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Approved Starship Nael-class Kinetic Star Destroyer

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Manufacturer: Aurora Industries
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Semi-Unique
Length: High
Width: Average
Height: Average
Size: Large

  • Classification: Kinetic Assault Star Destroyer
  • Length: 1,500 meters
  • Width: 860 meters
  • Height: 400 meters
  • Armament: Extreme
    • Two AI-HVC1 "Odin" Hypervelocity Cannons
      • Spinal Mounted to run along the length of the ship
      • Gunnery Crew are able to switch between MHD, MAC, and Barrage Loadouts
    • Twelve Octuple Barbette AI-MD4 "Ixion" Mass Driver Batteries
      • Six Port Mounted, 180 Degree Rotation
      • Six Starboard Mounted, 180 Degree Rotation
    • Sixty Quad AI-MD4 "Ixion" Mass Driver Batteries
      • Twenty Dorsal Mounted
      • Twenty Ventral Mounted
      • Ten Port Mounted
      • Ten Starboard Mounted
      • Gunnery Crew are able to switch between Standard Mass Driver, Rapid-Fire, MAC, and Stream Loadouts
    • Eighty Destroyer-scaled Variable Flextube Launchers
  • Defenses: Very High
    • Titan-type Advanced Hull Plating
      • Triple-layered Armored Hull Plating with integrated deflector shield
    • Kirin Shielding System
      • Quad-layered shielding system with ray shields, particle shields, and molecular shielding
    • Two Hundred and Fifty Quad AI-PD4 "Leviathan" Point Defense Emplacements
      • Equally spread across the hull for wide coverage of the ship, with a slightly heavier focus on the rear sections of the ship to mitigate the chief blind spot of Star Destroyers
      • Retractable Quad Turret Emplacements, Fire-Linked
  • Hangar Space: Average
    • Eight Squadrons
  • Hangar Allocations:
    • Starfighters: 6 squadrons
    • Support Craft: 2 squadrons
  • Maneuverability Rating: Low
    • 30 DPF
  • Speed Rating: Low
    • 55 MGLT - Speed in Space
    • 800 km/h - Atmospheric Speed
  • Hyperdrive:
  • Life Support Systems
  • Other Shielding Systems
  • Power Generator
  • Navicomputer and Guidance Systems
    • Standard Military-Grade Navigation Systems
    • Standard Military-Grade Guidance Systems
  • Targeting Systems
    • Standard Military-Grade Targeting Systems
  • Security Systems
    • Impervium Blast Doors
    • Internal Ray Shield Emitters
    • Klaxon Alarm/Warning System
    • Other Standard Security Systems including an extensive security and sensor network
  • Crew Compliment Composition
    • Minimum Crew - 18,000
      • Thirteen Thousand Crewmembers
      • Four Thousand and Eight Hundred Officers
        • Ranking Officer - Captain or Higher depending on if the ship is acting as a command vessel
      • Two Hundred Pilots
    • Optimal Crew - 30,000
      • Twenty-two Thousand Crewmembers
      • Seven Thousand and Eight Hundred Officers
        • Ranking Officer - Captain or Higher depending on if the ship is acting as a command vessel
      • Two Hundred Pilots
  • Cargo/Passenger Capacity Composition
    • 30,000 metric tons of equipment
    • 10,000 metric tons of ammunition and ordinance for weapon systems
  • Consumables
    • Three Galactic Standard Years' worth of supplies
  • The Nael-class is equipped with plentiful and devastating kinetic-based firepower between the three different firing modes of its Odin Hypervelocity Cannons and the four different firing modes of its Ixion Mass Drivers. In addition to these, it has a massive capacity for ordinance such as capital-scale concussion missiles and torpedoes.
  • Making use of the Titan armor plating and the Kirin shielding system, the Nael-class has an excessive amount of defensive armor and shielding along with the large number of point defense emplacements to protect the ship from enemy fire and starfighters.
  • Each Nael-class is equipped with a Syldra Communications Suite to give the ship a secure form of telepathic communication that is exceedingly difficult to eavesdrop on and the ability to communicate through highly secure traditional communications technology.
  • As the Nael-class relies solely upon kinetic weapons and ordinance launchers for its offensive weaponry, in prolonged engagements, it can run the risk of depleting its ammunition stores. It is highly recommended that commanders and gunnery crews ensure they are aware at all times the level of their ammunition stores.
  • If the weapon's ammunition core chamber is sabotaged in some way for both the Odin Hypervelocity Cannons or the Ixion Mass Drivers, the core will like smash through the bottom of the weapon due to its density and will render the weapon inoperable until it can be repaired. Likewise, if the Starscourge powering the Odin is damaged or becomes sabotaged, it won't be able to fire until the damage is repaired.
  • While damage to the hull can be repaired on its due to its design, the sensors and other electronics for the Divine Eyes sensor system are embedded in the hull. Destroyed parts of the hull could create blind spots in the ship's sensor networks. Additionally, while the laninanium present can repair the inner layer of the plating system, it cannot repair the outer layer if it is damaged or destroyed, requiring drydock time to fix the vessel. In addition, while it can repair minor damages fairly quickly, major damage can take hours if not days to repair itself and could still require drydock time for the ship to reach full operability.

