healthy Homo Sapiens Augeus requires titanium and an inert metal-rich diet.
  • Super-Myelinated Nervous System: Nervous System nerve cells are produced in a super-myelinated form; their neural dendrites have fibrified. Their central, motor, sensory and periphery nervous systems pass through signals at astonishing velocities. Their spinal columns are significantly thicker than a baseline. Reducing reaction time by 300-500%, increases fine motor control and gross motor control function. It dramatically enhances the subject's sense of balance. This mutation is responsible for the Nórr's famous grace and agility. To a Human baseline observer, an Nórr appears to have an almost preternatural ability to anticipate attacks.
  • Telomere Chain Resilience: The Telomeres that protect their chromosomes' have a considerable capability to self-repair in response to damage. This grants resistance to the damaging and mutagenic effects of ionizing radiation. There is also a massive reduction in the physical effects of aging and the onset of the degradation in physical performance. However, the trade-off here is that aging Homo Sapiens Augeus require access to sophisticated medical monitoring and technology to screen for and treat cancers as they age into several centuries.
  • Cranio-Facial Trauma: The central nervous system of the Homo Sapiens Augeus, like Homo Sapiens Sapiens, is located in the skull; direct trauma to the head can cause the central nervous system to shift in its' housing and strike the cranial walls. This can result in physical symptoms or injuries, including haemorrhaging of the brain's circulatory structures or losing balance and motor control. Cranio-facial trauma can even result in temporary loss of consciousness due to hydrostatic shock.
  • Flash Blindness: A Nórr can be completely blinded temporarily by the phenomenon of "flash blindness" where an intense source of visible light is directed into their eyes when the muscles have relaxed in low-light conditions. This causes immediate pain along with impaired vision as the structures of the eye force a contraction to protect the photoreceptors from damage.
  • Genetic Mutation: The Nórr and Homo Sapiens Augeus writ large are fundamentally genetically-modified Humans where their mutations have become dominant expressions in the Genome; they can reproduce with Humans and Near-Humans, however. Children born from such a union are invariably mutated and cannot survive past infancy without intense genetic therapy. Ergo, any population of Homo Sapiens Augeus is incapable of reproducing with Homo Sapiens Sapiens or one of their closely-related off-shoots.
  • Gravitational Atrophy: Having adapted and evolved in an extraordinarily high-gravity environment, Homo Sapiens Augeus are liable to atrophy when they reside in a low-gravity environment such as an earth-like 0.9-1.0 gravity field. This can be mitigated or reduced with regular and strenuous exercise however, without that regular exercise Homo Sapiens Augeus will atrophy.
  • Hypoxia: Nórr can struggle to maintain high levels of physical exertion on typical type I worlds while they breathe the same atmospheric noble gas mixture as Humans and most Near-Humans the devil is in the details; Nórr have evolved with a more significant share of oxygen in their atmosphere about fifteen per cent more on average. Nórr has adapted to a dense atmosphere rich with oxygen. This can be compensated for with a supplemental oxygen supply. Under extreme physical load in a typical Type I atmosphere, they are liable to fatigue quickly without supplemental oxygen; a comparison for a baseline Human would be scaling a mounting and trying to exercise where the atmosphere is thinner.
  • Nerve Agents: Despite being augmented and significantly tougher, faster and stronger than Homo Sapiens, Homo Sapiens Augeus still have a central nervous system and are vulnerable to the same organic class of chemicals responsible for blocking acetylcholinesterase which results in the breakdown of a key neurotransmitter. In short, Homo Sapiens Augeus can be readily disabled, incapacitated or even killed by physical contact or inhalation of these chemicals.
  • Repugnant: The Nór are considered abhorrent as a society by more egalitarian societies of the galaxy; their culture and customs are condemned as ruthless and merciless by the galaxy's academia by far and large. They are infamous and renowned for "child sacrifice" and "blood-letting rituals". Although it is not without rational explanation, given their environment. They are feared, respected and vilified in equal measure, known for their refusal to take prisoners among their defeated foes unless it serves a tangible strategic or tactical goal. As opponents, they regularly rely upon terror tactics. With a society that represses homosexual relationships and promotes an ideology of "survival of the fittest" where the weak are culled in ritualistic combat as teenagers, it isn't difficult to see how they are at odds with democratic and egalitarian societies.

