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Approved Starship N&Z Khonshu-Class Path Stations - KPS Grant and KPS Lockley

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Manufacturer: N&Z Starworks, N&Z Shipping and Transport Services
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Semi-Unique
Length: High
Width: High
Height: Large
Size: Very Large


  • Corridor Creator: The stations use the gravitic amplitude modulators to create, stabilize, align, and adapt a hyperpath corridor connecting the two stations.
  • Quantum Coupling: While the station uses path engines to create gravitational and hyperfield energies that are usually unreadable by normal hyperdrive systems, the usage of Quantum Coupling Nodes fixes this. What these nodes do is "lock on" to the energy signature of the created corridor and convert the raw, high-energy output of the stations' path engines into a controlled force that allows the ship to travel through the corridor.
  • Fast Travel Speed: By using the energy of a 0.1 classed path engine, ships with less powerful engines can still achieve exceptionally fast travel speeds while within the network.
  • One System, Two Parts: If any part of either of the stations is damaged, then the system cannot work. Additionally, if the system fails to recalibrate correctly, it can cause either too little or too much energy to be transferred. Such an imbalance might overshoot the desired speed or cause the ship to slow too rapidly, leading to catastrophic outcomes.
  • External Interference: The hyperspace corridor is susceptible to environmental factors such as cosmic radiation and spatial anomalies. These influences could disrupt the delicate balance maintained by the path engines, making the energy transfer unpredictable. Leading to catastrophic outcomes.
  • One at a Time Please: This system uniquely uses a LOT of power, as such the system can only support one ship at a time before at least a one hour cooldown.
  • Lockdown: When the corridor is created, the stations become locked into the positions. While they can adjust with slight rotations and turns, they cannot move positions. As such, if there was a large enough burst of cosmic radiation during the transfer of a ship that would require station movement, it would be unable to, meaning that the corridor might get a little bumpy or collapse entirely.
History/How We Got Here
The Khonshu-Class Path Stations were an idea dreamt up by the engineers at N&Z Starworks with the assistance of N&Z Shipping and Transport Services (STS). After the success of the Deinon-Class HTSE, STS began to look at other ways of transporting goods across the galaxy, other than the hypergates or standard shipping lanes, this was dubbed the "Hyperlink Project." Unfortunately, their research hit a wall, and the project was abandoned until the formation of N&Z Starworks. When Director Von Strauss promoted engineers from the company to fill lead and chief positions, he pulled from any interested member of any of the affiliated N&Z companies. It just so happens that a designer from the "Hyperlink Project" was promoted and given the necessary provisions to begin the project anew. When presented with the initial idea, Director Von Strauss was impressed. He offered additional funding to the project with the provisions that the first two stations were to connect Starworks headquarters to the N&Z corporate headquarters on Eriadu (and by extension, the Eriadu Shipyards).

Eventually, through many trials and errors, and other Starwork chiefs saying it was going nowhere, the lead project designer Mar'kus Spectre presented what we have here today: The Khonshu-Class Path Station. These stations form the twin ends of an advanced path-based slingshot network, each engineered to manage the creation, maintenance, and controlled termination of a high-speed hyperpath corridor. While each station is capable of being either the Receiving station or the Transfer station, the crews have designated the Eriadu station, "KPS Grant" and the Mon Cala station, "KPS Lockley." Each station was named after the engineer who threw the switch to turn the station on.

Creating and Maintaining the Corridor
At the center of each station lies an array of gravitic amplitude modulators. These devices, while originally intended to interfere with Yuuzhan Vong War Coordinators, or Yammosks, trace their design back to the gravity wells from 418 Interdictor Cruisers. The devices would normally emit gravitic pulses, the ones inside KPS Grant and Lockley emit one continuous gravitic pulse. This causes the devices to dynamically sculpt the surrounding gravitational field by finely tuning amplitude fluctuations, which "creates" a semi-stable, resonant, artificial hyperpath. The modulators, using quantum-gravitic techniques, supported by a team of Starworks and STS Engineers alongside a vast droid brain network, continuously adjust to counteract hyperspace turbulence and cosmic disturbances when possible. This ensures that the corridor remains a smooth and predictable path. Complementing this, the quantum coupling nodes at the station and on the transferring ship, interface with the corridor's energy matrix, constantly recalibrating the energy distribution, keeping the corridor aligned.

Using the Corridor
When ships approach the station they are held in place by the RT-17 tractor beams, while quantum coupling nodes are placed at specific locations on the hull of the ship (ship specific) and on the hyperdrive system. If the ship using the Khonshu is already is equipped with a path engine, only the outside nodes need to be placed. These nodes synchronize the ships systems with the navigational data that will be provided by the station, and are responsible for the quantum-entanglement between the ship, the station, and the corridor. These nodes are also used by the station to impart a controlled burst of stored gravitational energy. This energy "kick" acts like a gravitational assist that helps propelling the transferring ship at speeds beyond its standard capabilities. While this would normally effect the travel and structural integrity of the ship, the entanglement of the ship to both the station and corridor ensures that the acceleration is smooth and within structural tolerance of the ship.

Receiver-side Controlled Deceleration
As the transferring ship nears the end of the corridor, the second station takes over with an inverse process. Instead of giving it a "kick" with stored gravitational energy, it uses the energy to create a reversed gravitic braking field. This field is carefully tuned to create a counter-force against the ships momentum. Also upon nearing the receiving station, the quantum coupling nodes swap from being entangled with the transfer station to the receiving station. Upon this switch the systems of the receiving station work in tandem with the ships inertial systems, effectively creating a regenerative breaking effect while absorbing the excess kinetic energy. This dynamic, real-time feedback means the ship can gradually and safely decelerate; transitioning from the artificial hyperpath back to realspace without incurring structural damage. Additionally, if the ship's velocity is still too high, the station's RT-17 tractor beams and spacetugs can also assist once the ship has returned to realspace.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To effectively create a starship slingshot between two locations
Permissions: N&Z, HPI

Technical Information

Affiliation: N&Z Umbrella Corporation
Model: N&Z Khonshu-Class Path Transfer and Receiving Stations | KPS Grant and Lockley [Khonshu Path Station]
Starship Class: Star Destroyer (1000m-2000m)
Starship Role: Transport
Modular: No
Material: Extremely high quality path engine parts, Ersteel 12231 and SLCA, Reinforced Quinta-Polycarbonite Lamellar Compound, Theadian, Druetium, Seigurium Light
Armaments: None
Defense Rating: Extreme
Speed Rating: Very Low
Maneuverability Rating:: Very Low
Energy Resist: Extreme
Kinetic Resist: Extreme
Radiation Resist: High
Other Resistance(s):

EMP/Ion: Very High

Minimum Crew: 50
Optimal Crew: 600
Passenger Capacity: 150
Cargo Capacity: Average
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Karl Von Strauss Karl Von Strauss

Cool sub again!
  • You forgot to add the NZ's permission to the sub about you can use it as Manufacturer.
  • The picture's creator deleted themselves from the net, but maybe this link is better, because here the poster mention their name and in the article it is their former artstation link too.
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