Residential Archfey

RANK: ---
SPECIES: Human (formerly), Droid
SEX: Female Programming
HEIGHT: 5’10”
WEIGHT: 163 lbs
EYES: Brown
HAIR: Red, short
SKIN: Caucasian
S T R E N G T H S - W E A K N E S S E S .
+ Bulletproof Heart: While unaware of her non-human status and the benefits of having such a body, Nova is impervious to many things that would hurt a fleshy form.
+ Playing the Game: Even before being ‘upgraded’, Novaeli demonstrated a superior memory and overall mental functionality than her peers. Puzzles came easy, problem-solving was a piece of cake. She embodied brains over brawn quite literally.
+ Mobile Database: It’s the perk of having a supercomputer as part of your upgraded nervous system.
- Error: Files Not Found: Due to trauma and a little bit of modification on her creator’s part, Nova remains entirely unaware that she’s anything more than your average human. All memories of the events leading up to her physical death have gone completely forgotten.
- Electric Shock: Enough static will overload Nova’s wires. The right amount of juice and this droid will start smoking.
- Created Human: Physically droid yet still maintaining a human mind, Nova still feels emotional pain and overall poor decision-making skills especially when under tense situations.
A P P E A R A N C E .
Novaeli looked and acted like an average person of her age. Maintaining a slim yet not overly athletic figure, she was the definition of normal, albeit a bit quirky. Hair cut short and often with a highlight or two for an extra pop of color, clothing style an odd mix of semi-formal and downright lazy, she took what it meant to be teen and forged it into her own style of sorts.
By all accounts, Nova looks like the average human. She’s a carbon copy of her creator’s late muse, down to the last strand of hair. Aside from the occasional glitch in the visual sensors, the occasional jerkiness in movement (especially after being in a resting state for an extended period of time), she looks like any other human.
B I O G R A P H Y .
Novaeli was, shall we say, the ultimate victim of circumstance.
She was a good student. Always involved, be it plays, music, academics. Her parents reaped the benefits of having a child of high repute, in addition to being exceedingly successful people themselves, content to let her do as she pleased so long as the grades never dropped. It looked as if she would be following in her parents’ footsteps, being accepted into some of the better places of higher learning one could go. For someone so young she already demonstrated so much promise, being but a couple demonstrations away from a full ride and then some to any school she could possibly want.
In a perfect world, that’s just what happened.
The first demonstrations went exceedingly well. As did the next showcase of academic prowess. As did the next. Truly, things couldn’t go much better than they were. Scholarships were pretty much guaranteed, several schools were almost competing for her metaphorical allegiance. Truly, there was no way she could’ve messed her opportunity up.
And then life happened.
And as life tends to work, things went wrong. Horribly so. Some speculated it was pressure and fatigue, others overconfidence. Still, others speculated foul play at the hands of a rival. Regardless of the circumstances, what should’ve been the final demonstration of her skills before sealing the deal on higher learning suddenly became a bit more final. Novaeli herself couldn’t say what exactly happened. One moment, all was well, the next -
PASSCODE: **********
… … …

Subject No. 736 shares the likeness and memories of a late Novaeli Vield, daughter of the Vield family responsible for the majority of this company’s funding. Originally intended as a gift to both celebrate the late Novaeli’s life and the continued business partnership with the Vield family, the project was scrapped when the Vield patriarch withdrew their funding. At that point, Subject No. 736 was already in the final stages of rehabilitation and was promptly marked for observance followed by deactivation.