Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Naamah - Demonic Nightsister

  • Full name: Naamah
  • Preferred Name: Naamah
  • Alias: Persephone, Arael,
  • Titles: Horned Witch, Shadow Killer,
  • Species: Near-human Demon
  • Race: Dathomiri/Maelibus Hybrid
  • Homeworld: Dathomir
  • Faction(s): Nightsisters, Bando Gora
  • Rank(s): Witch Elder
  • Class: Seductress, Elementalist, Beast Tamer
  • Master(s): N/A
  • Padawan(s): N/A
  • Force Sensitive: Yes
  • Force Alignment: Chaotic
  • Gender: Female
  • Age: 257 Galactic Standard years
  • Height: Five feet nine inches tall,
  • Weight: 167 lbs
  • Complexion: Caucasian/Red-brown scales
  • Eye Color: Red
  • Hair Color: Crimson
  • Distinguishing Marks: Various patches of scales over her skin, Various tattooes, Many piercings.
  • Voice Sample: N/A
  • Appearance description: Standing at an average height for most human females, with a very curvy figure, Naamah is not one to shy away from her form. Busty, and according to the popular term of Thicc, Naamah is very much the looker. However, some may be turned away from her appearance due to the horns upon her head, a rather lizard like tail that extends out from her rear, or the fact that scales cover her body in patches, as well as claws and teeth as sharp as knives.
Her skin is pale due to corruption from the dark side of the force. Her skin in some lighting seems to be almost a blue color due to how pale she is, with her blood vessels being rather exposed. Red eyes and red hair, Eyes a mix of red and yellow from the same corruption.

  • Marital Status: Single, Always and forever
  • Sexual Conduct: Pansexual
  • Languages: Galactic basic, Sith, Dathomiri, Huttese,
  • Occupation: Priestess of Bando Gora, Sith Lady of the Sith Empire, Beastmaster
  • Residence: None

  • [+] Skin: As a decedent of the Maelibus species, Various patches of skin are covered in a scale/carpace that are durable and can withstand blaster fire. While her natural "human" skin isn't blaster resistant itself, her skin is still very durable compared to other species of near humans. Able to withstand bruising, cuts, and other forms of damage to a much higher degree than others.
  • [+] Voice: As a Maelibus has a voice that could make a Sith become goody two shoes, and a Jedi end the lives of innocents, Naamah also has this ability to sing, and use her voice to influence others to a great degree. While it may not be as powerful as a fullblood, She still has the goods.
  • [+] Mystic Arts: Living for over 200 years has its benefits. Studying many forms of Shaping, Alter Environment, as well as Witch powers, She is well versed in these various forms of the force. Including the altering of the force through means of Alchemy
  • [+] The better to eat you with: Much like Maelibus, She also has claws/talons as well as sharp teeth. She also is much physically stronger than expected.
  • [-] Lack of Armor: Armor is not a priority to Naamah. About the best she will wear is robes, and skimpy clothing.
  • [-] Primitive: Naamah is not a person to use blasters, guns or any kind of high tech weaponry. Swords, staffs, bows, sure. About the best you can get her to do, is get into a ship and have someone pilot it for her.
  • [-] No pilot: No technology, thus she knows not a damn thing about flying a ship, or using any form of a vehicle other than a beast mount.
  • [-] Outcast: As a half-breed of two species that are rather reclusive, Naamah is not really accepted into either group. Even if she is a well versed force user.
  • [-] Solar Light: Sensitivity to Light, Naamah can burn faster in the sun, finds it more difficult to look into direct sunlight, and prefers to be in the dark.
  • [-] No Offspring: As she is a mix between two very different species, Her genetic make up screwed her over. She is infertile, and is missing the female reproductive system. While she still has mammary glands, its only partly there as they are covered in scales for portions of it, and thus has no real reproduction system. Nor can she lactate.
  • [-] Lustful, but cant: As much as Naamah is unable to use a reproductive system, she is seen often in a flirtatious, or even lustful appearance, and actions. She wants to have the ability to reproduce, but physically cant. Yet she still tries.
  • [-] Death's Zealot: Naamah accepts death as her God. She melds the religious aspect of the Nightsisters as advocates of Death who is the supreme ruler of all. Thus, she is completely devoted to causing death, and bring it to others.
  • [-] Pants on Fire: Naamah is a pure liar. She is not afraid to tell little lies, or completely turn someone in the wrong direction for whatever reason she may have. While she is not likely to do this to allies, Anyone else? Fair game.
  • [-] Immoral: She has no filter. Speech, Physical actions, religious beliefs or otherwise. She will speak what she feels, and won't be afraid to say it, and will rarely regret it.
  • [-] Allergies: Allergic to Bacta. Not so great when trying to heal wounds.