Source (x)
Nórrmen mercenary wearing an armoured envirosuit

Diet: Herbivore.

Technology level: Information (Pre-Imperial Discovery), Space (Adopted).
  • Electro-Plasma Vibroblades: Nórr are renowned for their single-edged vibroblades which are constructed to feature a plasma filament running along the length of the edge to assist in the cutting of even the most heavy infantry armours. The weapons are remarkable in their construction as they often do not feature crossguards. Observers often comment that this tendency in design is reflective of their aggressive mentality.
  • Personal Deflector Shields: All Nórr manufactured or designed personal armour systems feature a resilient and efficient recharging unique deflector shield generator that interdicts high velocity kinetic and energy projectiles; this has dramatically increased their soldiers' survivability against ranged attacks and led to a renaissance of melee combat as a melee weapons' speed can be controlled by the wielder but also correspondingly necessitates at a cultural level more outstanding training and skill. This has resulted in melee combat being central to the Nórr's military culture and explains their frightening expertise.
  • Repulsorbelts: As part of a Nórr warrior's standard equipment they wear Repulsorbelts which generate micro-repulsor fields to slow an individual's falling velocity. This is used by Nórr warriors operationally to scale mountains on their own homeworld of Frysk and to deploy from fast-moving low-flying dropships without the need for additional equipment like a grav-chute.
  • Ungolism: An Ethno-religion practised by the Nórr characterised by a belief that strength and self-sacrifice are the penultimate virtues; it holds that dying in battle is the highest honour and glory that a practitioner can achieve and that they have a duty of care to cull the weak from their race to ensure its' strength and purity. Ungolism encourages the idea that discipline and preparedness for war are the keys to serenity and peace. Those who have mastered self-discipline have overcome fear and achieved true enlightenment. Zealous adherents believe they are a "chosen people". A superior race, mingling blood with the "weak" peoples such as Humans and Near-Humans or aliens, is prohibited; the ideology describes death as a suitable punishment for "miscegenation".
    • Dreams are messages: The Ungolie stance toward dreams is that they are messages from "The Deep", the otherworld into which all beings pass upon death; adherents to the religion often consider one's dreams to be a manner of prophecy.
    • Forerunner Miscegenation: Ungol's creation legend holds that the Nór are the origins of Homo Sapiens, the source of humanity. They believe that baseline Humans result from a genetic mutation that resulted in weak/feeble children and that pre-Ungol Nór pitied their deformed children and sent them into space aboard a pair of Arks that landed on distant worlds. This belief also reinforces their brutal regime of eugenics, determined to prevent such a calamity from occurring again; it also serves as justification for why the punishment for Miscegenation is steep.
    • The sacrifice of the weak: Before embarking on a campaign or beginning a military operation against an opponent, Frysk soldiers will participate in a sombre parade where a Ungol priest will throat-chant a funeral dirge, and the Nórr soldiers will be anointed with a stripe of blood from the ritualistically prepared corpses of male Frysk late adolescents who fail their graduation trials and are killed by a prisoner. It serves as a reminder for the soldiers of the blood that flows through their veins and what awaits them in battle if they should fail, be careless or neglect what needs to be done.
