Aver Brand
Intent: A stealth suit for the Nadir armor portfolio.
Image Source: Xhttps://www.artstation.com/artist/gvprashanth
Canon Link: /
Restricted Missions: /
Primary Source: Xhttp://starwarsrp.net/topic/112242-nadir-p-series-concealed-armor/
Manufacturer: Nadir
Model: NADIR E-SERIES Infiltrator armor
Affiliation: Closed-Market
Modularity: /
Production: Limited
Material: NT-1http://starwarsrp.net/topic/112113-nt-1/, Myoflex
Classification: Stealth armor
Weight: 3 kg
Quality: 6
The thermoguard bodyglovehttp://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Thermoguard_bodyglove hides your presence from infrared and thermal scanners.
The sensor-deflector sprayhttp://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Sensor-deflector_spray deflects and absorbs weaker sensors at range.
The Reflechttp://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Reflec/Legends coating stops the stronger sensors and warps the light around you, making you harder to detect.
The integrated HDMhttp://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Holographic_disguise_matrix/Legends can be engaged to assume a range of disguises, allowing you to adapt to a wide array of circumstances – from wide open spaces to milling crowds; from a no-name stormtrooper to the Dark Lord of the Sith.
Both gauntlets are equipped with a handy suite of computer spikes and EMP disruptorshttp://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/EMP_disruptor for quickly dealing with security systems, doors, and other such pesky obstacles.
Sneaky McSneakyface: Constructed from NT-1, and with a comprehensive suite of sensor-deflecting equipment to boot, the E-series is geared first and foremost towards one thing – stealth. The HDM is just a cherry on top, extending the infiltrative capabilities of the armor well beyond sneaky missions in the dead of night.
Bite that bullet: Even for the best infiltrator in the world, shet can go sideways – to that end, the armor offers solid protection from energy damage. It can handle melee weapons and small arms as well, but anything with a good deal of kinetic energy (grenades, high-powered slugthrowers, etc.) will have no problems punching through.
Smooth operator: The armor is designed to offer you mobility and flexibility – Nadir knows that agents need to move quickly and silently behind enemy lines.
EMP/Ion: The HDM and slicing tools are all quite sensitive to this form of attack. If hit, they will cease working immediately, depriving the infiltrator of critical equipment. While the HDM can be extracted, reset, and engaged again in a lengthy and complicated process, the slicing tools need to be replaced completely.
Joints: To provide the appropriate mobility, joints are necessarily left with less protection and padding than the flat planes of the body. This makes them more susceptible to attacks, especially of the stabbing kind.
Hot stuff: Classic downside of the NT-1. While the myoflex does its job well, everything stops at some point. Flash-heat like that of a grenade is – perhaps counter-intuitively – less dangerous than the continuous barrage of a fully-automatic blaster rifle. If you’re doing your infiltrating right, getting shot should be an issue, but accidents happen. Accidents like getting your armor melted into your flesh, for example.
Ssssizzle: Another problem arising from the usage of NT-1 is the high conductivity for electricity. Nadir strongly recommends avoiding Sith Lords, exposed wires, and particularly judgmental Jedi – tissue necrosis is no joke.
The Concealed armorhttp://starwarsrp.net/topic/112242-nadir-p-series-concealed-armor/ was a step in the right direction, but Nadir doesn’t stop at minimum effort. While the P-series might offer basic functionality and protection, the E-series is meant to expand the concept and offer a much more rounded product to the accomplished operative.
From the ground up, the Infiltrator armor was designed to cater to the specific needs of spies, assassins, and other agents who employ similar methods. The suit is light and stripped down compared to a full battlefield armor – all the fat has been trimmed twice and thrice over throughout the testing process. The E-series emerges as a balanced product, intended first and foremost to assist in clandestine undertakings.
The usage of electronic equipment has been reduced to the bare minimum – the situation of a lone operative is always unpredictable, and catching a bolt to the face because your damn power cell ran out is probably one of the dumbest ways to die (right up there with poking a sleeping Krayt dragon). The rest of the suit’s infiltration capabilities are designed around passive systems that are far less fickle in comparison, giving you a sturdy backbone of stealth even if other systems fail for whatever reason.
In spite of this, Nadir recognizes that missions rarely go according to plan. To this end, the armor is construed from their proprietary compound, NT-1, which offers a great deal of protection from both energy and kinetic damage. Though this should be obvious to our skilled and experienced clientele, Nadir reiterates – for safety purposes – that the E-series is not a combat armor. It’s protective for its class, but it’s primarily designed to be stealthy. As we can’t have our cake and eat it too, certain protective features simply had to go.
Think of it as incentive to be really good at the infiltrating bit.