Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  • Corporation Name: Nargath & Zanareth Engineering Solutions
  • Headquarters: Parent company headquarters Eriadu, Division Headquarters Mygeeto.
  • Locations:
    • Denon
    • Deneba
    • Demonsgate
    • Exocron
    • Erinar
    • Eriadu
    • Kal Shebbol
    • Mandalore
    • Mygeeto
    • Olvan
    • Sanctuary
    • Zakuul
  • Operations: Engineering, Engineering consultation, Cybernetics, Design, Weapons, Armors, Ship parts, Vehicles, Household Appliances.
  • Parent Corporation:
  • Subsidiaries: -

Contrary to many companies, the N&Z and by extension N&Z Engineering Solutions or EnSol maintains a strict adherence to political neutrality, eager to maintain good relations in terms of businesses with individuals, other companies and factions, but without having to be drawn in some selfdestructive political quarreling which has brought many a grand company to its knees in the past. As such, the company adheres to the philosophy of putting profit and production before politics, expecting to achieve results through excellence rather than nepotism and lobbying.

As an Engineering company, EnSol itself as a division does not meddle in raw materials and thus does not oppress planets in such manners. However, there are dangers that come with working for a company spanning over so many worlds and employing such large numbers of people. Working conditions are not equal everywhere and while on the larger scale corruption and employee oppression has been largely routed out, there is no saying what goes on in the most remote and unchecked outposts and workshops of the company. Still, on a whole, the EnSol holds great repute in terms of working conditions and labor contracts, finding it better to have a content workforce and proper quality products rather than shoddy products made by a disgruntled workforce.

Generally in terms of business, the EnSol simply utilizes the already expansive network of N&Z storefronts, which in truth handle all of the advertising and sales, while EnSol itself is considered to be a mere division of the Corporation at large. Direct requests to EnSol itself usually run from the top down, meaning custom requests and the likes would depending on the scale of the request either go up the corporate ladder through the company's sales division or straight up to the board of directors when it comes to requests which tend to be politically heavy or may have an impact on overall sales per sector.


N&Z EnSol is a newly established division within the overarching N&Z Umbrella corporation's portfolio. As part of a wider and more extensive campaign to rationalize and synergize the company's assets, Tertius C. Nargath in his capacity of Chairman of the board of directors and interim CEO has made it clear that for the company's sake it would be much easier to remove a lot of the internal red tape and undesireable rivalries by simply merging all assets and wholly owned subsidiaries into seperate divisions based on the corporate market they operate in. As such, the majority of formerly interconnected, but still semi-autonomous subsidiaries where merged into several divisions or simply reorganized if they were the only ones within a division.

As part of this restructuring of the N&Z, most of the smaller subsidiaries that were part of the engineering arm of the company were merged together in order to form the EnSol. However, the larger subsidiaries such as Eriadu Shipyards and Infiniverse were seperated from this first wave of reorganizations. As such the EnSol only provides ship parts rather than building full and complete ships, as the individual former companies simply did not control the necessary space or equipment to operate as proper shipyards. In stead, this Engineering division would be promoted to build anything from small arms and armors to droids and even house appliances.

With the restructuring, the N&Z granted EnSol Mygeeto's offices as its main headquarters, though Mygeeto's offices in the end still answer to the Eriadu main company HQ. With the corporate striucture of the division centralised at the top, but remaining decentralised at the bottom, it manages to have a much more efficient workflow, as less internal struggles would happen and the division can share any and all designs and creations internally, without having one subsidiary fight another all for the sake of their individual pride.


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