    • Fryskan Bloodstripes: Denoting extraordinary heroism, Nór will adorn the front of their breastplates and uniform tunics with a trio of equidistant crimson stripes painted in the blood of the failed aspirants or paint as a show of their preparedness to sacrifice their lives.
  • Way of the Warrior: A code of conduct expected of every Nór warrior.
    • Clean away the blood: After melee combat, every Nór warrior is trained to wipe it clean before resheathing; this generally takes the form of A swordsman running the flat length of the blade in the crook of an elbow, along a sleeve or between an index finger and thumb this is a custom from when the Nór used iron-based swords and would rust if not cleaned of blood.
    • Competition respect: For the Nórr, the competition of life versus death, struggle and success mean everything. They possess a deep respect for their peers and scorn the weak. A worthy adversary should be respected and acknowledged; the weak or cowardly should be shunned. A Nórr warrior will not be callous or cruel without instruction. They will kill the enemy's non-combatants if instructed, but killing those who are beneath you or offer no competition offers no honour or glory in the mind of the Nórr.
    • Determined discipline: Unflinching and unyielding, Nór are drilled for hours on end, conditioned to train, fight and survive in any environment; they'll stand at attention in the pouring rain for hours on end if asked. They move in loose formations with utter silence, their timings without flaw or equal. They effortlessly apply principles of formational drill in any melee confrontation without so much as speaking a solitary word.
    • Filial piety: Nór society holds deep reverence and respect for their elders, mentors and their ancestors, taking considerable pride in the countless generations of survivor-warriors who have gone forth and preceded them. With their respect for the authority and experience of elders, there is no room for doubting or questioning one's superior officer. The Nór make for a terrifying shock force; they will annihilate the enemy of any race, sex or age without discrimination if ordered.
    • Martial honour: Martial honour is revered to a Nór; it is considered a humiliation and unconscionable disgrace to willingly be taken captive ergo; they do not surrender and, if given an opportunity, will die in battle or perish in the attempt. An honourable fate for a mortally wounded Nór who is in imminent danger of captivity is to fall on their own sword and commit suicide. Additionally, it is considered acceptable to request the aid of a comrade or friend to facilitate the passing. To be the executioner in such a scenario is a great honour as it implies deep intimacy and respect between the two parties.
    • Relentlessness: Nór warriors pride themselves on dedication and tenacity. They fight in an immediate and head-on style, their singular unwavering focus is to mow down their enemy beneath their blades or weapon fire, they are fanatical berserkers who care little for their own lives.
Naming Convention(s):
  • Male: Ahelmil, Angeron, Angul, Aurvandil, Ask, Fervir, Gerit, Grann, Hauke, Heinir, Irmin, Kherus, Mannus, Nervii, Omani, Raik, Rugi, Thelir.
  • Female: Alette, Annor, Anirul, Anske, Aukje, Eline, Fenneke, Fleur, Hallin, Heilke, Ilse, Irulan, Kelly, Kyle, Mieke, Nienke, Liothida, Reece, Renske, Rugi, Silke.
  • Family: Brimstone, Ebonhawk, Firehawk, Gravepelt, Ironside, Lawgiver, Metalsmith, Giantweaver, Oresmith, Shattershield, Silverhand, Suncrown, Soulkeeper, Swordshatter.
    • Note: Surnames in Nór society are earned at the onset of adulthood with citizenship and generally represent one's occupation, a significant achievement, personal characteristic or some combination thereof.
Power Structures: Unitarianism.
Power Sources: Autocracy, Oligarchy.
Power Ideologies: Monarchy.
Socio-Economic Attributes: Totalitarianism, Despotism.

