Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Naast'ika Laaran



Name: Naast'ika Laaran (Literal Translation: "Little Destroyer That Sings"
Loyalties: Mandal Hypernautics, Hyperion Security, [member="Captain Larraq"],
Role: Stealth Recon Vessel
Age: 10 years old
Species: Mesen'loras
Total Size
Length: 150m Prow to Tail Length
Height: 30m Average Total Height
Width: 70m Minimum Total Width
Width: 90m Maximum Total Width
Main Body Size
Length: 150m Prow to Tail Length
Height: 24m Main Hull Height
Width: 45m Main Hull Width
Nacelle Size
Length: 115m Nacelle Length
Height: 21m Nacelle Height
Width: 12m Nacelle Width (each)
Skin Color: Red and Black
Hair Color: NA
Breathes: NA
Force-Sensitive: No, but resonates slightly in the force when singing


Personality: Curious and explorative
Weapon of Choice: Proton Cannon, Plasma Cannons, Dovin Basal,
Wealth: No personal wealth or concept of money
Combat Function: Stealth Recon, Light Naval Support, Medical Corvette,

  • + Cybernetic Modifications
  • + Natural and Cybernetic Stealth
  • + Natural and Cybernetic Defenses
  • + Natural and Cybernetic Weaponry
  • + Extremely hard to detect
  • + Fast for a ship of its size
  • + Extremely agile for a ship of its size
  • - Limited fire-arcs
  • - Limited communication options
  • - Highly reliant on a crew to operate
  • - Small size (in comparison to capital ships)
  • - When using Dovin Basal's, highly visible on Gravimetric / CGT sensors
  • - Feels pain when injured and will become less compliant to Captain's requests

Sleek and predatory, Naast'ika's kind are called Prowlers for a reason. The creatures are characterized by a triangular prow section flanked by two nacelle, each ending in a semi-flexible Etheric Rudder. Prowlers are highly emotional beings and will 'sing' when happy or depressed by resonating on subspace frequencies. These songs are often considered to be both haunting and beautiful by the few individuals to have heard these calls and are said to resonate weakly in the force.

Inside and out, Naast'ika is a matrix of organic structures, biomechanical systems, and electronic components working together as one. Naast'ika's naturally occurring thick, durasteel strength carapace is enhanced by a layer of 3cm thick Beskar Plating as protection. His naturally occurring Hydrostatic Shields are augmented by cybernetically grafted Deflector Shielding. And his naturally armament of Plasma Cannons and Dovin Basal's are augmented by a cybernetically adorned Proton Cannon and four grafted Point-Defense Emplacement.



Naast'ika Laaran was born in Kibo Lake on Ord Cestus. Though he has never viewed it as such, he was born as a slave to Mandal Hypernautics. The result of an extensive genetic experiment, Naast'ika was the first of his kind. Though he has eleven siblings inhabiting Kibo Lake, only three of the others have undergone the forced maturation and cybernetic augmentations that make him what he is today.

Though extensive programming and conditioning were a part of the forced maturation process, Naast'ika had undergone little actual training and was extremely inexperienced during his first several missions. Upon his second birth from the Mesen'yai Station, Naast'ika was immediately stocked, crewed, and paraded around as an example of Mandal Hypernautics' superior shipbuilding skills. His official training in military exercises would come later, much to the relief of his exasperated crew and captain.

Serving as a private warship for Hyperion Security, Naast'ika would perform a number of combat and non-combat missions during the next several years of his life. While much of this was done with an organic crew to watch over Naast'ika's actions and teach him to navigate a dangerous galaxy, the Mandalorian Cataclysm would bring an end to such times. As the parent company that funded Naast'ika's operations collapsed and no new orders came, the crew of Naast'ika abandoned the little ship that they may return home and tend to whatever families they had left.

Without a crew or a captain, Naast'ika wandered the stars for many years, visiting various ports he was already familiar with and occasionally stumbling onto new locations to rest and interact with humans. Naast'ika would occasionally lend his aide to various organizations over the years and would sometimes take on missions is exchange for supplies and maintenance. At other times, Naast'ika would go hunting for wandering pods of wild Mesen'loras, creatures that had likewise escaped captivity upon the collapse of the old Mandalorian Clans.

(N) None ; (I) Initiate ; (A) Adept ; (M) Master

  • (A) Familiarity with Cybernetic Augmentations
  • (A) Safe Docking Procedures
  • (A) Docking with Hostile Ships
  • (A) Internal Threat Assessment
  • (A) Internal Threat Neutralization
  • (M) Obedience and Loyalty
  • (A) Courage Under Fire
  • (M) Maneuvering Near Gravity Wells
  • (A) Maneuvering in Tight Formation
  • (M) Maneuvering in Atmosphere
  • (M) Maneuvering Underwater
  • (A) Evasive Maneuvers
  • (A) Long Range Scanning
  • (M) Planetary Surveying
  • (A) Detecting Electrical Emissions
  • (A) Detecting Electronic Emissions
  • (A) Detecting Magnetic Fields
  • (A) Detecting Gravity Fluctuations
  • (A) Target Identification
  • (I) Target Prioritization
  • (I) Identifying Critical Components
  • (M) Identifying Lifeforms
  • (I) Recognizing Signs of Stealth Technology
  • (A) Aquatic Navigation
  • (M) Atmospheric Navigation
  • (A) Stellar Navigation
  • (A) Interstellar Navigation
  • (A) Weapon Accuracy
  • (A) Predicting Trajectory
  • (M) Shot Placement
  • (M) Defensive use of Dovin Basal
  • (A) Offensive use of Neuroengine-mounted Dovin Basals
  • (I) Crew Relations
  • (A) Droid Oversight
  • (I) Detaining Prisoners
  • (A) Caring for the Critically Injured
  • (I) Logistics and Cargo Management

(S) Study and Review ; (T) Simulated Training ; (E) Training Exercise ; (L) Live Fire ; (K) Combat Experience

  • (K) Skirmish near Asteroid Field
  • (K) Escort Transport (2x)
  • (E) Explore Uncharted Worlds (4x)
  • (K) Engaging Hostile Starfighters (2x)
  • (K) Engaging Ground Forces (1x)
  • (K) Engaging Capital Ship (1x)
  • (+)
  • (+)
  • (+)

(P) Political ; (H) Humanitarian ; (M) Military ; (L) Law and Order ; (S) Social ; (E) Exploratory
  • (L) Murdered swarm of Rekghouls
  • (M) Heavily Damaged Hostile Battlecruiser
  • (+)
  • (+)
  • (+)

(G) General ; (T) Training ; (K) Campaign ; (D) Dominion ; (S) Skirmish ; (I) Invasion
  • Docking space for 8x Starfighters
  • 5x MTX D-Type Loader Droids
  • 1x AT-MP Mining Vehicle
  • - 4 Tons of Non-Perishable Foods and Supplies
  • - 4 Tons of Medical Supplies
  • - 20 Tons of Ordnance
  • 1x "the Red Engine, or something very much like it."
  • 1x "a sample of stygium - enough for a very small snubfighter, or a personal vehicle"
  • (+)
  • (+)
  • (+)

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