Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Naamino Zuukamano

Naamino Zuukamano

Zabrak (Iridonian)
Height5’2” but still growing
Weight110 lbs but still growing
Force Sensitiveyes


Naami is a serious boy with a rather willowy build. His head looks clean shaven but in truth he has never grown hair on his scalp and instead, as if in compensation for that, he has large moon-blue horns. The boy has pale but healthy looking skin covered with ample freckles. His eyes are a soft blue and aside from his rather unique horns, he would otherwise appear to be a nondescript boy dressed most commonly in layered robes.


Work in progress


Naami is shy and serious, which is contradicted by his desire to achieve great successes. He is a solemn boy who wears the effects of his upbringing on his sleeve. Raised by his aunt and uncle, with his cousin who is now more akin to an older sister, the young zabrak feels it is his duty to excel in the military and make his family proud.


Bookish - he has always tested at the top of his class in mundane schooling. He's grown a penchant for devouring holonet articles, memorizing star charts, and becoming hyper fixated on topics which interest him.

Hard headed - despite what would otherwise be considered meek characteristics, Naami is a bullish boy when it comes to his hopes and dreams. It's too simple to categorize him as "ambitious" because there is so much else at play for him. He has so much to prove, he has his family's memory to honor, and deep down he feels he has a galaxy to save by bringing it to order. In truth? He has all the makings of a great soldier- perhaps even a leader.


Naïveté - as is common with youth, this zabrak boy has much to learn. Though he is not gullible in the sense of being easy to fool, he is impressionable and grew up believing propaganda regarding the Galactic Alliance being a destabilizing force. He could be similarly influenced to believe people or narratives which align with the views of his upbringing.

The Spirit is Willing but Flesh is Weak - Naami is yet untrained in any of the ways of combat. He maintained his fitness as a youth with regular exercise, treating physical education with the same diligence focus as his studies. His uncle also scraped together enough credits to pay for him to be taught basic self defense and simple martial discipline, but he is yet untested on any kind of true practice ground of war.


Burgeoning in the Force - the boy's force abilities are just beginning to reveal themselves. With time and training he will surely learn mastery over them, but for now he must be cautious with his use of power he does not understand.


Work in progress




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