General behaviour:
The Homo Sapiens Augeus species are best represented by the Nór of Frysk; they are incredibly warlike people who have adapted to the extreme selection pressures of their "homeworld" Frysk, which has been tested the limits of their resilient physiology. Their defining characteristics are their ferocity and iron discipline cultivated by the natural savagery of Frysk; their societies are hierarchical without exception. Frysk values the ideal of the "survival of the fittest' those most capable of adapting and overcoming their environment, their religious and societal philosophy involves ritualistic combat and endurance tests. For example, for young Frysk men, their endurance and strength are expected to be tested as warriors and slay many enemies. Young Frysk women are expected to bear many children from the most prominent warriors or prominent military commanders to compensate for the grim reality of their homeworld.

Their society dominated by the implicit or explicit threat and/or use of force has resulted in a meritocracy that favours the representation of men as the wielders of political power. The policies and laws of the Frysk seek to give their adults a high standard of living at the expense of children who are put through trials and tests that test their intelligence and physical fitness. Children outnumber adults as a matter of course due to their society's focus on war and combat-related professions.

To ensure a merit system where nepotism is reduced or eliminated, parents and their children are prohibited by law from knowing one another's identities. Fathers and mothers are only permitted by law to be introduced or identified as nebulous "uncles" or aunts". Honour in competition, whether it be sport or combat, is considered sacrosanct; in contests, it is deemed to have no integrity or honour should two opponents be pitted against each other with a vast skill or physical power gap. As a result, the Norr seldom permits combat contests between men and women.

In Frysk schools, armed combat training begins at six years of age. They are given dull but still edged blades, instructed in their use, and expected to participate in full-contact sparring matches with other children where laceration injuries are common. In these exercises, killing is discouraged, although children who prove capable of killing an opponent receive additional attention and training, often being enrolled in special programs.

As part of their intense civil and military education and passage into adolescence, Nór children undergo several successive tests and trials according to their sex. Males between the ages of 12 to 13 are taken into the wilderness and left to return or die to test their survival skills and fitness. As part of their trials, females are expected to produce children between the ages of 14-18, typically no less than four. Among females, infertility is viewed with a mix of pity and derision. Male adolescent Nór students are permitted by custom and law to challenge one another to duels, including those that result in grievous bodily injury or death. Duels and their terms require informed written consent by both involved parties is supplied and endorsed by their School's "Amid" or principal.

All Nórr young adults, to be considered eligible for graduation and citizenship must participate in singular ritual combat against a prisoner and kill them. Such fights to the death as a means of contest among adults are prohibited as the "tribe" or "race" is perceived to be weakened should the best warriors kill one another. Nór who die during this test are considered unworthy, and prisoners who succeed in killing the Nór student are retained for use against the creme de la creme.

Those who survive primary and secondary education to graduate and become adults face no further trials by custom or law. All male adults are required by law to serve in the military on an active basis for a period not less than eighty-five years; males who have gained admission into higher and vocational education or work in a critical service or manufacturing skills may serve this period partly or wholly as an active reservist. All-female adults are required by law to serve in the military on an operational basis for not less than four years. As a result, women in Nór society are over-represented in post-secondary academia and the service-based industry, while men dominate the political landscape and military.

Both men and women are eligible to volunteer to undergo commissioned officer candidacy. An adult serving on an active basis in the military may not be appointed to the highest political positions. The Nórr acknowledge that leadership, political or professional success should not be dedicated by one's personal skill with a blade alone and know that military leadership isn't necessarily staffed with the finest warriors. Physicians who can heal warriors and engineers who build weapons are respected as equals to the finest warriors as everyone in Nór society is indoctrinated as a soldier first and foremost.

Given their political power and structure place prestige on an individual's martial skill rather than something so superfluous as beauty, men compete for the most intelligent and strong women as wives. In Nór society, marriages are entered into on a consensual basis; it is viewed as socially acceptable for women to discriminate between suitors based on strength and intelligence. The progeny of such a union stands to survive the trials of childhood and adolescence. Nór mothers are separated from their children during infancy and adopt the role of one of many "Aunties".

Cloning within Nór society may be used to replace organs and limbs lost to conflict. The Nór revere and acknowledge strength and honour even among their enemies, and will seize the corpses of great warriors and clone them so that the warriors' legacy can endure. For the Nór who respect strength above all else, it matters not if the host is Nór only so long as they are Human or of a closely related species and the subject of the cloning has proven themselves worthy. They consider over-reliance on ranged weapons to be the refuge of the coward. Due to the high gravity of their homeworld chemical-based projectile weapons were largely ignored. It wasn't until the introduction of directed energy weapons that the Nórr incorporated them into warfare.

When recruiting a Nór to be a soldier, you don't have to train them into a martial mindset. Oppression by technologically powerful enemies and infighting for scant resources have honed their fighting skills so that there's nothing left for a formal trainer to give them but a rank and a uniform. With every breath, they check their environment for danger or threats. Carry everything needed for survival, constantly clean and maintain any equipment, have outstanding survival skills, move and fight as tightly cohesive units, operate at night as comfortably as day, kill without compunction, and are prepared to fight bitterly for survival or without hesitation sell their lives to buy their comrades another day.