Spells - Nightsister
Spirit Ichor Manipulation - Apex - The source of almost all of the Spells and incantations of the Witches of Dathomir, It allows the summoning of items, usage of various spells as well as be used as a mist to hide within different planes of existence.
Scream of the Ssurian - Master - A spell to influence her own voice to a much higher volume, as well as a pure shreak that can damage people, and items.
Mesmerism - Master - Using Spirit Ichor, Naamah can alter the very thoughts of weaker beings to her will with a tap on their forehead.
Surge of the Brier - Master - Utilizing Spirit Ichor, Naamah is able to control the very life and movement of plant life around her to her whim. As she is an Elemental Sorceress, Having this ability is one of the top of her lists.
Touch of the Kiin'Dray - Proficient - The spell allows for Naamah to hold onto weapons, grip onto walls and even climb then with an iron grasp. Not easily broken. However, if she were to lose concentration upon the spell, then she would be returned to her natural strength.
Speed of the Toocha - Proficient - A spell based form of force speed, it allows her to act even faster than she already naturally is.
Revitalization of the Whuffa - Adept - The ability to revitalize one self, or even others. This can be used as a limited form of accelerated healing, as well as reattach limbs in very rare cases.
Spell of Interpretation - Adept - A spell that when held, allows for a temporary span of time for her to understand and speak languages that she would otherwise not know of.
Blood Trail - Adept - The ability to mark an item, person, or otherwise object with her own blood to keep track of said object. While she could reasonably feel a general idea of where a person may be, she can't pin point them out every time.

Magic - Sorceress
Aura of Uneasiness - Master - Much like drawing attention to herself by manipulation of the mind, doing the opposite to repel others away from her, the aura is very useful when confronting foes, or just wanting people to stay out of her way as she walks down the street.
Sith Alchemy - Proficient - One of the most well known uses of Sith Magic, Alchemy is the altering of objects or beings with the dark side of the force to be twisted into something else. Being well versed in this, she can create force artifacts, and otherwise forge what she wants.
Force Blast - Proficient - The conjuring of dark side energy into a mass, and releasing it upon others. Obliterating whatever is in its path, scathing marks can leave burns, or even rip asunder limbs and armor.
Dark Side Tendrils - Proficient - Summoning of a black mist, from whence tendrils of pure dark side energy lash out to completely and utterly destroy all they thrash upon. Requiring full concentration, the only way to use this, is bu focusing completely at the task at hand.
Force Phantom - Adept - The conjuring via a ritual, of a very life like projection of herself, to serve one desire, and one desire only. While she rarely uses this, she can do it every so often.

Force - Elemental
Shaping - Apex - The complete altering, and manipulation of the for corner elements of Fire, Wind, Water, and Earth. As a Master Elementalist, She has had over hundreds of years to train and to become more than proficient with these powers. As they are said to mimic the usage of many Dathomari traditions. As such, Naamah sought out these traditions.

Weaponry - Assassin
Daggers - Apex - In usage of various short bladed weaponry ranging from a simple pocket knife, to long knives, and daggers, Naamah is well adept in coming in close for a kill, or using such weapons to defend herself from others who may draw too close to her.
Bow - Master - While not the best, but still very accurate and deadly to a mastery of the weapon type, This demon can easily use various bow types within her armory.
Swords/Blades - Proficient - While not her first choice of weaponry, should she have need to use it, she can pick up just about any bladed weapon and used it to a higher proficiency compared to the average soldier.
|| Possessions ||
Energy Bow - A bow using plasma to fire bolts down range. Able to act much like a blaster rifle, only in bow form instead of a rifle. While it may be considered advanced technology, it is still operated like a bow, and thus can be used by Naamah.
Twin Daggers - A set of daggers that are used by the demon for self defense and to be used in assassinations for various means.
Witchsword - A collapsible vibroblade that has been altered by Sith Alchemy to be resistant to lightsabers should she come to fight against them, and can easily be stored upon her body should she feel the need to carry one. A gift from the Verd Clan/Bando Gora.

Clothing - A very simple set of clothing that offers barely any protection of any form for her. Its mostly just to cover up her naughty bits, and to be presentable in public view.
Hooded Attire - Much like the other clothing styles she may have, only this comes with a hood, a more formal silk instead of leathers and cloths, as well as a battle skirt, and some furs and decorative bone pieces on her left shoulder.

Resam Lightball - A ball that can be carried with oneself and project light around the user in a witchy fashion.
Briya'chite - A crystal that is worn upon herself that can absorb electrical charges, and ambient electrical energies to be used at a later date as a power source, or to give Naamah a boost in power here or there.

Samael - A male slave, and Maleling in servitude of Naamah. He is trained to use technology, and the ability to fly ships for Naamah's use, as she refuses to operate them herself. Trained as a warrior, and Gladiator, The man is well versed in the usage of melee weaponry, and close combat.
Fanged One - A creature of the Disease Sithspawn, it is much like the others of its species. However, it has been connected to Naamah so that she may ride upon it, and fight along side it, as well as defend Naamah should the need arise. Called "Fanged One" due to it taking a very close resemblance to the "Fanged God" that the Nightsisters worship.

MC15 Niathal-Class Shuttle - A simple vessel to be flow by her slave to go wherever she is needed to be.

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