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Approved Lore N&Z Security Division, Internal Security SubDivision

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  • Intent: To create a organization lay out for one of the N&Z Security division's subdivisions. In this case the internal security, which will be used as setpieces for N&Z locations and as standard issue bodyguards for N&Z personel bar the members of house Nargath.
  • Image Credit: STefan Celic [X]
  • Canon: N/A
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  • Organization Name: N&Z Security Division, Internal Security
  • Classification: Professional Security Organization
  • Affiliation:
  • Organization Symbol:
  • Description: The N&Z Security Division's 'Internal Security' is subdivision responsible for the day to day security of assets, such as industrial locations, R&D centers, shipyards, etc. within the N&Z Umbrella Corporation's portfolio Besides these duties, they are also used to safeguard the outer perimeters of the Valkan Citadel on Eriadu and generally they will also act as the standard issue bodyguards for prominent figures within the N&Z with exception for those who prefer to utilize approved outside security details.
  • Headquarters: Eriadu
  • Domain: The N&Z Security division generally maintains its presence mainly on Eriadu, where also the majority of its members would be recruited from thanks to the very large pool of able bodied men willing to go for either a military or mercenary carreer. As such, the division has training grounds located on several planets to prepare its employees for harsh conditions that could be present near and around the assets of the N&Z Umbrella corporation, but also to make sure these men could also operate in such strange and unusual conditions as part of the larger division, which also acts as a mercenary group. Training field locations include, but are not limited to:
  • Notable Assets:
    • Imperial Academy on Eriadu While not directly owned by the Division, they do have a handful of instructors and recruiters at the academy to make sure the yearly quota of new recruits is fullfilled.
    • N&Z Research and Development Center as the main corporation's headquarters, this massive industrial, petrochemical and biochemical complex also houses the main offices of the N&Z Security Forces and part of the terrain is thus for the use and exploitation of the division.
    • NZ Deinon Class Hypergate space station Located near Velusia and Chandaar, these two stations hold massive contingents of the N&Z Internal Security because of the fact that billions of tonnes of cargo would be expected to pass through these stations, including thousands of dignitaries and high society people.
  • Hierarchy:
    • The command structure is as followed:
      • N&Z SubDivision Commander, in command of the entirety of the N&Z Internal security subdivision, usually only takes orders from the overarching N&Z Security Division or those even higher up the corporate scale.
      • Section Commander: Overseers of a multitude of assets, they are the essential assistants to the Subdivision Commander and will in turn be more likely to perform logistical roles such as planning the security set ups, inspections and acting as the liaison between the Subdivision Commander and the Section chiefs. These section commanders generally oversee all the projects and duties of their cells and units over an entire sector.
      • SubSection Commander: Overseer of a single asset protection, they are in charge of a localized cell of N&Z Internal security Personel. This can be a single unit or several units depending on the range of the SubSection Commander's command. This can range from just a city to a star system. A section chief reports directly to the overseers of the sector in which their duties have them bound; the Section Commanders.
      • Cell Chief: Overseer of a single cell of units, this rank is somewhat fluent as usually the SubSection Commander would be in command of a single cell, but when they happen to have a much larger territory with more than regular numbers of units, they can opt to appoint a Cell commander for the sake of alleviating the pressure and improving direct oversight.
      • Unit Chief: These are in charge of a single unit of N&Z Security Personel, usually dealing with only one objective or asset. Unit chief's arrange the 'on the ground' inspections, organization of the unit and deal with the bureaucratic and administrative processes within the unit and report to the ranks above them.
      • Unit Member: Standard member rank of the N&Z Security Personel, these are the actual men and women who are on the ground and doing their duty, whether it be asset protection or guard duty.
  • Membership: The N&Z Internal Security Subdivision despite being the division with the widest spread actually is not the one with the highest number. Though the numbers are on the rise with the expansion and reorganization of the N&Z Umbrella Corporation, at best there are around one hundred fifty thousand (150,000) that work as employees for the subdivision. Though these numbers do include the trainees and office personel which when not counted would have the number drop to a more stable One hundred Thousand active members.
  • Climate: The N&Z Internal Security division, while it adhere's to the strict military code engrained within Eriaduan society, can be considered the most open and free subdivision within the N&Z Security division. With great benefits, regularized paid vacations, decent wages and bonuses based on working hours, working hazard, etc. The N&Z Internal Security Subdivision is a good place to work for anyone with the intent to have a secure job and protect their fellow employees of the company.
  • Reputation: The Internal Security subdivision is a bit less known than the more open security subdivisions, as these men and women would generally only come into contact with outsiders through their role as body guard or their role as security on locations owned by the N&Z Umbrella Corporation. As such it is not so much of a surprise that there isn't too much recognition of this organization despite it being quite the formidable force when encountered.
  • Curios: Not persay, though many of them do earn a distinctive Ersteel plate with their name and rank for each promotion baring the company and division logo. These plaques and plates are generally quite coveted among the members and carefully maintained and often proudly displayed in their bunks, barracks or homes.
  • Rules: The strict Military Code of Eriadu is the basic philosophy upon which the entire N&Z Security Division operates. Meaning that their conduct and operational strength and coordination can be compared to most professional militaries in the galaxy, this also includes the rules they follow being those of a standard army with a great deal of selfrespect: Orders must be followed, commands that are considered outrageous can be challenged if the challenger can accept the ramifications if their own choice proves to have negative consequences, etc...
  • Goals: The continued effort to protect the assets and personel of the N&Z Umbrella Corporation on site, that is their essential and only goal. This comes with the bonus of an everlasting expansion as long as the N&Z itself also expands.

The Internal Security Division as a part of the overall N&Z Umbrella Corporation technically outdates almost all other divisions, as it began its existence mainly as the non-elite guards of the Nargath Household throughout the ages. When the Nargath Household went from war to corporate interests, these men and women were officially put into service as guards and security personel of the assets on Eriadu.

With each and every growth spurt of the overarching company, the need for more security personel and guards became prevalent and as such for a long time they operated as basically the enforcers AND security of the Nargath Holding Company and the later N&Z Umbrella Corporation. However, when Tertius C. Nargath; chairman of the N&Z began his reorganizations, he saw fit to split up the N&Z's security forces and renamed them into the N&Z Security division, adding three subdivisions to better emphasize their task and duties. The Internal Security subdivision is thus responsible for the company's internal safety, the safety of its assets and personel.

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