An adult career soldier who fails in their training is verbally abused, exercised to exhaustion, and given remedial training until they wash out or pass. A Nórr adolescent who makes a mistake will die.

Homo Sapiens Augeus were engineered in pre-history by alien gene wright as part of an experiment to create supersoldiers from the Human prodigious species which threatened to reproduce in such volume they would one day come to dominate the galaxy with their number. However, the augmented Humans rebelled against their alien enslavers unsuccessfully, although not before inflicting massive casualties on the aliens'. Homo Sapiens Augeus, like Homo Sapiens Sapiens, were considered uncontrollable but is an example of erroneous mercy that couldn't bring themselves to destroy their creation. Instead, the aliens elected to imprison the power of the augmented humanity in 100,000 BBY, abandoning them on what was thought to be a mountainous and inhospitable place, virtually devoid of arable lands across its' rocky surface, completely unable to sustain an advanced civilisation. The massive planet had an unpleasantly dense atmosphere and extraordinarily high gravity. It was thought the Augeus couldn't survive; the Homo Sapiens Augeus proved that, like their diminutive cousins, though, they would persevere against the most tremendous odds.

In 100,000 BBY, The illiterate Augeus on Frysk consisted of differing warring tribes. Their origins were rapidly forgotten; among them emerged what would become the Nórr; their fair and angelic appearance belied their belied penchant for vicious ferocity and utterly unbreakable discipline. The primitive Nórr occupied the poor mountains of Golgoth. Still, they practised total war from the slopes of their home. One-after-another they conquered and enslaved their pacifist neighbours who resided in the fertile vales, taking captured women as wives, making eunuchs of the men and slaughtering their children. The Nórr took the criminals from among their felled enemies' population and used them to train their own children to be warriors in their brutal rituals. The Nórr, through their application of total war, utterly exterminated all other Homo Sapiens Augeus on Frysk through ethnic genocide; their cousins survive only as a faint admixture in the Genome of the Nórr.

The Nórr and Frysk, their homeworld, were discovered by Emperor Palpatine's Galactic Empire after centuries-long obscurity shortly after the Scourge of Mandalore. The Galactic Empire fought a savage three-year war against the Nórr, which resulted in a stalemate and casualties for the Galactic Empire that numbered in the millions and only the tens of thousands for the Nórr. After the Galactic Empire base-delta-zeroed Frysk's already hostile surface, they were finally brought to the table. The Galactic Empire negotiated a treaty with the Nórr whereby the Galactic Empire would provide foodstuffs and modern technology. In exchange, the Nórr would house dangerous prisoners of the Galactic Empire in Correctional Centres and use them for their ritualistic trials, provide candidates for the Empire's Death Troopers, Acknowledge Emperor Palpatine as "The Emperor of Frysk on the Iron Throne", and his lawful successors as the Emperor of Frysk and finally provide their finest warriors to the Emperor's personal guard.

The Nórr have since been loyal to Imperial Ideology, particularly the brand of Humanocentrism promoted by the original Galactic Empire. In the modern context, the Nórr broadly pledged their support to the Sith Emperor of the Sith Empire. Following the uprising of Irveric Tavlar's rebels, the Nórr's hierarchy fought against the New Imperial Order, fighting them to a stalemate in a vicious and costly terrestrial campaign. Besieged and starving, they came to the negotiation table where a respectful acknowledgement of mutual strength was made, and the Nórr hailed Irveric Tavlar as the "Iron Imperator". The Nórr acknowledged him as the lawful and rightful successor to the Imperial Throne and joined the New Imperial Order; the Legions of Frysk were inducted into the Imperial Military's Stormtrooper Corps and now serve Erskine Barran the Lord-Regent as the Imperial military's most dangerous and fanatical soldiers styling themselves as the "Blades of the Emperor". The Nórr of Frysk are dependant on agricultural imports from the Empire and other foreign powers for population growth and adequate food supply, in return. The Nórr provide warriors equal to any and superior to most.

Erskine Barran, Lucien Dooku, Zef Halo, Koda Fett.
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Under Review Hansen Hansen

I apologize for the long wait for this sub. I applaud the level of detail, but I do have some concerns.

