Nad Yuuza
The Great Equation
Music | an inquisitive mind |
Aliases | N/A |
Class(es) | TBD |
Birthplace | Yag’Dhul |
Place of residence | Tython |
Age | Young Adult |
Personality Traits | Inquisitive Intelligent Socially Awkward Just |
Education and History Traits | Astute Intellectual |
Lifestyle Traits | Scholar |
Rank(s) | Jedi Padawan |
Faction(s) | New Jedi Order Galactic Alliance |
Species | Givin |
Languages | Galactic Basic Binary Givin |
Gender | Male |
Force Sensitive | Y |
Force Alignment | Light |
Character Alignment | Neutral |
Height | 5’9” |
Weight | 144lbs |
Chapter I
Born on Yag’Dhul with a rare condition that affected his appearance, Nad was raised in a loving family regardless. Growing up, he quickly gained a reputation as a mathematical prodigy and a genius, even amongst his people. From a young age, he was considered a potential candidate for the Body Calculus, especially thanks to his speciality in Null-Modal Probability and advanced equations. It was not understood quite how he was able to so easily act on things that were to come, and he could not answer it either; he just ‘knew’ the most mathematically probable outcome.
Growing into a young adult, his reputation grew on Yag’Dhul as warlords rose in the wake of the Confederacy’s power vacuum in the Southern Systems. He was able to predict the movements of fleets, of which ship designs would face later problems despite the arguments of great mathematicians. When the offer finally came to join the Body Calculus, Nad considered it for a few moments before deciding that it was a mathematically poor choice to make; instead, he left his home and travelled to the Galactic Alliance and New Jedi Order - somehow, he knew that the equations he saw, that which revealed the mathematics of the galaxy to him, was the Force.