Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  • Corporation Name: Nargath & Zanareth Starworks
  • Headquarters: Mon Calamari
  • Locations:
    • Mon Calamari
    • Pammant
    • Kinemonen III
    • Minntooine
    • Ruisto
    • Hast
    • Eriadu
    • Schesa
  • Operations: Vehicle manufacturing, shipbuilding, and ship/vehicle-based research and development
  • Parent Corporation:
    • Parent Company: N&Z Umbrella Corporation
    • Subdivision Of: N&Z EnSol
  • Subsidiaries: -
N&Z Starworks follows the overarching policies set forth by the parent company, N&Z Umbrella Corporation, and its division, N&Z Engineering Solutions (EnSol). Starworks values its customers as individuals, not as the flags they represent. It also maintains a strict adherence to political neutrality while maintaining good relationships with other companies and factions.

N&Z Starworks is a shipbuilding and vehicle manufacturing company. As such, it does not meddle in the operations of material gathering or the business of oppressing resource-rich planets. Thanks to the company's close-knit locations, aside from Eriadu and Schesa, employee oppression is largely nonexistent, and corruption has largely been routed out thanks to the proximity to the Headquarters's ever-watchful eyes. Because of this, N&Z Starworks prides itself on safe and high-level workplace environments and fair labor contracts. To put it bluntly, happy employees mean quality products, quality products mean happy customers, and happy customers mean a thriving business.

Speaking of business, N&Z Starworks, like EnSol, utilizes the ever-expanding network of N&Z storefronts to handle advertisements and sales. Unlike EnSol, Starworks takes most private requests directly through the sales division. However, they refer governments or large-scale requests to the corporate side of N&Z or directly to the board of directors.


N&Z Starworks is the newest established subdivision of N&Z EnSol, within the overarching N&Z Umbrella Corporation's portfolio. At a director's meeting, Tertius C. Nargath redefined what it meant to be a Director for the N&Z Umbrella Corporation. This new reorganization meant the directors were essentially CEOs and COOs that together can help shape the future of the company (within reason). To make operations more efficient, Karl Von Strauss decided to merge the company's active shipyards and percentages of the shipyards under his control as Moff of the Mon Calamari Sector within the Empire of the Lost into: N&Z Starworks.

N&Z Starworks is meant to take the ship parts EnSol produces and build full and complete ships, as proper shipyards. Starworks also takes over the production of ground-based vehicles. Meaning that Starworks can produce the fastest of speederbikes to the heaviest of warships, with smatterings of the highest luxury and the homely comforts of simplicity. While Starworks doesn't specifically produce ship parts, it does research and develop weapons, sensors, stealth systems, and the like before partnering with EnSol to ensure a quality product is made.

N&Z Starworks is headquartered out of Mon Calamari and is well within the view and oversight of Director Von Strauss. Starworks is structured very similarly to EnSol in the way that it is centralized at the top and decentralized at the bottom. This allows an extremely efficient workflow and overall increase in creativity across their engineering departments. While there was some internal strife when Director Von Strauss brought in 'new' blood from engineers, whose contracts were about to expire with the EOTL's Naval Corps of Engineering, it was mostly quelled when it was revealed that the majority of the Starworks Chief and Lead positions were going to be pulled from EnSol. After all, Director Von Strauss believes in promoting from within the company when it can.

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