The most significant concern is regarding Roleplay Rule #2: "Cross-Over Role-play is not allowed." This species is extremely similar to the Sardaukar from the Dune, particularly in their most recent film portrayal. Similarities include, but are not limited to:
  • Several of the images used for the Norrmen explicitly depict Sardaukar
  • The technologies referenced in the sub - vibroblades, personal deflector shields, and repulsorlift belts - closely parallel Dune tech
  • The Norrmen, like the Sardaukar, are members of a fierce warrior culture emphasizing purity and harsh training from a young age
  • The Norrmen homeworld, like the Sardaukar homeworld, is a prison planet with a harsh environment that affects their warrior culture
  • The Norrrmen, like the Sardaukar, are renowned and fanatical warriors, and make up the Emperor's personal guard
  • The Norrmen pre-battle ritual is an exact copy of the Sardaukar one, with throat singing and anointing with blood
Inspiration is fine, but importing a culture from another franchise wholesale is not. This species looks like the Sardaukar, and acts like the Sardaukar, so it seems to me that they are the Sardaukar under a different name. Significant changes will need to be made in order to differentiate this species and their culture from the Sardaukar, or this sub cannot be approved due to Rule 2.

There are a few other matters to raise here:

  • Image Credit: All image credits must be listed in this section, at the top of the sub, not next to the image.
    • The link to the third image, of Lieutenant Anirul Eboncrown, leads to a "page not found" message.

  • Origins: I would recommend mentioning who modified the Norrmen, and where, in this section.

  • Description: Per Codex rules, no template fields may be omitted. This field, which comes after Estimated Population, is missing.

  • Force-Sensitivity: Per Codex rules, no template fields may be omitted. This field, which comes after Races, is missing.

  • Weaknesses: Several of these weaknesses are just standard traits of humans, and thus don't really qualify as balancing weaknesses. If it already affects an ordinary person, it's not worthy of being listed as a weakness, because it's not unique to the species.
    • Cranio-Facial Trauma: Strikes to the head will disorient or knock unconscious most sentient species.
    • Flash Blindess: Most species with eyes are vulnerable to flash blindness, which is why flash-bangs exist.
    • Nerve Agents: Again, most species are vulnerable to these kinds of chemicals affecting their nervous systems.

  • Diet: You classify this species as Herbivores, but make no other mention of their diet that I saw. Are they unable to eat meat? That is a significant change from baseline humans, and could qualify as a weakness.

Please reach out with any questions you may have.
Under Review Hansen Hansen

I apologize for the long wait for this sub. I applaud the level of detail, but I do have some concerns.

The most significant concern is regarding Roleplay Rule #2: "Cross-Over Role-play is not allowed." This species is extremely similar to the Sardaukar from the Dune, particularly in their most recent film portrayal. Similarities include, but are not limited to:
  • Several of the images used for the Norrmen explicitly depict Sardaukar
  • The technologies referenced in the sub - vibroblades, personal deflector shields, and repulsorlift belts - closely parallel Dune tech
  • The Norrmen, like the Sardaukar, are members of a fierce warrior culture emphasizing purity and harsh training from a young age
  • The Norrmen homeworld, like the Sardaukar homeworld, is a prison planet with a harsh environment that affects their warrior culture
  • The Norrrmen, like the Sardaukar, are renowned and fanatical warriors, and make up the Emperor's personal guard
  • The Norrmen pre-battle ritual is an exact copy of the Sardaukar one, with throat singing and anointing with blood
Inspiration is fine, but importing a culture from another franchise wholesale is not. This species looks like the Sardaukar, and acts like the Sardaukar, so it seems to me that they are the Sardaukar under a different name. Significant changes will need to be made in order to differentiate this species and their culture from the Sardaukar, or this sub cannot be approved due to Rule 2.

There are a few other matters to raise here:

  • Image Credit: All image credits must be listed in this section, at the top of the sub, not next to the image.
    • The link to the third image, of Lieutenant Anirul Eboncrown, leads to a "page not found" message.

  • Origins: I would recommend mentioning who modified the Norrmen, and where, in this section.

