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N&Z Shipping and Transport Services [STS]


  • Corporation Name: Nargath & Zanareth Shipping and Transport Services [N&Z STS]
  • Headquarters: Erinar
  • Locations:
    • Corelia
    • Coruscant
    • Eriadu
    • Onderon
    • Schesa
    • Seswenna
    • Teth
    • Velusia [planned]
  • Operations: The N&Z STS is primarily a shipping and freighting company, offering its services to companies and individuals in a bid on the shipping and transport market, utilizing the N&Z's own products in both a showcase of their quality and because it would be cheaper to simply use products made by the parent company rather than having to go shop for freighters with other companies. They also offer secured transport in close cooperation with the N&Z Umbrella Corporation's internal security agency.
  • Parent Corporation:
  • Subsidiaries: -
N&Z STS offers contracts for shipping of goods, products and raw materials practically all across the galaxy. They are one of the fastest growing divisions within the greater N&Z Umbrella Corporation and are generally used as a bargaining chip in obtaining valuable contracts or as a way to get a decent deal in any Joint venture with other companies. The Lack of political affiliation means that the N&Z STS is in theory capable of ignoring most, if not all trade embragos between factions and governments, as they will never be truly seen as hostile, granting them a decent level of integrity and trust, despite having no loyalty to any government.

They can essentially be contacted for any transport job of goods and materials via the holonet storefront of the N&Z Umbrella Corporation or by directly dealing with the company's CEO himself. For now their focus lies on shipping materials and goods, but there has been a desire to also expand in the people carrier business, which though small, might prove to be a lucrative market.

The N&Z STS technically already exists for several centuries (though they were originally part of the old Nargath Holdings and operated either without a name or under Nargath Transport depending on the time period) and was essentially the name given to the boys and girls who transported material from one N&Z facility to another. However, with the spreading of assets and subsidiaries, the growth within the internal transport had also ballooned, with hundreds, if not thousands of freighters, cargo vehicles and haulers doing both interplanetary as well as global transports. Seeing how this internal department could make the company a healthy profit when playing their cards right, Tertius C. Nargath in his capacity of Chairman of the board and Interim CEO of the N&Z Umbrella Corporation decided to open up the department and turn it into a well oiled division, allowing the head of the department to become a Division manager, all the while expanding the new division's assets and changing its work schedule by splitting the division into two departments: Namely internal and external shipping and transport.

The STS now holds the distinction of being only one of two divisions to offer services both internally as externally, with the N&Z Security forces being the other division that offers such a distinct service. The internal department of the division continues what it had been doing for eons, providing goods and materials internally to all required locations, while the external department offers these services of punctual, trustworthy transport to other companies, groups and individuals.

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