The first brand new Star Destroyer type vessel developed by Aurora Industries since the venerable Centurion and Praetorian Destroyers, the new Nael-class Kinetic Star Destroyer is a massive improvement over any of its previous generations. Designed as part of the Highwind Program, the Nael-class makes use of several of Aurora Industries latest systems, but most prominently is built around two of the company's Odin Hypervelocity Cannons for use as an artillery destroyer with massive amounts of kinetic hyperpower. In addition to the Odin cannons, the ship's offensive weaponry is exclusively AI-MD "Ixion" Mass Drivers and variable ordinance launchers as the design team noticed the increase in more powerful energy shielding such as Xythan and Molecular shielding. Special compartments were developed to house the ammunition of the vessel, ensuring that it is close at hand for gunners and for the launchers and mitigating the damage a breach into a magazine might cause to the ship.

Nael-class is also armored with the company's Titan Advanced Hull Plating system and makes use of the Kirin Shielding system to give the vessel multiples layers of defenses both through shielding and armor. Over two hundred quad Leviathan Point Defense Emplacements also give the ship a high degree of protection from enemy fighters and ordinance, while as a massive improvement over previous Aurora destroyers, it has a hangar bay that can field six squadrons of fighters and bombers and two squadrons of support craft.

Each Nael-class destroyer is equipped with a Syldra Communications Suite and a Divine Eyes Sensor and Electronics System for secure communications and a vast array of sensors and readouts.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To submit a new Star Destroyer ship utilizing exclusively kinetic based weaponry for Aurora Industries to sell.
Image Source(s):
Permissions: Solarium Glasteel; Divine Eyes Sensor and Electronics System

Technical Information

Affiliation: Aurora Industries; Individuals, Companies, and Factions that have purchased, licensed, or contracted the company
Model: Nael-class Kinetic Star Destroyer
Starship Class: Star Destroyer (1000m-2000m)
Starship Role: Ordinance
Modular: No
Material: Solarium Glasteel; Duralloy; Hijarna Stone; Laminanium; Trimantium; Micro-scaled Low-level Deflector Shield Emitters; AR-0B Damage Reduction Armor Component; Starship Components and Electronics
Armaments: AI-HVC "Odin" Hypervelocity Cannon
AI-MD4 "Ixion" Mass Driver
Variable Flextube Launchers
Defense Rating: Very High
Speed Rating: Low
Maneuverability Rating:: Low
Energy Resist: Very High
Kinetic Resist: Very High
Radiation Resist: Very High
Minimum Crew: 18000
Optimal Crew: 30000
Passenger Capacity: 5000
Cargo Capacity: Average
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