  • Description: Per Codex rules, no template fields may be omitted. This field, which comes after Estimated Population, is missing.

  • Force-Sensitivity: Per Codex rules, no template fields may be omitted. This field, which comes after Races, is missing.

  • Weaknesses: Several of these weaknesses are just standard traits of humans, and thus don't really qualify as balancing weaknesses. If it already affects an ordinary person, it's not worthy of being listed as a weakness, because it's not unique to the species.
    • Cranio-Facial Trauma: Strikes to the head will disorient or knock unconscious most sentient species.
    • Flash Blindess: Most species with eyes are vulnerable to flash blindness, which is why flash-bangs exist.
    • Nerve Agents: Again, most species are vulnerable to these kinds of chemicals affecting their nervous systems.

  • Diet: You classify this species as Herbivores, but make no other mention of their diet that I saw. Are they unable to eat meat? That is a significant change from baseline humans, and could qualify as a weakness.

Please reach out with any questions you may have.

Hello Mongrel,

I want to point out that Vibroblades, personal deflector shields and repulsorlift belts are all Canon star wars technologies; personal deflector shields are ubiquitous in all of my armour submissions on top of that they have always functioned similarly to the shielding technology featured in Dune, these armour submissions of mine; I'll point out by years pre-date Dune's most recent big-screen film adaptation. My familiarity with Dune did not start with the most recent film adaptation and the aforementioned shields were inspired by both the Dune books and Mass Effect series. I think it is suitable that a race that places extreme emphasis on physical purity and fitness has a focus on close-quarters combat which is nothing new for Star Wars as we've seen with the Echani.

I struggle to comprehend the sudden fixation on the appearance of all things, so if I remove all the dune-centric imagery with the non-descript Imperial imagery, we'll be right to go? Yes, the Sardaukar are an inspiration but Australia was also once a prison with a harsh environment, it appears nobody once considered I was inspired in some way by my own country and the struggle of its' European settlers or that perhaps we as authors are sometimes drawing from the same well. My sole source of inspiration here isn't the Sardaukar alone.

The Echani, to the best of my knowledge, and Thyrsians also value purity and harsh training from a young age; I'd like to table this isn't a characteristic exclusive to the Sardaukar or Norrmen but also present in real-world cultures like the ancient Greek Spartan Hoplites who also served as some creative inspirations here, particularly regarding eugenics and culling the weak.

I'll also point out that I have not deleted the "Force-sensitivity" field. I note your recommendation about the origin; however, I'm going to keep it vague because I like the idea of mysterious creation mythology, plus the origin of Humanity in Star Wars itself appears to be uncertain or unclear, much like how our origins as a species are an ongoing point of scientific discussion and debate. I can add a description of the race, that field appears to have been deleted erroneously during editing.

Flash Blindness being a weakness for the Norr is fair as significantly more visible NIR and UV light get into the photoreceptors by their eyes' structure. This is likely to result in pain and symptoms of flash blindness over a period that would exceed that of a Baseline Human or other Near-Human Species and thus I'll table is a Norr-specific vulnerability that distinguishes them.

I was going to create an army of Human clones genetically modified in the same way as the Norrmen are to be the Emperor's/Lord-Regent's guard. A clone army doesn't have a culture though and clones have in my view been over-done in Star Wars and on the website. I wanted a culture that mixed Viking ferocity, Samurai discipline and Spartan eugenics. I'll re-concept but this thread will have to go archived as the reconceptualisation will take time.
Hansen Hansen

Any one, or even two, of the points raised would not be cause for concern. Yes, the technologies mentioned are also canon. Yes, other cultures influenced by prison homelands exist. Yes, other warrior cultures emphasizing purity and youthful training exist. Yes, it's fine to take image inspiration from the Sardaukar. Yes, there are other Imperial guards. But when all of these things are used in one submission, just like all of them are true about the Sardaukar, and not about any of the other cultures mentioned, can you see why it seems like this is a direct importation of the Sardaukar into Star Wars?

Pleased keep this in mind when reworking the idea. Archived per submitter request.

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