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N&Z SD [Security Division]

  • Image Source: [X] selfmade
  • Canon Link: -
  • Primary Source: [X]
  • Corporation Name: N&Z Security Division
  • Headquarters: Eriadu
  • Locations:
    • Eriadu
    • Seswanna
    • Lianna
    • Cathar [Training facility]
    • Schesa [Training facility]
    • Coruscant [Internal Security only]
    • New Cov [Under review]
  • Operations: Protection services small and large scale, Transport security, asset protection, mercenary activities, peacekeeping, etc
  • Parent Corporation: N&Z Umbrella Corporation
  • Subsidiaries: -
The N&Z Security Division is the enforcement arm of the greater N&Z Umbrella Corporation and is essentially a rebranding and reorganizing of the original N&Z Security Services, which is now part of the greater Security Division. This subsidiary division of the N&Z Umbrella Corporation has a multitude of tasks and operations in a wide variety of fields, ranging from small scale bodyguard duties to large scale asset protection. The N&Z S.D. or Security Division is divided into three subdivisions each with their own oversight and duties.

  • N&Z Internal Security: This subdivision is responsible for the day to day security of assets, such as industrial locations, R&D centers, shipyards, etc. They are also used to safeguard the outer perimeters of the Valkan Citadel on Eriadu. Generally they will also act as the standard issue bodyguards for prominent figures within the N&Z with exception for those who prefer to utilize approved outside security details.
  • N&Z Security Services: This subdivision is the go-to subdivision for bodyguard detail for hire, they are essentially the part of the organization which can be hired by fellow businessmen, dignitaries and others to act as reliable security detail and protection on demand.
  • N&Z Grand Security: This subdivision handles large scale protection, with an emphasis on large, as where the other subdivisions may have access to small craft and light to medium vehicles, the Grand Security subdivision has a veritable fleet and a reliable army in their roster, acting as the strong arm of the N&Z Umbrella Academy at large, while also acting partially as a contractor for those who can't save themselves in times of war.

The N&Z Security Division is a further evolution and reorganization of the original N&Z Security, though after the last round of restructuring within the N&Z corporation, this division had been given greater responsibility and a much wider scope of activities. Seeing the need to further strengthen the protection of themselves, their assets and allies both corporate and political, the N&Z allowed the N&Z Security division to swell in numbers, granting them a much larger budget to procure top notch products and material for their use. With this expansion, the addition of subdivisions made it all the more clear as to what the SD's duties were, with a subdivision for each aspect of the N&Z Security Division in place, allowing the formation of both a veritable fleet and army, all the while not forgetting the security services on a smaller scale and the internal operations and security.
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